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bronze age

A gold pendant from the Anglo-Saxon period

Treasure Trove of 19,000 Artifacts From Prehistory To Anglo-Saxon Britain Found!

Archaeologists have unearthed a whopping treasure trove - approximately 19,000 artifacts spanning from prehistory to the early medieval period at a rare and significant site in the United Kingdom !...
Five Mysterious Ancient Artifacts That Still Puzzle Archaeologists

Five Mysterious Ancient Artifacts That Still Puzzle Archaeologists

Natasha Harlow /The Conversation Archaeologists are often described as “ stumped ” or “ baffled ” by their discoveries. But, in reality, specialists have a good grasp of what most historical objects...
Depiction of cauldrons in the rock art of an Iron Age settlement in Minusinsk, Russia.

Blood Sausages and Yak Milk: Bronze Age Cuisine of Mongolian Nomads Unveiled

University of Basel Bronze cauldrons were used by the inhabitants of the Mongolian steppe around 2,700 years ago to process animal blood and milk. This is shown by a protein analysis of...
Seahenge timber enclosure with central inverted oak stump, thought to be used for rituals intended to influence the climate.

Seahenge Was Built To Combat Harsh Climate, Finds Study

With all the focus on the iconic Stonehenge and its relation to the Sun and the Moon, England’s east coast Seahenge perhaps receives less historical attention than it deserves. A brilliant new study...
Artistic photo showing the replica of the Dendra armor used in the study. 	Source: Flouris et al., 2024, PLOS ONE/CC-BY 4.0

Greek Marines Prove Mycenaean Suit of Armor Was Fit for Battle

A suit of armor found at an archaeological site near the village of Dendra, Greece in 1960 has been linked to the famed kingdom of Mycenae , a militarily powerful Late Bronze age fiefdom that holds...
Archaeologists recording the previously found Bronze age cist burial at the Whitehorse Hill site.  Source: Courtesy of Dartmoor National Park Authority via Devon Live

Potential Bronze Age Burial Chamber Discovered on Dartmoor

What appears to be a Bronze Age burial chamber has been unearthed on Dartmoor, promising to deepen our understanding of Devon's ancient history. This discovery, potentially dating back 4,000 years,...
Gold torc stolen from Ely Museum, Cambridgeshire, UK.     Source: © Trustees of the British Museum

Priceless Bronze Age Treasures Stolen from Ely Museum

In a distressing turn of events, the Ely Museum in England has been the victim of a daring theft that resulted in the loss of invaluable Bronze Age artifacts. The theft, which occurred in the early...
The Bronze Age wooden structure found in Oxfordshire, England.  	Source: Oxford Archaeology via Oxfordshire County Council

Remarkable Ancient Wooden Structure Unearthed in Oxfordshire

The discovery of a well-preserved wooden structure (1200-700 BC), dating back to the Bronze Age in Oxfordshire, England, has been deemed remarkable. Wood typically doesn't survive well over such...
Archeologists and historians examining petroglyphs in the Zhambyl Region. Source:  Department of Internal Policy of the Akimat of the Zhambyl Region

4,000-Year-Old Petroglyphs Discovered on Rock Outcropping in Kazakhstan

While laboring in southern Kazakhstan in the Karatau Mountains as part of a crew involved in an environmental restoration campaign, a group of volunteers were shocked but delighted to discover a set...
Su Nuraxi - a nuragic archaeological site in Barumini, Sardinia, Italy. Source: robnaw/Adobe Stock

Lost Civilizations: Delving into the Forgotten Past of Sardinia (Video)

Ancient Sardinia ’s history reveals a saga of resilience and adaptation spanning millennia. Situated strategically in the central Mediterranean, its dry, mountainous landscapes and labyrinthine...
Left, Preparation of a geophysical survey during the field campaign in March 2024. Right; Geophysical survey of the previously unknown site of Jarkovac (Serbia).	Source:  Left; © Sebastian Schultrich/Cluster ROOTS Right; © Cluster ROOTS/Museum of Vojvodina Novi Sad/National Museum Zrenjanin/National Museum Pančevo

Cluster of Neolithic Settlements Discovered in Serbia

A field campaign has provided a ‘discovery of outstanding importance’ in Serbia, incorporating discoveries regarding various cultures of the Late Neolithic including Vinča culture, Banat culture, and...
Prehistoric Irish monuments of Late Bronze Age stone circle at Boleycarrigeen, with Keadeen cursus near the summit of the mountain in the background        Source: J. O’Driscoll/Antiquity

Prehistoric Irish Monuments Revealed As ‘Pathways for the Dead’

Archaeologists using advanced LiDAR technology have unearthed a significant discovery at Baltinglass in County Wicklow, Ireland, known as the "Hillfort Capital" of the region. This cutting-edge...
10 amazing artifacts of the ancient world. 	Source: National Museum of Denmark, Public Domain, University of Birmingham, The James ossuary was on display at the Royal Ontario Museum from November 15, 2002, to January 5, 2003/CC0, Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin FRCP / CC BY-SA 4.0

Ten Amazing Artifacts Reveal the Secrets of the Ancient World

There are undoubtedly millions of amazing artifacts from the ancient world that have served to shed light on the lives of our ancestors from many millennia ago. But some stand out for their...
The 4,200-year-old grave with the large stone designed to stop the “zombie” within rising once again. Source: LDA Saxony-Anhalt, Anja Lochner-Rechta / Miami Herald.

