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ancient greece

Artistic photo showing the replica of the Dendra armor used in the study. 	Source: Flouris et al., 2024, PLOS ONE/CC-BY 4.0

Greek Marines Prove Mycenaean Suit of Armor Was Fit for Battle

A suit of armor found at an archaeological site near the village of Dendra, Greece in 1960 has been linked to the famed kingdom of Mycenae , a militarily powerful Late Bronze age fiefdom that holds...
The Palace of Aigai following 16 years of restoration, Vergina. Source: ververidis/Adobe Stock

Archaeologists Discover Alexander the Great’s Bathroom in Palace of Aigai

In the royal palace where Alexander the Great was crowned king of Macedonia in 336 BC at the tender age of 20, archaeologists have uncovered a space that has now been positively identified as teenage...
Images of the Ancient water clock, the Egyptian Clepsydra. Source: Left; Archivist/Adobe Stock, Right; Egypt Museum

As Old As Time: Ancient Invention of the Water Clock

Today, the ability to keep track of time seems to be taken for granted. One just simply needs to glance at a watch, clock, or mobile phone to know the exact time, even down to the nearest second...
Left; Bust of Greek Philosopher Plato. Right; the carbonized Herculaneum papyri being studied.	Source: Left; CC BY-SA 4.0, Right; Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Plato’s Final Resting Place in Athens Revealed!

The revolutionary scanning and study of the Herculaneum papyri has revealed remarkable new details about the philosopher Plato, including the precise location of his burial. This significant...
Part of the archaeological site of ancient Corinth in Peloponnese, Greece. Source:   dinosmichail/Adobe Stock

The Fascinating History of Ancient Corinth (Video)

Ancient Corinth , strategically positioned between Athens and Sparta, traces its roots to mythical narratives and archaeological evidence dating back to around 6500 BC. Founded by legendary figures...
Statue of Socrates    Source: araelf/Adobe Stock

Did the Ancient Greeks and Romans Experience Alzheimer’s?

Leigh Hopper /University of Southern California You might think age-related dementia has been with us all along, stretching back to the ancient world. But a new analysis of classical Greek and Roman...
AI representation of Greek God Dionysus.

Dionysus, the Mysterious Greek God of Wine and Ecstasy

In the realm of ancient gods and goddesses, few held such an esteemed place in history as Dionysus. This vibrant and multifaceted deity of ancient Greek mythology embodies the essence of wine,...
Plague in an Ancient City by Michiel Sweerts.  Source: Public Domain

Most Common Causes of Death in Ancient Rome and Greece (Video)

Life in ancient Greece and Rome was far from the glamorous tales we envision. High mortality rates were fueled by childbirth perils, with poor sanitation contributing to infant mortality. Malaria, an...
Parthenon, Acropolis of Athens, Greece. Source: Lambros Kazan/Adobe Stock

The Stunning Architecture of the Acropolis of Athens Explained (Video)

Perched on the Athenian Acropolis , a natural fortress rising 91 meters at its peak, ancient Athens flourished during the 5th century BC. Guided by Pericles , the city entered its Golden Age,...
Hermanubis, a syncretism of Hermes from Greek mythology and Anubis from Egyptian mythology. Source: Rafel Miro / Flickr.

The Ancient Greeks Became Fascinated with Ancient Egypt (Video)

Ancient Greece's engagement with Ancient Egypt is a remarkable tale of cultural exchange. Greek influence in Egypt resulted in a captivating fusion of traditions. Along Egypt's Mediterranean coast,...
Pregnancy in ancient Greece was a difficult time. Source: migfoto / Adobe Stock.

The Sad Truth About Pregnancy in Ancient Greece (Video)

In ancient Greece, pregnancy was far from the experience we know today. The era was marked by perilous uncertainty for expectant mothers and their unborn children. The duty of women was clear:...
Elaborate medieval hairstyle. Source: QuietWord / Adobe Stock.

