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AI Image of Vikings Raids.

The Brutal Reality of Viking Raids (Video)

In the annals of history, the year 793 marked a chilling turning point for the tranquil lands of Northumbria. Legends spun tales of ominous storms and mythical dragons hovering over Lindisfarne...
AI Image of Vikings Raids.  Source: Альберт Гизатулин /Adobe Stock

The Brutal Reality of Viking Raids (Video)

In the annals of history, the year 793 marked a chilling turning point for the tranquil lands of Northumbria. Legends spun tales of ominous storms and mythical dragons hovering over Lindisfarne...
Viking warriors facing down death.	Source:  AdamantiumStock/Adobe Stock

5 Viking Deaths And What They Tell Us About the Viking Mindset (Video)

The Viking mindset, as revealed in Old Norse sagas , emerges vividly through tales of these five great Viking deaths. The raid on Lindisfarne in AD 793 marked the outset of Viking depredations in...
Viking invasion. Source: TheStockCube / Adobe Stock.

The True Story of the First Viking Invasion of England (Video)

On June 8th, 793, Lindisfarne Priory in England fell victim to a calamitous Viking attack, igniting the Viking Age in Europe. The raid shattered the peace of this sacred religious center , as heathen...
Lindisfarne Castle on the Holy Island of Lindisfarne is currently part of crowdfunded archaeological digs through DigVentures, and their most recent find were prayer beads made from salmon vertebrae. Source: Chris Combe / CC BY 2.0

Diggers Find England’s Oldest Prayer Beads on Lindisfarne Holy Island!

Archaeologists exploring Lindisfarne, an island known for its rich religious history - including the first Viking invasion - have recovered the oldest prayer beads ever found in England. While...
The runic inscription on one side of the gold medieval cross found by metal detectorists on the Tweed River near Berwick in the county of Northumbria, England spells a name that is entirely unique.		Source: The History Blog

Small Gold Medieval Cross Found in England Linked to Mysterious Eadruf

An unusual item unearthed by metal detectorists in 2020 in northeast England is puzzling scholars. In this case it is not the archaeologists who are puzzled, but linguistic experts who study the...
The glass artifact thought to be a Viking game piece discovered in Lindisfarne. Source: Jeff Veitch / Durham University.

Ancient Viking Glass Artifact Was A Game Piece Of The Elites

A tiny glass crown is being heralded as a rare archaeological artifact from the first wave of Viking raids in England. The small worked glass artifact was unearthed at an excavation site on the Holy...
They came from the fjords of Western Norway, and when they left, only silence could be heard.

Did the Viking Age Really Start on 8 June 793 AD?

BY THORNEWS “ Never before has such terror appeared in Britain as we have now suffered from a pagan race (…). The heathens poured out the blood of saints around the altar, and trampled on the bodies...