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Mungo Man - Australia

The Mungo Man fossil Which Challenged Out of Africa theory

Mungo Man is the name given to the remains of the oldest anatomically modern human found in Australia to date and one of the oldest Homo sapien skeletons outside of Africa. Initially dated at 60,000-...
New DNA method

New technology will unravel mysteries of ancient humans and shed light on our origins

The last few months has seen the release of several ground-breaking research studies which are beginning to demystify our ancient origins. This included the first ever complete sequencing of a...
Blue Eyed Caveman

Ancient European hunter-gatherer was dark-skinned and blue-eyed caveman

A recent analysis on DNA taken from the wisdom tooth of a 7,000-year-old human found in Spain in 2006 has overturned the popular image of light-skinned European hunter-gatherers. The study revealed...
Human Bones - Aztecs ritual cannibalism

Human bones show evidence that Aztecs practiced ritual cannibalism

New research has revealed the Aztec rulers, priests, and high ranking warriors practiced cannibalism as a research rite. Evidence comes from fragments of human bones found in the Sacred Grounds of...
Denisova Caves - Siberia

Scientists draw up definitive list of genes that make us human

Last month we reported on the incredible accomplishment of researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, who mapped the Neanderthal genome to the same level of detail that...
The best on human origins 2013

What we discovered about ancient human origins this year… and what is still a mystery

This year, huge strides were made in unravelling some of the mysteries of our ancient ancestors. For example, in the first ever analysis of a virtually complete Neanderthal genome, scientists were...
Hhunter gatherers

Sharks, bees and humans use same mathematical pattern to hunt

A mathematical pattern of movement called a Lévy walk describes the hunting behaviour of many animals, including sharks, birds and honeybees, and now for the first time it has been shown to describe...

Entire Neanderthal genome finally mapped – with amazing results

The results of an extensive analysis of a 50,000-year-old toe bone belonging to a Neanderthal woman, which was unearthed in a cave in 2010, have been long awaited. Now, after much anticipation, the...
Diet in Prehistoric Times

Ancient humans had much better diet than us

New research has shown that Stone Age humans in Britain and France selected their ‘real estate’ in order to achieve the perfect diet. Ancient humans chose to live on islands in the flood plains of...
Oldest Humans - Mysterious Branch of Humanity

Oldest Human DNA Reveals Mysterious Branch of Humanity

A new landmark study has revealed the oldest known human DNA ever to be found, dating back approximately 400,000 years – substantially older than the previous earliest human DNA from a 100,000-year-...
Neanderthals organised

Ancient rock shelter reveals Neanderthals kept organised and tidy homes

Archaeologists in Italy have found a collapsed rock shelter which has revealed that Neanderthals kept an organised and tidy home with separate spaces for preparing food, sleeping, making tools and...
Immune Gene

Did Humans Inherit Disease Immunity from Neanderthals

It seems that Neanderthals passed on more than just their tool-making know how. A new study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry has revealed the discovery of a receptor that allows the...
Ethiopia Findings

Discovery of 280,000-Year-Old Javelin Challenges Current Beliefs on Evolution

A new study published in the journal PLOS ONE has revealed a discovery that serves to challenge a number of adamant and self-assured scientists who have refused to believe that pre-human species had...
Sidron Cave

Grisly discovery in Spain reveals Neanderthal family was butchered and eaten

Nearly a decade ago, a group of cave explorers stumbled upon a large collection of Neanderthal remains in the El Sidrón cave system in north western Spain. In new research presented to the Royal...
Giant Sloth

Were the Americas inhabited 30,000 years ago?

One of the most dramatic discoveries to fuel the debate about the date of habitation in the Americas was made in a streambed in southern Uruguay – a set of 30,000-year-old fossilised animals which...
Prehistoric Man - Haifa Israel

Prehistoric man in Israel held ritual meals to honour the dead

A new study published in the Journal of Anthropological Archaeology has found evidence that prehistoric man who lived in the Carmel Mountains region in Haifa, Israel, held ritual meals following the...
Stone Tools

You don’t need to be human to carve a stone!

If there is anything that gets my back up in human origins research, it is scientists, or reporters for that matter, who refuse to accept that species that preceded modern humans (Homo sapiens) were...
Neanderthals' Skull

How smart were the Neanderthals really?

This is the question that experts have been trying to answer for decades and recent research has added to the growing opinion that Neanderthals were much smarter than we had previously given them...
Old Flute in Germany - Origins of Music

The Origin of Music

The origin of music itself is very difficult to determine because in all probability, it is likely to have begun with singing and clapping or beating the hands on different surfaces, for which there...
Neanderthals and Modern Humans

No Known Human Relative Is Common Ancestor of Neanderthals and Modern Humans

Archaeologists and palaeontologists have worked tirelessly over the last decades to attempt to piece together a complete fossil record of our human ancestry. However, time and again, study results...
Monogamy in Humans

Evolution of Monogamy in Humans was the Result of Infanticide Risk

A new study has suggested that the prime reason that monogamy evolved in humans and primates was the threat of infants being killed by unrelated males. The team of researchers from University College...
Ancient "Hobbit" Looked Like Humans

New Research Suggests Ancient "Hobbit" Looked More Like us than Apes

Recently, we reported on new research proving that the remains of the “hobbit” (technically known as Homo floresiensis) did not belong to that of a Homo sapien with pathology but to a distinct...
Pleiades - Australia, human origins

Out-of-Africa Yesterday, Australia Today and the Pleiades Tomorrow - Pleiadians and the Elders (Part 3)

If we accept Wilson is correct in identifying Homo erectus (which we do not fully subscribe to but for the sake of balance we will include) as half of the newly emerging Homo sapien sapiens...
Hobbits - Ancient Human Species

New Evidence Confirms ‘Hobbit’ was Ancient Human Species

In 2003, the remains of an early human species, Homo floresiensis, were discovered on the island of Flores in Indonesia and were dated to have lived between 95,000 and 17,000 years ago. Nicknamed ‘...
