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Ancient places can be found all over Europe. Their fascinating histories and impressive artifacts open intriguing glimpses to times past, and open up a window on European history. Visiting such ancient places in Europe can be an unforgettable experience.

Science is constantly discovering new archaeological places and uncovering more evidence into what we once thought we knew about our history, therefore offering new pieces to the ever changing puzzle of humanity’s past and altering how we interpret it. This section will present the most interesting archaeological sites all over Europe, as well as new discoveries of ancient places that are worth paying a visit.

AI image of the Roman Republic

Visualizing Republican Rome's Splendor (Video)

Republican Rome , emerging from the ashes of monarchy, left a tangible legacy in the landscape of ancient Italy. With the expulsion of kings in 509 BC, Rome sought to carve its own identity. Temples...
Stonehenge, Salisbury, England        Source:  jitchanamont/Adobe Stock

The Mysteries of Stonehenge Revealed (Video)

Stonehenge , an iconic Neolithic marvel, unveils a tapestry of enigmatic secrets beyond its towering stones. Amidst its grandeur lies a forgotten narrative of human settlement, as Stonehenge once...
Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak, Bulgaria - ceiling fragment (replica).       Source: tonya kolarova/Adobe Stock

Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak, the Masterpiece of Ancient Artisans

The Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak is a remarkable archaeological site located near the town of Kazanlak in central Bulgaria. Discovered in 1944, it is a stunning example of Thracian artistry and a window...
The two bull heads guarding the tomb in Tharsa are accompanied with garlands, in an arrangement known as bucrania. Source: IHA.

2,000-Year-Old Tomb Found in Tharsa Was Guarded by Bulls

In the ancient city of Tharsa in modern day Turkey, archaeologists have discovered a 2000-year-old tomb adorned with two bull heads during excavation and cleaning efforts. Now known as Turuş Rock,...
An archaeologist uncovers the indoor pool in the Roman villa, the first such find in the area. Source: Albania’s National Institute of Cultural Heritage / Facebook.

Unique 1,600-Year-Old Roman Indoor Pool Discovered in Albania

In the Albanian port city of Durrës, archaeologists have made a sensational discovery: a 1600-year-old Roman indoor pool, a first of its kind in the area. This find happened whilst Albanian...
Archaeologists and first year archaeology students excavating the Medieval hall at Skipsea Castle. Source: University of York

Archaeologists Excavate Medieval Timber Hall at Historic Skipsea Site

A team of archaeologists at the University of York have returned to Skipsea in East Yorkshire to excavate the remains of a medieval timber hall uncovered near the site of a Norman castle. The...
The Majestic Tullynally Castle and gardens (Paul Moore Photography)

Tullynally Castle, the Most Majestic Estate in Ireland

Tullynally Castle, also known as Pakenham Hall, is a historic castle located in County Westmeath, Ireland. It is one of the largest castles in Ireland and is situated near the town of Castlepollard...
Matthias Corvinus memorial In Szekesfehervar, Hungary. Source: Munka/ Adobe Stock

The Medieval Kingdom of Hungary, a Nation Born From Christianity

The Kingdom of Hungary, spanning from 1000 to 1301 AD, stands as a significant chapter in European history, marked by a rich tapestry of political, cultural, and military developments. Its genesis in...
Remains of the castle at Bilhorod Kyivskyi in the Ukraine. 	Source: Kiyanka / CC BY-SA 4.0

The Brief but Bright Era of Bilhorod Kyivskyi

Nestled along the banks of the beautiful Irpin River, Bilhorod Kyivskyi, an ancient city-castle shrouded in the mists of history, stands as a poignant symbol of Ukraine 's diverse heritage and...
The footprint of the medieval windmill found in England.	Source: MOLA

Medieval Windmill Site Complete With Moat Uncovered In England

The report of the unusual find of a medieval windmill surrounded by a moat has just come from Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA). So what have they learned from the site, and why would a windmill...
The Palace of Aigai following 16 years of restoration, Vergina. Source: ververidis/Adobe Stock

Archaeologists Discover Alexander the Great’s Bathroom in Palace of Aigai

In the royal palace where Alexander the Great was crowned king of Macedonia in 336 BC at the tender age of 20, archaeologists have uncovered a space that has now been positively identified as teenage...
Roman copy of a Hellenistic sculpture of a Gallic warrior. Source: Public Domain

Gallant Gauls: A Journey Through Ancient Europe

The story of the Gauls, ancient inhabitants of modern-day France, Belgium, Switzerland, and parts of Italy, offers a fascinating journey into a civilization often overshadowed by their Roman...
Side view of the colossal head of Decebalus. Source: Cazanele Dunării/CC BY-SA 4.0)

