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Ancient places can be found all over Asia. Their fascinating histories and impressive artifacts open intriguing glimpses to times past, and open up a window on Asian history. Visiting such historical places in Asia can be an unforgettable experience.

Science is constantly discovering new archaeological places and uncovering more evidence into what we once thought we knew about our history, therefore offering new pieces to the ever changing puzzle of humanity’s past and altering how we interpret it. This section will present the most interesting archaeological sites all over Asia, as well as new discoveries of ancient places that are worth paying a visit.

Kofun keyhole tomb in Japan. Source: TM / Adobe Stock.

Unlocking Japan's Keyhole Tombs: Ancient Secrets (Video)

A sense of intrigue and mystery surrounds the enigmatic keyhole-shaped kofun tombs of Japan. These captivating monuments, exemplified by the renowned Mozu Tombs in Sakai city, Osaka, have recently...
Japanese Christian. Source: leungchopan / Adobe Stock.

Kakure Kirishitan: Japan’s Forbidden Faith (Video)

In 1614, a storm of persecution raged across Japan as Christianity was declared illegal. The crackdown led to the arrest and execution of missionaries, pushing the faithful underground. These...
Illustration of Caesarea Sunken Treasure. Source: Declan Hillman / Adobe Stock.

Ancient Riches Resurface: Divers Unearth Caesarea's Treasure Trove (Video)

In a remarkable discovery, two divers recently stumbled upon an astonishing treasure trove in the shallow waters of Caesarea , an ancient Roman port located on the Mediterranean Sea. As they explored...
Detail of statue of Chandragupta Maurya to the right. Background of India. Source: Public Domain and HistoryDiscussion

The Rise of Chandragupta Maurya, and the Golden Age of the Mauryan Empire

Having conquered the mighty Achaemenid Empire, Alexander the Great set his sights on the north western region of the Indian subcontinent. Thus, in 327 BC, the Macedonian king began his campaign by...
Cliff dwellings in Kandovan village, Iran. Source: Left; knovakov / Adobe Stock, Right; naytoong/Adobe Stock

Kandovan: The Volcanic Cave Cut Village of Iran

Kandovan is a unique cave village located in the northwestern province of East Azerbaijan, Iran. The village is famous for its extraordinary architecture, where people have carved their homes into...
Students studying at Nalanda University, India. Source: Amith / Adobe Stock.

1500-Year-Old Nalanda University Makes a Comeback (Video)

Founded over 1,500 years ago, Nalanda University in India is widely regarded as the world's first residential university , predating even Oxford University by more than 500 years. During its heyday,...
Ancient Sumerian city of Eridu, early city in southern Mesopotamia, close to the Persian Gulf near the mouth of the Euphrates River. Source: Rick/Adobe Stock

15 Fascinating Facts About The Sumerians

The ancient civilization of Sumer never ceases to captivate and intrigue. Scholars and historians are constantly busy uncovering new details and aspects of this civilization, even centuries after the...
Hegra, Saudi Arabia. Source: ab / Adobe Stock.

Hegra, Petra's Forgotten Twin (Video)

The magnificent ancient city of Petra , nestled in the rugged mountains of modern-day Jordan, captivates visitors with its breathtaking beauty and historical significance. Recognized as one of the...
Night view of the Old Citadel of Aleppo, Syria. Source: holdeneye/Adobe Stock

Aleppo: Before and After the Ravages of War (Video)

Aleppo , Syria, experienced a dramatic transformation due to the conflict that unfolded in the country. Once a vibrant and culturally rich ancient city, Aleppo now bears the scars of war. Before the...
Banteay Chhmar temple complex, Cambodia. Source: Diego Delso/CC BY-SA 3.0

Carved in Stone: The Ancient Splendor of Banteay Chhmar (Video)

Banteay Chhmar temple in Cambodia stands as a remarkable testament to the country's rich history. Constructed during the 12th century, this ancient temple complex showcases intricate bas-reliefs and...
Representational image of an Aghori. Source: Dondon Gigantone / Adobe Stock.

Aghori: Exploring the Bizarre World of Extreme Asceticism (Video)

The Aghori are an intriguing sect of Hinduism known for their unconventional practices and ascetic way of life. They seek spiritual liberation through intense discipline and the transcendence of...
Tarim Basin mummy, China. Credit: Wenying Li, Xinjiang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology

Unraveling the Mysteries of China’s Ancient Caucasian Mummies (Video)

In a groundbreaking archaeological discovery, mummies with distinctly Caucasian features were unearthed in China's Tarim Basin. Where did they come from ? These remarkably preserved bodies, dating...
Traditional soy sauce production. Source: Quang / Adobe Stock.

