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Was the Great Pyramid built with sound technology in mind? Source: © Andrew Collins

The Great Pyramid Experiment: Exploring Infrasound Technology Use By The Ancients

In part one of this article we saw how there is compelling evidence to suggest that the ancient Egyptians of the Pyramid age incorporated sound technology into the design of Giza’s Great Pyramid ...
Stairway of the tomb in the center of the Great Pyramid. Source: witthaya / Adobe Stock.

The Great Pyramid Experiment: Measuring the Sonic Capabilities of the Dead-end Passage

The exact functions of the Great Pyramid’s interior chambers remain a complete mystery. It has always been assumed that the monument’s King’s Chamber, Queen’s Chamber, and the Subterranean Chamber...
Giza pyramids where the Dixon relics were discovered. Source: kanuman / Adobe.

Lost Artifacts of the Great Pyramid: The Mysterious Case of the Dixon Relics

There is a certain perception of the Great Pyramid as an utterly void arrangement of empty halls and chambers, strangely bereft of artifacts and inscriptions that might offer clues to its...
Khafra and Cheops pyramids in Giza, Egypt

Terror Attack at the Giza Pyramids Injures 16

In Egypt, security sources have announced a suspected bomb attack on a tourist bus near the world-famous Giza pyramids . Initial reports indicate that 16 people were hurt in the attack, but that...
Colored Giza Casing Stones, Menkaure's Pyramid.

Stones of Diverse Colors: Symbolic and Astronomical Significance in the Very Fabric of the Giza Casing Stones

Most casual students of ancient history know that the outer casing stones of the Giza pyramids were constructed of highly polished Tura limestone blocks that caused them to gleam like a trio of...
Great Pyramids, located in Giza

Great White Pyramid: Did You know Giza’s Great Pyramid Was Once Dazzling White?

The Great Pyramid of Giza (known also as the Pyramid of Khufu, or the Pyramid of Cheops) is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and the only one that remains today. The Great Pyramid is the...
Egyptian pyramids under a night sky. Several researchers believe astronomical alignments at this site point to signs of an ancient advanced civilization.

Ancient Astronomical Alignments: Reading and Mapping the Stars at Early Advanced Civilization Sites

Many of the cuneiform tablets of Mesopotamia and hieroglyphs of Egypt make reference to the sun, stars, or planetary positions. Also, a number of ancient structures in many parts of the world are...
One of the access shafts which dive into the subterranean network under the Giza Plateau.

Hidden Underworld of the Giza Plateau is Finally Brought to Light

By Kathy J. Forti A vast network of underground chambers and water tunnels have been discovered beneath several of the world’s most well-known pyramids, including the Great Pyramid on Egypt’s Giza...
Montage of sphinx creature representations.

There Is More to the Sphinx Than You Find at Giza

The sphinx is a creature from mythology that is composed of a human head and a lion’s body. The most famous story about the sphinx is arguably the Greek myth involving Oedipus, the king of Thebes,...
The pyramids of Giza at night.

The Great Pyramid of Giza Used in Quantum Experimentation

The Great Pyramid of Giza is without question the most famous building of the ancient world. Completed around 2560 BC during the reign of Pharaoh Khufu, this enigmatic monument is a central feature...
The magnificent Boat of Khufu, Solar Boat Museum, Giza

The Great Boat of Khufu: The ‘Black Box’ to the Construction of the Pyramids

Perhaps this is not the first time that the reader will have heard of how in 1954 the Great Boat of Khufu was discovered, practically intact, at the southern face of the Kheops Pyramid, and how it is...
All Giza Pyramids in one shot.

From the Pyramids to Stonehenge – were Prehistoric People Astronomers?

