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Roman Elites Alone Wore Tyrian Purple, Maintaining Social Hierarchy

Roman Elites Alone Wore Tyrian Purple, Maintaining Social Hierarchy

Throughout history, the rich and powerful have attempted to control access to items considered luxurious or status symbols. Today, this is done through marketing and price setting (a prominent...
Five Mysterious Ancient Artifacts That Still Puzzle Archaeologists

Five Mysterious Ancient Artifacts That Still Puzzle Archaeologists

Natasha Harlow /The Conversation Archaeologists are often described as “ stumped ” or “ baffled ” by their discoveries. But, in reality, specialists have a good grasp of what most historical objects...
Bronze statue torso detail of a butt-naked horseman

Fighting in the Buff: Did Celtic Warriors Really Go to War Naked?

The Celts were known in ancient times to have been ferocious warriors. According to certain written sources, some of these Celtic warriors went a step further by going into battle carrying only their...
Agora of Nicopolis

Temple of the Emperors Uncovered in the Roman Agora at Nicopolis

In the autumn of 2023, archaeologists began an exciting project to uncover the ancient marketplace, or ‘Agora’ of Nicopolis in Greece. What they uncovered far surpassed what they had anticipated. The...
Detail of the 1650-year-old Speyer wine bottle. Source: Wines of Germany

To Open or Not to Open The 1,650-Year-Old Speyer Wine Bottle?

Contemporary historians have been debating for a few years now if they should open the Speyer wine bottle, which is believed to be the world’s oldest bottle of wine. The Historical Museum of the...
Historical illustration of the great Roman Empire. Source: Roman /Adobe Stock

Imperium Sine Fine, Frontiers, and City Walls: Early Rome to the Emperor Aurelian

The Latin word imperium originally meant power, specifically the power to command armies, and also civilians. Such power was conferred by law on a Roman official, such as a consul, a praetor, or any...
The two bull heads guarding the tomb in Tharsa are accompanied with garlands, in an arrangement known as bucrania. Source: IHA.

2,000-Year-Old Tomb Found in Tharsa Was Guarded by Bulls

In the ancient city of Tharsa in modern day Turkey, archaeologists have discovered a 2000-year-old tomb adorned with two bull heads during excavation and cleaning efforts. Now known as Turuş Rock,...
Karanis, Egypt. Source: Einsamer Schütze/CC BY-SA 4.0

New Revelation Ancient Greco-Roman Karanis Endured to 7th Century

New research has revolutionized our understanding of Karanis, an ancient Greco-Roman agricultural settlement nestled in the Fayum oasis of Egypt. Contrary to prior assumptions of abandonment in the...
Mother, Daughter and horse too: the occupants of the Roman-era grave are not lovers, after all. Source: D Hagmann et al / Science Direct

Mistaken for Lovers, Roman-Era Grave Holds Mother and Daughter (and Horse…)

When found in 2004, two embracing skeletons buried arm in arm in what is now Austria, were believed to be lovers from medieval times. Instead, modern scientific techniques have now helped...
"Dying Gaul" in the museum on the Capitol, Rome, Italy. Source: Valery Rokhin/Adobe Stock

Historical Journey of the Dying Gaul

The 2,000-year-old sculpture of the Dying Gaul is a larger-than-life marble sculpture of a nude man on the ground holding himself with one arm, resting weakly on an outstretched leg. His hand sits...
The cover of a 1698 edition of the Historia Augusta from Ettal Abbey, Germany. Right: a page of the earliest manuscript. Source: Public Domain, Public Domain

History or Hoax: Dissecting the Intriguing Historia Augusta

The Historia Augusta stands as a paradox within the annals of Roman historiography, a perplexing blend of fact and fiction, offering both insights into the imperial era and challenges to historical...
Initial stage dry stone structure of Roman ruins found at Chamboret, France.	Source: Inrap

Roman Ruins and Evidence of Neolithic Settlement Unearthed from France

Archaeologists in France have recently uncovered a fascinating site offering a glimpse into multiple layers of history. Nestled near the village of Chamborêt, approximately 12 miles (19.3 km) north...
AI image of Arab warrior assassin rushing through the desert with two curved sabers with which magical Arabian runes. Source: warmtail/Adobe Stock