Bronze Age German Grave was Built to Hold a “Zombie”

There’s always something new in archaeology, it would seem. In an unexpected development, archaeologists performing excavations in eastern Germany excavated a 4,200-year-old grave containing the...
Deep within the Umm Jirsan lava cave system, archeologists find signs of transient desert life.	Source: Green Arabia Project

Giant Lava Tunnel Was Occupied By Ancient Herders in the Arabian Peninsula

A fabulous new study has highlighted the lifestyles of human herders spanning 10,000 - 7,000 years ago, from the Neolithic to the Chalcolithic/Bronze Age, in the challenging desert environment of the...
Alan Baxter with his detecting equipment. Source: Alan Baxter

The Carrot Patch Hoard: A Detectorist's Dream Comes True

In a fortunate turn of events, a routine carrot harvest in Fife, Scotland, led to the remarkable discovery of a hoard of ancient coins dating back 500 years. Alan Baxter, a 44-year-old detectorist...
Aerial view of the triple enclosure. Source: © Jérôme Berthet/ Inrap

Remarkable Horseshoe Shaped Prehistoric Structure Discovered in France

Beneath the countryside landscape of Marliens, mere kilometers from Dijon in the heart of the Ouche valley, lies evidence of ancient life spanning through millennia. Before the expansion of a local...
Van Fortress or Castle of Van, is a massive stone fortification built by the ancient kingdom of Urartu.	Source: seyfullah/Adobe Stock

The Forgotten Kingdom of Urartu: From Prosperity to Fall

The Kingdom of Urartu, a once significant ancient civilization nestled in the rugged terrain of the Armenian Highlands, flourished from the 9th to 6th centuries BC. Often overshadowed by its...
The summit of Mount Ellanio was used by Myceneans fleeing the Bronze Age collapse and used as a refuge. Source: Greek Ministry of Culture.

Discoveries at Mt Ellanio Reveal Mycenean Refuge from the Bronze Age Collapse

An interdisciplinary team of archaeologists has been investigating the tallest mountain on the Greek island of Aegina since 2021: Mount Ellanio. Overlooking the Saronic Gulf, the peak holds the...
The excavation site at Crowland has revealed an ancient henge used by Saint Guthlac as the site of his hermitage. Source: The Anchor Church Field Project /

Saint Guthlac’s Realm: Massive Stone Age Henge Discovered in Lincolnshire

Archaeologists from Newcastle University have been working for years in Crowland, Lincolnshire around the purported site of the hermitage of Saint Guthlac, a local cult figure. What they found there...
Left: The tiny votive axes were probably utilized within an ancient ceremonial practice.  Right: Rolled up lead Roman curse tablets found at the site. Source: Red River Archaeology Group

Remarkable Roman Villa Unearthed from a Bronze Age Site in England

A Bronze Age site in England, housing a ‘richly decorated Roman villa’ from a later period, has revealed a bounty of artifacts and architectural evidence, which includes aisled buildings adorned with...
The remains of the axe placed underneath Structure One at Must Farm Bronze Age Settlement. Source: Cambridge Archaeological Unit

Must Farm - Britain’s Pompeii - Reveals Bronze Age Lifestyle of ‘Cosy Domesticity’

‘Archaeological nirvana’ has been unearthed in ‘Britain’s Pompeii’, a stilt village occupied for less than a year before it burnt out, over a tragic summer day 2,850 years ago. As flames engulfed...
Reconstruction of Ötzi the Iceman, flanked by the tattoo experiment which is believed to replicate how the originals were created. Source: Deter-Wolf et al., Exarc, 2022; Mannivu / CC BY-SA 4.0.

Does Ötzi the Iceman Have History’s Oldest Hand-Poked Tattoos?

Over five millennia have passed since Ötzi the Iceman was struck down by an arrow from an unknown assailant in the frigid northern regions of the Alps. But still the ancient frozen body has secrets...
The ancient Hittite tablet features cuneiform text in both Hittite and Hurrian languages, with the Hittite inscription recounting the onset of war and the Hurrian inscription constituting a prayer for victory.	Source: Kimiyoshi Matsumura/Japanese Institute of Anatolian Archaeology

Clay Tablet From 3,300-Years Ago Tells Story of the Siege and Plunder of Four Hittite Cities

A 3,300-year-old clay tablet unearthed in central Turkey has painted a tale of a devastating foreign invasion of the Hittite Empire during a period of internal strife and civil war. As the civil war...
