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Glastonbury Tor, and Bull Nandi (Public Domain/Deriv)

Alchemy and Generating Lifeforce —Global Temples Made in the Shape of Lingams: Shaivite Bull Cult Part II


One form associated with the Bull Son of the Bull Cult was the Shiva Lingam, the sacred symbol that unites the phallus, the universal symbol of the male principle, with the ovum, the universal symbol of the female principle. The union of this polarity generates abundant life, which in many parts of the world was personified as the Green Man or Bull Son.

[Read Part 1 : From Green Man to Bull Son, The Universal Shaivite Bull Cult ]

The association made by the priests of the Bull Cult between the bull and the lingam is very ancient, which is why wherever the lingam exists in India today, the image of the bull is close by.

A Shiva Lingam.

A Shiva Lingam.

Veneration of the Shiva Lingam

Some of the first lingams of the Shaivite-Bull Cult were those created by nature, such as the abundant rock lingams formed by the flowing water of the sacred Narmada River of India. The greatest of natural lingams were mountains in the form of lingams, which includes Mount Kailash in Tibet and Arunachala Mountain in Tiruvannamalai, India. These are special places where great power is generated in the form of lifeforce that can be used for spiritual transformation.

The Lingam of Mount Kailash

The Lingam of Mount Kailash

In order to generate the power of the lingam in and around their sacred enclosures, the members of the Shiavite-Bull Cult designed many of their temples in the form of lingams. This lingam architecture could be found among the Hindus, the Yezidis, the Babylonians, and the Celts.

The lingam temple of Gobekli Tepe, an ancient home of the Yezidis in southern Turkey

The lingam temple of Gobekli Tepe, an ancient home of the Yezidis in southern Turkey

Global Sites Share Similar Shape

The lingam power generated in the temples of the Shaivite-Bull Cult in India were designed to generate alchemy and thereby activate the inner evolutionary force of Kundalini in order to assist worshippers to unite with their deity. 

A typical lingam-shaped temple of India

A typical lingam-shaped temple of India

The lingam temples of Britain may have been constructed by pre-Celtic people that originated in lands where the Shaivite-Bull Cult was flourishing. According to one legend, some of the first settlers in Glastonbury in England were a group of Druids known as the Pheryllt, or “Alchemists.”

Legends say that the Pheryllt arrived in Britain from either Turkey or Sri Lanka along with Hu Gadarn, the Welsh-culture hero who was associated with – and could have been an embodiment of - the Horned Bull God. It could have been the Pheryllt Druids who built two of the lingam-shaped temples in Britain, Stonehenge and Glastonbury Tor. 

The lingam shape of England’s Glastonbury Tor

The lingam shape of England’s Glastonbury Tor

Stonehenge is built in the shape of a lingam.

Stonehenge is built in the shape of a lingam.

The lingam shape of the Shaivite-Bull Cult’s temples naturally engendered alchemy by uniting the male and female principles. This is one reason that King Solomon – who was reputed to be a great alchemist – designed his temple in the shape of a lingam. By uniting the polar opposite male/female principles, Solomon also generated the presence of androgynous YHVH within the inner sanctums of the Holy of Holies.  

Solomon’s Temple had a lingam shape

Solomon’s Temple had a lingam shape

Many of the priests of the Shaivite-Bull Cult were aware that all stars and star clusters are cosmic lingams – a truth that can be proven through Sacred Geometry. This is why these celestial bodies generate immense cosmic power in the heavens. Of all star clusters, the ancients believed that some of the most intense cosmic power was generated at certain times of the year by the Shiva lingam form of the Pleiades.

The Pleiades is in the shape of a lingam.

The Pleiades is in the shape of a lingam.

Sahasralinga (“place of 1000 lingams”) in Karnataka, India

Sahasralinga (“place of 1000 lingams”) in Karnataka, India

A vestige of the Shaivite-Bull Cult can be found at Sahasralinga (“place of 1000 lingams”) in Karnataka, India, where the Pleiades is represented as a collection of seven rock-carved lingams placed strategically in the shape of the Seven Sisters. Nandi, the sacred bull, sits directly across the river from this Pleiadian configuration, thus revealing that its creators were aware of the Pleiades being a cosmic Shiva Lingam.

Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and Meditation were commonly practiced among the member countries of the Bull Cult. It was apparently observed in the Indus Valley, where icons of Bull Son Pashupati have him sitting in a yoga posture. It was most probably also observed by the Celts, whose Bull Son Cernunnos also sits in yoga position. And it was also prolific in Egypt among the priests of Osiris and in Greece among the Orphic followers of Dionysus.

