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‘The Hidden Treasures of Ethiopa’ exhibit at Houston Museum of Natural Science featuring a model of “Lucy”, Australopithecus Afarensis.

Oldest Tools in the World Found at Lake Turkana, Predate Early Humans

Half a million years before early humans arrived on the scene, the prehistoric hominins living in East Africa were shaping tools out of stone. These rare artifacts have been discovered by scientists...
Neanderthal flute

Study dismisses remarkable Neanderthal flute as the work of hyenas

The Divje Babe flute, discovered in a cave in Slovenia in 1995, has long been heralded as the oldest musical instrument ever discovered. The item is a fragment of the femur of a cave bear which had...
Paeleoxodon anitquus was a large elephant species that became extinct.

New study finds ancient humans butchered elephants with stone tools 500,000 years ago

Archaeologists working at a site in Israel have found stone tools made hundreds of thousands of years ago alongside the remains of an ancient species of elephant and other game. The researchers...
The 2.8 million-year-old fossilized jawbone with small teeth which may be a transitional fossil between primitive and modern man

Jawbone found in Ethiopia set to rewrite history, push back origins of humans

An extraordinary fossil find in the desert of Ethiopia is pushing back the dawn of humankind by approximately half a million years, and rewriting what we know about the evolutionary branching that...
Comparison of Modern Human and Neanderthal skulls.

Prehistoric teeth found in China may point to mysterious new human species

The more research that is done into the prehistoric origins of humans, the more crowded it gets. According to a new study, there may well have been multiple species of primitive humans between 60,000...
4,000-Year-Old Copper Crown Found in India

4,000-Year-Old Copper Crown Found in India

By Venus Upadhayaya , Epoch Times Indian archaeologists uncovered a 4,000-year-old copper crown in the village of Chandayan, in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh last week, from what they...
Oldest stone tool ever found in Turkey

Oldest stone tool ever found in Turkey discovered, dating back 1.2 million years

Scientists have discovered the oldest recorded stone tool ever to be found in Turkey, revealing that humans passed through the gateway from Asia to Europe much earlier than previously thought,...
This etched shell from Java was found at the site where Homo erectus was discovered

500,000-year-old shell engraved by Homo erectus challenges previous beliefs about human ancestors

New research conducted on a mollusk shell found over a century ago on the Indonesian island of Java, has revealed that it contains the oldest engraving ever found and that it was almost certainly...
Lantian Man hominin

New dating of Homo erectus skull reclassifies Lantian Man as oldest known hominin in northeast Asia

Lantian Man is the name given to subspecies of Homo erectus of which ancient fossils were found in Lantian County, Shaanxi Province in China in 1963. Lantian Man were originally dated to 1.15 million...
Neanderthals were NOT a sub-species of modern humans

Researchers claim Neanderthals were NOT a sub-species of modern humans

Researchers have identified new evidence supporting the growing belief that Neanderthals were a distinct species separate from modern humans (Homo sapiens), and not a subspecies of modern humans. The...

Mysterious Origins – What we don’t know about the emergence of humans

We humans are such a clever species. Our spaceships have landed on the moon and Mars. We have discovered life forms ten kilometers underground and in deep-sea fumaroles. Our geneticists have...
Ancient Oregon caves - Paisley Caves

Ancient Oregon caves may change understanding of human habitation in Americas

A network of caves in rural Oregon, known as the Paisley caves, may contain archaeological evidence of the oldest definitively-dated human presence in North America, according to a Reuters news...
Ancient Human Fossils found in China - Zhirendong cave

Ancient Human Fossils found in China Challenge Out-of-Africa Theory

The origin of human beings (anatomically modern Homo sapiens) and their movement across the globe have been fundamental questions in human evolutionary studies for over a century. While the accepted...
Ancient humans creating art

Cultural and technological boom 50,000 years ago linked with less testosterone

Archaeological findings around the world have revealed a cultural and technological boom around 50,000 years ago in which making art and advanced tools became widespread. A new study appearing in the...
Ancient human skull of Neanderthal

Ancient human skull discovered with Neanderthal characteristics

A new study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has revealed that a 100,000-year-old human-like skull found in China bears resemblance to a Neanderthal, providing...
Brain size shrinking

Why did our brains stop expanding?

In the forest the human brain was expanding and expanding at a phenomenal rate. Sometime at around 200,000 to 150,000 years ago, this process came to an end. The brain stopped expanding and started...

New study blames humans for megafauna extinction

A new study published in the journal Quaternary International has added fuel to the long-running debate about how megafauna, such as woolly mammoths, giant sloths, and mastodons, became extinct, an...
Early inhabitants of America - Idaho

Archaeologists uncover 13,500-Year-Old Tool-Making Site in Idaho

Archaeologists have found numerous artifacts on a remote forest riverbank in northern Idaho dating back around 13,500 years, adding to the evidence for an ancient human presence in the Northwest,...
New study - stonehenge

New study says humans have inhabited the Stonehenge landscape for ten millennia

A new archaeological dig in the Stonehenge environs has revealed that the area around the ancient stone circle is officially the longest continuously occupied settlement in Britain currently known...
Neanderthals and humans interbred

New study leaves little room for doubt – Neanderthals and humans interbred

In recent months, numerous DNA studies of ancient humans have all converged on one conclusion – Neanderthals and Homo sapiens interbred. While for many this may seem unsurprising or even obvious, we...
Ancient caves depicting 7000-year-old civilisation and culture discovered in India

Ancient caves depicting 7000-year-old civilisation and culture discovered in India

A group of caves containing ancient rock art have been discovered by a researcher in Akkampalli, in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India. The discovery has been described as archaeologically...
Shrinking Brain in Humans

Scientists are alarmed by shrinking of the human brain

A study published earlier this year confirmed what scientists have long believed to be the case – the human brain is shrinking. For more than 7 million years the hominid brain has grown increasingly...
Neanderthals faced extinction

Neanderthals faced extinction before humans appeared, but recovered

Anew study of mitochondrial DNA sequences published in the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution has found that Neanderthals came close to extinction during the last Ice Age in Western Europe,...
Ancient roots of leprosy

Uncovering the ancient roots of leprosy

New research conducted at the University of Texas Anderson Cancer Center is finally unearthing some of the ancient mysteries behind leprosy, which has plagued mankind throughout history. The study...