750 Years of Flavor: The Story of Yuasa's Soy Sauce (Video)

In the captivating town of Yuasa, Japan, a remarkable secret has been safeguarded for an astonishing 750 years. It is here that the origins of soy sauce , a cornerstone of Japanese gastronomy , were...
The Titus Tunnel, ancient Roman waterway carved into rocks. Source: isayurtsever/Adobe Stock

From Floods to Fame: The Remarkable Story of the Titus Tunnel in Turkey

The Vespasianus Titus Tunnel is a 2,000-year-old engineering marvel – a massive tunnel dug through a mountain that was built to divert the floodwaters threatening the harbor near the ancient city of...
The Taizhou mummy was discovered accidentally by road workers and was found immersed in a mysterious brown liquid. Source:  GU XIANGZHONG, XINHUA

Accidental Find of Impeccably Preserved Ming Dynasty Taizhou Mummy

Mummies often evoke thoughts of the ancient Egyptians and their sophisticated mummification rituals. These practices aimed to create a seamless transition between life and death and led to remarkable...
Shaolin monk in the temple. Source: Animaflora PicsStock / Adobe Stock.

Kung-Fu Legends: The Shaolin Temple Monks (Video)

The Shaolin Temple is an ancient Buddhist monastery located on Song Mountain in the Henan Province of China. The temple has a history that spans over 1500 years and has been the birthplace of a...
The awe-inspiring Gopachal rock-cut Jain monuments in Madhya Pradesh, India. Source: sumit / Adobe Stock

India’s Gopachal Rock-Cut Jain Monuments: A Colossal Cultural Marvel

The Indian subcontinent boasts a rich history and is home to some of the world's most impressive ancient artworks. Among them are the awe-inspiring Gopachal rock-cut Jain monuments, which prompt...
Petra, Jordan. Source: Lovrencg / Adobe Stock.

Petra: An Ancient Wonder Carved in Stone (Video)

Deep within the canyons of Jordan's desert lies a breathtaking ancient treasure - the stone city of Petra . This sprawling metropolis, hand-carved into the sandstone cliffs, is a testament to an...
Terracotta warriors, China. Source: Lukas Hlavac / Adobe Stock.

The Terracotta Warriors: The Immortal Army of Ancient China (Video)

China’s first emperor, Emperor Qin , was a man so obsessed with immortality that he commissioned the creation of an army that would accompany him into the afterlife. This army was no ordinary army,...
Reconstruction of Arkaim, Russia. Source: Ilin / Adobe Stock

Unraveling the Secrets of Arkaim: The Russian Stonehenge

In 1987, a captivating discovery was made by the University of Chelyabinsk's archaeological expedition: an ancient fortified settlement belonging to the Sintashta culture , nestled in Russia's...
Angkor Wat, Cambodia. Source: mikefuchslocher / Adobe Stock.

Angkor: A Once-Flourishing Civilization Doomed by Environmental Destruction (Video)

The ancient city of Angkor in Southeast Asia was once a thriving metropolis, home to the Khmer civilization and their massive temple complex, Angkor Wat. However, despite its grandeur, the city's...
Great Wall of the Han Dynasty. (慕尼黑啤酒 / CC by SA 3.0)

Lost to Time: The Han Dynasty's Forgotten Great Wall (Video)

The Great Wall of China is one of the most remarkable structures in human history. Built over thousands of years, it is a testament to the ingenuity and perseverance of ancient civilizations. While...
Hand weaving jute crafts in India. Source: mitrarudra / Adobe Stock.

The Brave Women Preserving India's Tribal Weaving Legacy (Video)

In the face of cheaper alternatives flooding the market, women from the Rajbanshi ethnic group in West Bengal, India have been fighting to keep an ancient weaving tradition alive. Jute, one of India'...
Aerial view of the ancient part of Dujiangyan town and irrigation system. Source: D. Kvasnetskyy / Adobe Stock.

Watch Stunning Water Releasing Festival at 2,000-Year-Old Dujiangyan Dam (Video)

In China's Sichuan province, near the city of Chengdu , lies an engineering marvel that has stood the test of time for over two thousand years. Dujiangyan , meaning "dam on the capital city’s river...
