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Charles I

Carlisle Castle is known as the most besieged castle in Britain. Source: stocksolutions

Carlisle Castle: The Most Besieged Castle in Britain

Said to be “the most besieged place in the British Isles,” Carlisle Castle was built towards the end of the 11th century in the border city of Carlisle in the north of England. The site has seen a...
Whipping boys were used by aristocrats and royalty.  Source: Left; King James I of England and VI of Scotland, Public domain Right;  "Edward and Whipping Boy" illustration by Walter S. Stacey, Public domain

Fact or Fiction? The Unjust Reality of a Whipping Boy

The history of the world’s nobility is filled with extravagance, wealth, and, more than often, with arrogance. In all corners of the globe, aristocrats and nobles, kings and young princes, were all...
Bloodstained Shirt Worn By Charles I At His Execution Is Going Public

Bloodstained Shirt Worn By Charles I At His Execution Is Going Public

It has been announced that the silk shirt that was worn by the English king Charles I at his execution is going on public display. The garment is believed to still have the bloodstains of the monarch...
Oliver Cromwell, Cromwellian Conquest of Ireland.

Rebel Judge and Executioner? The Brutal Cromwellian Conquest of Ireland

In 1642, The English Civil Wars broke out. On one side were the supporters of the king, Charles I, while on the other were his opponents. In England, it was the Parliamentarians (supporters of the...
Main: The Crown Jewels. Credit: Historic Royal Palaces. Inset: An illustration of Thomas Blood. Photo source: Wikimedia.

Thomas Blood: The Man Who Stole the Crown Jewels

Thomas Blood is an infamous Irishman known as the ‘Man Who Stole the Crown Jewels’. The self-styled colonel lived during the 17th century and established his reputation as a rogue and trickster...
Brave Scot with an amazing beard and mustache curls in the Hungarian style.

Beards, Business and a History of Facial Hair in the Workplace

By Lucy Newton / The Conversation Recording the human face in art is a long-held tradition, from the Roman Bust to the 15th century Dutch painting. The portrait signals power, prestige and wealth...
Oliver Cromwell statue, Palace of Westminster, London

Cromwell Statue In London Caught Up In History Whitewashing Battle

Controversy has erupted in London, England as historians call for the removal of a statue of Oliver Cromwell situated in front of the Houses of Parliament. The winds of change are blowing east. The...