How Arabian Script Infiltrated the Runes of Ancient Germany

Arabian archers in the Roman army had a surprising impact on the evolution of writing in ancient Germany at the dawn of our Common Era (AD). The old Germanic alphabet, known as runes – bolstered with...
The lead coffin of the aristocratic Roman woman’s burial found in Yorkshire, Northern England. Source:  Leeds City Council

Previously Undetected Roman Remains Found in Lead Coffin

In an unexpected twist, archaeologists investigating a "truly unique and remarkable" lead coffin from Roman era Britain have identified a set of previously undocumented remains. Found in 2022,...
The graves, unearthed by a team from ERA Arqueologia in Portugal, held the remains of a man, a young woman, and an infant, all interred beneath limestone slabs believed to have been repurposed from monumental structures from the ancient city of Ossónoba. Source: ERA Arqueologia

Pre-Medieval Tombs Found in Ancient Roman City of Ossonoba

Archaeological excavations in Portugal’s central Faro, the country’s southernmost city, have unearthed three graves from the ancient Roman city of Ossonoba, possibly indicating a familial connection...
The Roman bronze plaque measures only 26-28 mm in diameter. Source: Museum Vestsjaelland

Roman Era Bronze Plaque Showing Alexander the Great Found in Denmark

During explorations on the Danish Island of Zealand, a pair of amateur archaeologists unearthed a small but remarkable artifact. While using metal detectors to search for coins or other items at a...
The underside of the Etruscan lamp of Cortona. Source: Museo dell'Accademia Etrusca e della città di Cortona/DeGruyter, edited by R. Alburz

Bronze Lamp Revealed as Dionysus Cult Object in Cortona Italy

An interesting new study has challenged the previous estimations surrounding a beautiful bronze lamp unearthed in a ditch near Cortona, central Italy. Using literary sources and iconographic evidence...
Gold Roman 'Armilla' Bracelet dates back to 2,000 years.      Source: Portable Antiques Scheme/CC BY 4.0

12-Year-Old Boy Finds Gold Roman 'Armilla' Bracelet During a Walk

Nearly 2,000 years after it was laid in a field, a Roman-era bracelet has been unearthed by a 12-year-old boy during a routine walk in England’s Sussex region. This exceptionally rare gold Roman...
In 477 BC, the Battle of the Cremera was fought between the Roman Republic and Veii, leading to the loss of Roman control over the river Cremera. This allowed Veientes to penetrate deeper into Roman territory.	Source: Frans Vandewalle / CC BY-SA 2.0

Clash of Titans: The Roman-Etruscan Wars of Ancient Italy

The Roman-Etruscan Wars represent a significant chapter in the ancient history of ancient Italy, marking the clashes between the burgeoning power of Rome and the advanced civilization of the...
AI generated abstract modern painting of a chieftain of ancient Britannia, possibly Catuvellauni. Source: Pana/Adobe Stock

The Catuvellauni, The Defiant British Tribe That Stood Against Rome

When we consider the history of Pre-Roman Britain, the Catuvellauni truly stand out as a formidable and enigmatic tribe whose legacy echoes through the ages. Nestled in the heart of Ancient Britannia...
Facsimile of Diogo Ribeiro's 1529 Carta Universal.  Source: Public Domain

History of Maps: From Ancient Artifacts to Modern Marvels

The history of cartography traces humanity's relentless quest to understand and depict the world around us. From ancient civilizations sketching rudimentary maps to modern digital cartography, this...
AI image of a Celtic warrior (Durotriges) with a shield emblazoned with a boar’s head and a sword at his side, standing tall and proud ready to defend his tribe. Source: Justlight/Adobe Stock

Durotriges, the Celtic Fort Dwellers in Iron Age Britain

The Durotriges, an ancient Celtic tribe inhabiting what is now modern-day Dorset, Somerset, and Devon in southwestern Britain, were a very important ancient tribe of British history. Their legacy...
An amphora at the bottom of Kerpe’s ancient harbor in the Black Sea. Source: IHA / Anatolian Archaeology.

First Ever Scientific Underwater Excavation of Black Sea Reveals Ancient Harbor

In 2020, the first ever scientific underwater excavation ever undertaken in the Black Sea was started. Now, the results of that expedition are coming to light, revealing millennia-old artifacts and...
Aerial view of the Badbury rings. Source: Aaron King/Wirestock/Adobe Stock

Badbury Rings, the Ancient Legacy of Dorset

One casual stroll through the English countryside is enough to tell you that this is a land brimming with history. Its fields, valleys, and plains are all dotted with the ancient remnants of all the...
