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An artist's illustration showing how a now-defunct arm of the Nile River known as the Khufu branch once reached the pyramids, which the Giza pyramid builders used to great advantage to move heavy construction materials according the recent PNAS pollen core study. Source: Alex Boersma / PNAS

How Egyptian Pyramid Builders Moved Construction Materials by Water

Regardless of how they were constructed, the Egyptian pyramids of the Giza Plateau represent one of mankind’s most astonishing engineering achievements. The logistical challenges of moving millions...
Equivocal Pyramids All Over The World

Equivocal Pyramids All Over The World

There is perhaps no shape on earth so thought-provoking and awe-inspiring as a pyramid, and so mystical was this geometric form perceived in antiquity, that it was adopted for the graves and grand...
The Giza Sphinx in Egypt. Source: donyanedomam / Adobe Stock

The Sphinx of Giza: Who Built the World’s Most Famous Sphinx in Egypt?

A sphinx is a monstrous being, a mythical creature with the face of a man, the body of lion, and an eagle’s wings. According to the Greek mythology, the sphinx was sent by the gods to punish the town...
The Great Sphinx of Giza. Claims of a second sphinx are causing a stir in Egyptological circles. Source: Anton / Adobe Stock

That Old “Second Sphinx” Chestnut Is Back – Is There or Is There Not A Hidden Sphinx?

A tourism official in Egypt has been ridiculed by his peers after claiming a second giant statue of the famous Sphinx awaits discovery. This supposed second sphinx is causing quite a stir amongst...
The Solar Boat of Khufu. Source: Ovedc / CC BY-SA 4.0.

4,600-Year-Old Egyptian Solar Boat is Paraded to New Gaza Museum

Designed after the life-sustaining daily cycle of the Sun, the famous “Solar Boat” is one of ancient Egypt’s most iconic depictions of how this culture viewed the afterlife. Now, the famous divine...
The Great Pyramid at Giza and Noah’s Ark:  Are we coming closer to an understanding of the Ancient Mind? Part I

The Great Pyramid at Giza and Noah’s Ark: Are we coming closer to an understanding of the Ancient Mind? Part I

Two phenomena that have been haunting humanity for a long time are Noah’s Ark and the Great Pyramid of Giza. It has however rarely been suggested that these two are connected. One, the Ark, is part...
The reconstructed solar barge of Khufu.

Egypt’s Second Khufu Ship - Fully Excavated, Ready for Reassembly

After years of work, researchers have now completed their exhumation of all the artifacts of the Second Khufu Ship found next to the Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops) in Giza. The next steps are restoration...
Vivant Denon’s sketch of the sphinx in 1798 depicts a man being pulled out of a hole in the sphinx’s head

The Big Egyptian Sphinx Cover Up: Hidden Chambers, An Unexcavated Mound and Endless Denial

In 1935, Egypt was still the main draw for archaeologists digging for answers. It was hardly more than a decade since the British Egyptologist Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Tutankhamen on...
Elusive Mount Sinai, Hidden In Plain Site In Egypt

Elusive Mount Sinai, Hidden In Plain Site In Egypt

Many locations have been proposed for the biblical Mount Sinai. One of the latest sites is Jebel Madhbah near Petra, and while this and the classical site for Mount Sinai are all possibilities, there...
Mound to Mountain: The Evolutionary Path to Building the Great Pyramid

Mound to Mountain: The Evolutionary Path to Building the Great Pyramid

Read Part I Pyramids were built for over a millennium in ancient Egypt. During that time, we can discern a definite trend in their development, experimentation, ambition, and the peak precision in...
Mound to Mountain: The Long Road to the Great Pyramid

Mound to Mountain: The Long Road to the Great Pyramid

Who built the Great Pyramid? Was it built by simple Egyptian farmers with mud ramps, or aliens, or a lost society from the last Ice Age? Did the ancient Egyptians inherit this massive stone building...
Top image: The Pyramid of Khufu, or the Great Pyramid, Giza, Egypt.        Source: Cobalt / Adobe Stock

Has the Function of the Great Pyramid of Giza Finally Come to Light?

About 150 years after the establishment of Egyptology as an academic field, there still appears to be no agreement between scholars on the function of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Yet several different...
What secrets could the alignment of the Giza Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Giza be hiding? Could there be further hidden pyramid chambers inside the Great Pyramid? Source: Aliaksei / Adobe Stock

Could the Directions of Pyramids and Sphinx Hint at Hidden Chambers?