The Colossal Head of Decebalus, King of the Dacians

In the heart of Rome stands a 38-meter tall (124.67ft) tall column built in the 2nd century AD. Carved in low relief spiralling around the monument are over 2600 figures, representing the combatants...
Su Nuraxi - a nuragic archaeological site in Barumini, Sardinia, Italy. Source: robnaw/Adobe Stock

Lost Civilizations: Delving into the Forgotten Past of Sardinia (Video)

Ancient Sardinia ’s history reveals a saga of resilience and adaptation spanning millennia. Situated strategically in the central Mediterranean, its dry, mountainous landscapes and labyrinthine...
Left, Preparation of a geophysical survey during the field campaign in March 2024. Right; Geophysical survey of the previously unknown site of Jarkovac (Serbia).	Source:  Left; © Sebastian Schultrich/Cluster ROOTS Right; © Cluster ROOTS/Museum of Vojvodina Novi Sad/National Museum Zrenjanin/National Museum Pančevo

Cluster of Neolithic Settlements Discovered in Serbia

A field campaign has provided a ‘discovery of outstanding importance’ in Serbia, incorporating discoveries regarding various cultures of the Late Neolithic including Vinča culture, Banat culture, and...
Leaning tower of Pisa at sunset, with cloudy blue skies.  Source: sugar0607/Adobe Stock

5 Surprising Facts of the Leaning Tower of Pisa (Video)

The Leaning Tower of Pisa stands as an enduring emblem of Italy, drawing millions of tourists annually. Yet, amidst its renown, lie intriguing details often overlooked. Firstly, while globally...
Initial stage dry stone structure of Roman ruins found at Chamboret, France.	Source: Inrap

Roman Ruins and Evidence of Neolithic Settlement Unearthed from France

Archaeologists in France have recently uncovered a fascinating site offering a glimpse into multiple layers of history. Nestled near the village of Chamborêt, approximately 12 miles (19.3 km) north...
Prehistoric Irish monuments of Late Bronze Age stone circle at Boleycarrigeen, with Keadeen cursus near the summit of the mountain in the background        Source: J. O’Driscoll/Antiquity

Prehistoric Irish Monuments Revealed As ‘Pathways for the Dead’

Archaeologists using advanced LiDAR technology have unearthed a significant discovery at Baltinglass in County Wicklow, Ireland, known as the "Hillfort Capital" of the region. This cutting-edge...
AI Image of Vikings Raids.  Source: Альберт Гизатулин /Adobe Stock

The Brutal Reality of Viking Raids (Video)

In the annals of history, the year 793 marked a chilling turning point for the tranquil lands of Northumbria. Legends spun tales of ominous storms and mythical dragons hovering over Lindisfarne...
Pantheon of Agrippa at night. Rome, Italy. Source: euclem/Adobe Stock

Exploring The Pantheon of Agrippa (Video)

The Pantheon of Agrippa , erected in 25 BC during Marcus Agrippa's consulship, exemplifies ancient Roman architectural ingenuity. Initially featuring a grand porch leading to a rotunda, its...
Stonehenge may map the changing seasons through following the Sun, but does it align with the Moon as well? Source: Magann / Adobe Stock.

Stonehenge May be Aligned with the Moon

A team of experts and organizations, including the Royal Astronomical Society, think they have found something unexpected. After careful research they have announced the possibility that Stonehenge's...
The colonnaded Roman road was found near Hıdırlık Tower, and extends to Hadrian’s Gate, another Roman-era landmark in the city. Source: Antalya Metropolitan Municipality / Anatolian Archaeology.

2nd Century Colonnaded Roman Road Unearthed in Turkey

During recent excavations along Turkey’s southwestern Mediterranean coastline in the city of Antalya, archaeologists have found something big. A partial section of a colonnaded road has been...
Discovered in 1950, the Tollund Man is on display at the Silkeborg Museum in Denmark. 		Source: Chocho8 / CC BY-SA 4.0

How Did a Fossilized Body Solve A 2,400-Year-Old Murder? (Video)

The discovery of the Tollund Man , a 2,400-year-old bog body, presents a fascinating tale of ancient mystery. In 1950, Danish peat cutters stumbled upon his remarkably preserved remains in a bog...
Roman Colosseum, Rome, Italy. Source: Sergey Yarochkin/Adobe Stock

Six Things That Made the Colosseum Unique (Video)

The Colosseum , an architectural marvel in Rome, is renowned for its unique features that set it apart from other ancient structures. Its oval design, accommodating over 50,000 spectators , ensured...