US 'Hair Archaeologist' Recreates Elaborate Ancient Hairstyles (Video)

Janet Stephens, a modern-day hairstylist , has embarked on an extraordinary journey to recreate ancient coifs from Greek and Roman civilizations. These intricate hairstyles were so elaborate that...
Famous historical speech of Pericles. Source: vkilikov / Adobe Stock.

How Ancient Greeks Kept Ruthless Narcissists from Capturing their Democracy

Ancient Greece was in many ways a brutal society. It was almost perpetually at war, slavery was routine, and women could only expect a low status in society. However, there is one important sense in...
Stone axe and knife (representational). Source: JPS / Adobe Stock.

700,000-Year-Old Tools Found in Greece Rewrite History

The rich historical tapestry of Greece has been dramatically expanded with the recent discovery of hunting tools dating back an astonishing 700,000 years. Unearthed in a coal mine in Megalopolis,...
Crowning the Victors at Olympia - Hieron of Syracuse and victors. Source: Public Domain

Top 10 Ancient Greek Athletes and their Sporting Achievements

In Ancient Greece, there was a special emphasis placed on sports and physical prowess. After all, this civilization gave birth to the famed Olympics, which still exist today. From spear throwing,...
Detail of a painting of a mother and child, in this case Andromache and Astyanax by Pierre Paul Prud’hon. Source: Public domain

Mothers’ Lives in Ancient Greece Were Not Easy – But Celebrations of Their Love Have Survived Across the Centuries

By Joel Christensen / The Conversation As a father of three and the husband of an amazing woman, I know that one day a year is far too little to recognize everything mothers do. But my work as a...
A facial reconstruction of Alexander the Great. Source: Royalty Now Studios / YouTube Screenshot.

Is This What Alexander the Great Really Looked Like? (Video)

Alexander the Great is undoubtedly one of the most legendary figures in history, known for his military prowess and his brief but impactful life. By the age of 18, Alexander fought alongside his...
Ancient Greek household manager with his slave. Source: migfoto / Adobe Stock.

The Not-So-Romantic Truth About Life in Ancient Greece (Video)

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in ancient Greece? It's easy to romanticize the past, especially when it comes to a civilization that produced some of the most important...
Ancient Egypt landmark. Source: Andrii Vergeles / Adobe Stock.

What Did Ancient Egypt Really Look Like? A Visual Tour (Video)

Ancient Egypt, the cradle of civilization and one of the most fascinating cultures in human history, still captivates our imagination with its impressive architectural wonders, elaborate art , and...
Ancient Greek civilization. Source: Kristian / Adobe Stock.

What Did Ancient Greece Really Look Like? A Visual Tour (Video)

The ancient civilization of Greece is a historical period that has long been a subject of fascination and intrigue. Known for its legendary gods and heroes, impressive feats of architecture , and...
Life in Ancient Greece. Source: Kristian / Adobe Stock.

Behind the Scenes of Ancient Greece: Exploring the Daily Life of its People (Video)

We’ve all read a lot about ancient Greece, but what was it really like to live there, to experience it firsthand? There’s a lot we can learn from the daily lives of its people, how they worked and...
Spartan warrior. Source: Deivison / Adobe Stock.

This is Sparta: Fierce Warriors of the Ancient World (Video)

In the annals of military history, few names command as much respect and admiration as the Spartans . These ancient Greek warriors were legendary for their courage, skill, and ferocity on the...
Artistic rendering of the Antikythera mechanism, the oldest analogue computer. Source: AkuAku / Adobe Stock.

The Ancient ‘Computer’ That Simply Shouldn’t Exist (Video)

When we think of ancient technology, we often imagine simple tools and primitive machinery. But what if we told you that over 2,000 years ago, the ancient Greeks had built the world’s oldest computer...
Aphrodite in the forge of the god Hephaestus. 1610 painting by Bartholomeus Spranger entitled “Venus in Vulcan’s Forge.” Source: Public domain

How Did Greek God Hephaestus Score the Goddess of Love?

As one of the twelve Olympians, the god Hephaestus was a major deity for the ancient Greeks. In Greek mythology, Hephaestus was primarily the god of fire and smiths, but he was also in charge of...