The Giza Sphinx faces east, while the pyramids’ sides are aligned precisely in the cardinal directions. There is little doubt that the Sun or stars must have been used to align the Giza pyramids, but...
Egypt’s Buried & Layer Pyramids: Unsolved Homicide & Hidden Heritage

Egypt’s Buried & Layer Pyramids: Unsolved Homicide & Hidden Heritage

Beneath the sun scorched sands of the Giza Necropolis sleeps the enchanted ruins of ancient Egyptian civilization. While the secretive Sphinx and the spectacular Great Pyramid rush to mind, there are...
The Bosnian Pyramids: One of the Greatest Finds Ever?

The Bosnian Pyramids: One of the Greatest Finds Ever?

In 2020, as we begin a new decade, Dr Sam Osmanagich and The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation is celebrating its 15 th year since multidisciplinary investigations of the Bosnian Pyramids began...
The Old Kingdom, or more appropriately the ‘Age of the Pyramids’, was the first period the ancient Egyptians announced themselves as a colossal civilization. Pictured: ancient Egyptian corridor with hieroglyphs on the wall.       Source: boscorelli / Adobe stock

The Old Kingdom of Egypt – Dynasties That Changed the World

The Old Kingdom is the name given to the period in ancient Egyptian history that spans from the 27th to the 22nd century BC. This period begins with the Third Dynasty, and ends with the Sixth Dynasty...
Research shows that Egypt’s pyramids and other megaliths worldwide are able to collect and focus electromagnetic energy. Could this be linked to accessing genetic memory and savant-like abilities? Pictured: a representation of the power of the mind. Source: agsandrew / Adobe stock

How the Ancients Accessed Genetic Memory and Savant-Like Abilities

The concept known as “genetic memory” is much less studied and far more controversial than what we know as “regular” memory. Whilst there are a multitude of other examples in animals (see: Gallagher...
Beyond the Pyramid Ramp: Unravelling Egypt’s Most Elusive Enigma

Beyond the Pyramid Ramp: Unravelling Egypt’s Most Elusive Enigma

The mystery of how the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt were built continues to elude scholars, even in the 21 st century. As famed Egyptologist Flinders Petrie records in his The Pyramids and Temples of...
Sunset over the right shoulder of the Sphinx. Source: Ministry of Antiquities

Sunset Over the Sphinx Claimed to Prove Equinox Alignment

An image of the Egyptian Sphinx at Giza on the Spring equinox could revolutionize our understanding of the ancient structure. An eminent archaeologist and former Egyptian Minister of Antiquities...
Egypt’s Pyramids of Giza, in the night sky. 	Source: 	Aliaksei / Adobe stock

Were Egypt’s Pyramids Megalithic Machines or Magical Mausoleums?

Egypt’s Pyramids of Giza were always my favorite ancient mystery growing up. I was forever debating whether they were high-tech super machines or massive tombs of the pharaohs. Their odd angled...
Pink granite statue of Ramses II uncovered in Giza.    Source: Ministry of Antiquities

Illegal Dig Leads to Unique Pink Statue of Ramses II

The Egyptian Supreme Antiquities Council have announced a historic discovery. A very rare pink or rose granite statue of one of the greatest of pharaohs, Ramses II has been unearthed. What makes the...
Sunset at the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. Source: Patryk Kosmider /Adobe Stock

Hidden Chambers and Meaning: Is the Great Pyramid for a King or Priests?

When I first thought of elements in the pyramid, I had no idea that I would end up postulating the existence of another hidden chamber. Can we locate it more precisely and find out how to get into it...
The Pyramid of Cheops illuminated by the sun in backlight, with people entering inside to visit it. The area with the great pyramids of Giza, Egypt. Source: Alfredo /Adobe Stock

The Great Pyramid: New Theory on God Symbolism and the Hidden Chambers

Architecture is language of form, of three dimensional images reflecting the function of a building and the time it was built. At best it demonstrates the builders’ beliefs regarding life and the...
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

Can You Name the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World?

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World are seven awe-inspiring monuments of classical antiquity that reflect the skill and ingenuity of their creators. The list, comprised by ancient Greek historians...