Daniel Brown / The Conversation Ever since humans could look up to see the sky, we have been amazed by its beauty and untold mysteries. Naturally then, astronomy is often described as the oldest of...
An illustration depicting the construction of the Egyptian pyramids

Demystifying the Egyptian Pyramids with Hard Facts

It has always fascinated, and worried me at the same time, how many people I meet that are still mesmerized by aspects of the pyramids in Egypt that archeologists solved many years ago. The when, how...
The highly-decorated tomb is built in a distinctive ‘L’ shape

Priestess’ Tomb Discovered in Egypt, Protected by her Soul Feeding Monkey

A mysterious ancient tomb with “unusual and rare” wall paintings has been discovered in Egypt. Antiquities Minister Khaled al-Enany told BBC reporters the discovery of a 4,400-year-old tomb found...
‘The Deluge’ (1805) by J.M.W. Turner.

The Comet that Sparked a Worldwide Flood ‘Myth’

It seems that Noah’s Great Biblical Flood was caused by comet fragments striking the earth. Isaac Newton was the first one to come up with a theory connecting the flood to a comet strike, in 1680...
Colossal Statue of Ramses II in Memphis. Ramses II and his prisoners, Memphis relief

Ruins of Ramses II Temple Unearthed in Giza's Abusir

An Egyptian-Czech archaeological mission has unearthed the ruins of a King Ramses II temple during excavation works taking place in the Abusir necropolis in the governorate of Giza. Ramses II was one...
Great Pyramid of Egypt. Source: BigStockPhoto

Archaeologists Announce that New Discoveries Solve Mystery of How the Great Pyramid Was Built

A new set of investigations in ancient Egypt have led to some startling discoveries – the translation of an ancient papyrus, the unearthing of an ingenious system of waterworks, and the discovery of...
The Sphinx and Great Pyramids of Egypt. (BigStockPhoto)

The Hidden Message in Khafre’s Pyramid: What Were the Builders Trying to Tell Us?

In Egypt, in the middle of 2013, I was on a very important job: the Giza Pyramids investigation through mathematical proportional applications. I focused all my attention on the three mysterious and...
The six pyramids at Giza, with Menkaure’s the first of the big three.

Plagued by Floods Yet the Giza Pyramid Builders Refused to be Relocated

The building of the pyramids at Giza was a huge project and it is not surprising to learn that a substantial administrative and accommodation center grew up close to the construction area. This town...
This is the 3,700-year-old box that contained the remains of the daughter of King Emnikamaw, a 13th Dynasty sovereign. You can just barely make out some of the hieroglyphics carved into the box in the photo

What’s in the Box? Burial Chamber of an Egyptian King’s Daughter Discovered in Recently Unearthed Pyramid

Last month, in the ancient Egyptian necropolis of Dahshur, researchers discovered a pyramid. This week, inside the pyramid they found a burial chamber that is about 3,700 years old containing a...
Busts of Akhenaten and Nefertiti.

Why No Nose? The Ancient Breath of Life and Remarkably Powerful ‘Living Statues’

Why was is so important for bodies and images to remain intact after death in Ancient Egypt? And what was the power of ancient statues and reliefs – that they would be a danger to a Pharaoh? For the...
The Great Sphinx of Giza.

Depicting Man or Beast? Can You Solve the Riddle of the Great Sphinx of Giza?

The Great Sphinx of Giza is one of the most fantastic monuments of ancient Egypt. A monolith carved into the limestone bedrock of the Giza plateau, the statue depicts a mythical creature with the...
Two Mysterious Cavities Found Inside Great Pyramid May Be Secret Rooms

Two Mysterious Cavities Found Inside Great Pyramid May Be Secret Rooms

A team of researchers that have used cutting edge technology to scan the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt have discovered two previously unknown cavities inside the world-famous monument. Are they...
The Great Pyramid of Giza: A Modern View on Ancient Knowledge, Air and Fire – Part II

The Great Pyramid of Giza: A Modern View on Ancient Knowledge, Air and Fire – Part II

The water was pushed via the Sphinx into the Great Pyramid under great pressure and filled up the lower part of the interior system. After closing the water supply a special return valve fell back...
