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A meat and vegetable stew in a black cauldron cooking over an open fire. Source: Sunshower Shots/Adobe Stock

What Exactly Was Medieval Cuisine Like? (Video)

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In the heart of Farleigh Hungerford's medieval castle, Chef Steve Ruddell revives ancient recipes, unveiling the rich tapestry of medieval cuisine. His gastronomic journey commences with a vegetable stew, a humble yet flavorful medley reflecting the simplicity of daily sustenance in medieval times. Locally sourced vegetables are transformed into a savory potage, echoing the culinary practices of the era. Shifting focus to a venison stew, Ruddell skillfully combines venison, mushrooms, carrots, and celery. The infusion of red wine and honey elevates the flavors, creating a nuanced and rich dish. The presentation adds an extra layer of ingenuity, with the stew nestled within a hollowed-out loaf of bread, offering a unique and practical dining experience.

This culinary exploration not only tantalizes taste buds but also weaves a narrative of medieval life. Amidst the castle's stone walls, the food becomes a reflection of the resourcefulness and creativity of the time, where locally sourced ingredients and minimal waste were integral to culinary practices. Each bite serves as a flavorful journey through history, providing a glimpse into the culinary traditions that sustained medieval communities.

Top image: A meat and vegetable stew in a black cauldron cooking over an open fire. Source: Sunshower Shots/Adobe Stock

By Robbie Mitchell

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I’m a graduate of History and Literature from The University of Manchester in England and a total history geek. Since a young age, I’ve been obsessed with history. The weirder the better. I spend my days working as a freelance... Read More

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