Pashupati (left) and Cernunnos (right).

Pashupati (left) and Cernunnos (right).

Sacrifice of the Bull Son

Throughout the countries of the Shaivite-Bull Cult it was traditional to sacrifice live bulls that represented the Bull Son on strategic days of the years. Perhaps the most efficacious day was the Spring Equinox, when the blood of sacrificed bulls soaked the ground and the animals’ special power fertilized all the surrounding land, thus ensuring an abundant growing season. Sacrifice of live bulls representing the Bull Son was observed by the Celtic Druids, the Greeks, the Anatolians, the Persians and the Yezidis.

Holy Communion of Red Wine and Bull Meat

Possibly the first form of Holy Communion occurred within the Bull Cult as the consumption of bull meat and red wine that followed the ceremonial sacrifice of live bulls. This sacred meal was consumed on Crete and Greece in order to unite with the Divine Son Zageus-Dionysus, as well as during the sacred rites of Anatolia. The Hindu Tantric rite of the ‘5 Ms’, during which forbidden meat and wine are consumed, appears to be a vestige of the Holy Communion observed during the early Bull Cult.     

Veneration of the Swastika

The veneration and utilization of the symbol of the swastika occurred in many countries of the Shaivite-Bull Cult, including India, Greece, Persia, Mesopotamia, Britain, Italy, Scandinavia and many of the countries in Africa and the Western Hemisphere. The symbol has a special association with time and cycles. The symbol of the swastika has as its foundation a cross, the symbol of life, to which are joined four short horizontal lines at a ninety-degree angle thereby giving the swastika the appearance of a propeller. It thus signifies the cyclic movement of life, while its four equal parts denote the four cyclic ages known in Hinduism as the four Yugas and in Greece are the four Ages.

During the time of the Bull Cult, astronomers could watch a celestial swastika being created in the night sky by the movement of the Big Dipper or Great Bear as it slowly moved around the center of the sky while its four predominant celestial positions predicted the four seasons on Earth. Besides possessing a giant swastika on one of its slopes, Mount Kailash, the “Swastika Mountain,” may have been the North Pole of the Earth during the Bull Cult and therefore sat right under the celestial swastika as it was being formed above. In this regard, Mt Kailash has been associated with mythical Mount Meru, the giant mountain that was once at the North Pole and sat in the center of the world while uniting Heaven and Earth.     

Swastikas around the world.

Swastikas around the world.


Mark Amaru Pinkham is an internationally known author and researcher. He currently lives in Sedona, Arizona where he teaches ancient, esoteric history while overseeing the Order and Mystery School of the Seven Rays and leading sacred pilgrimages around the globe for Sacred Sites Journeys.  |

A revised edition of his book The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom– Special Edition is now available.

Top image: Glastonbury Tor, and Bull Nandi (Public Domain/Deriv)

By Mark Amaru Pinkham



It really is a shame that Turkey filled in the Gobekli Tepe with concrete in March of 2018

The currents in the Med generally take you clockwise around the mainland, and vortex clockwise inward at high sea (away from the mainland) that they triskelion (Minoan spirals) generally show, this may be the origin of the celtic knot. I can kind of see some possible reference to the swastika now, but not all, didn't see it at first, the MInoan symbol for seasons is the petal of life (but can also refer to year or between seasons in some context).

The section on the swastika is blatantly spelled out for you. I am not sure where the confusion is coming from. Maybe you still see the Nazi-ism in it. But that is not what the swastika represent, but only came to represent in the 1940s. Here is the direct correlation as taken just a few paragraphs up from the end of the article: "The symbol has a special association with time and cycles. The symbol of the swastika has as its foundation a cross, the symbol of life, to which are joined four short horizontal lines at a ninety-degree angle thereby giving the swastika the appearance of a propeller"

I don't understand the references to druids, they didn't write anything down so are not a reliable source.
I find the swastika references confusing. This is not the shape of the big dipper at seasons. It mean't something but I don't think that's it. You can trace the triskelion, that does seem to common on islands and seems to have very ancient orgin but from what I can ascertain from MInoan iconogrphy it is an expression of the movements of currents as shown on so-called frying pans. It would be useful if neo druids did not try to incorporate other cultural meaning as it then puts the academics from exploring potential genuine links. It like the kiss of death like Atlantis!

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Mark Amaru Pinkham

Mark Amaru Pinkham

Mark Amaru Pinkham is an author and researcher who has published six books on the ancient mysteries of Earth and the evolution of humanity. His books include The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom Guardians of... Read More

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