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AI image of the Roman Republic

Visualizing Republican Rome's Splendor (Video)

Republican Rome , emerging from the ashes of monarchy, left a tangible legacy in the landscape of ancient Italy. With the expulsion of kings in 509 BC, Rome sought to carve its own identity. Temples...
AI image of the Roman Republic. Source: Alfaza503/Adobe Stock

Visualizing Republican Rome's Splendor (Video)

​ Republican Rome , emerging from the ashes of monarchy, left a tangible legacy in the landscape of ancient Italy. With the expulsion of kings in 509 BC, Rome sought to carve its own identity...
"Dying Gaul" in the museum on the Capitol, Rome, Italy. Source: Valery Rokhin/Adobe Stock

Historical Journey of the Dying Gaul

The 2,000-year-old sculpture of the Dying Gaul is a larger-than-life marble sculpture of a nude man on the ground holding himself with one arm, resting weakly on an outstretched leg. His hand sits...
Roman copy of a Hellenistic sculpture of a Gallic warrior. Source: Public Domain

Gallant Gauls: A Journey Through Ancient Europe

The story of the Gauls, ancient inhabitants of modern-day France, Belgium, Switzerland, and parts of Italy, offers a fascinating journey into a civilization often overshadowed by their Roman...
The Gaul Littavicus betraying the Roman cause and fleeing to support Vercingétorix during the Gallic Wars, in a painting by Théodore Chassériau citca 1838. Source: Public domain

Caesar’s Gambit: Reliving the Drama of the Gallic Wars

One of the principal aspects of growing empires is war. Throughout history, great kingdoms and realms were born at the expense of neighbors who were weaker and ripe for plunder. That is what happened...
Detail of the Triumph of Camillus (cropped) by Biagio d'Antonio c. 1470/1475. Source: Public domain By Marc Hyden

The Camillus Conundrum: Did Camillus Really Save Rome from the Gauls?

Few words evoked as much emotion in ancient Rome as vae victis or “woe to the vanquished.” They harkened back to a period when a Gallic tribe called the Senones had sacked the fledgling city of Rome...
Arènes De Lutèce Attests to a Gory Past of the City of Love

Arènes De Lutèce Attests to a Gory Past of the City of Love

Paris, ‘the city of love’, is the world-famous capital of France and is renowned for its culture, art, architecture and more. The metropolis’ humble beginnings date back to 3rd century BC when it was...
Artist’s reconstruction of Lutetia by Dassault Systemes (YouTube screenshot)

Ancient Lutetia: The Roman Roots of Paris

Over two millennia ago, France’s capital, Paris, was inhabited by Celtic Gauls who called their city Parisii. But then the Romans came and set up camp. They renamed their city Lutetia, meaning ‘place...
Skulls found at Le Cailar archaeological site show signs that the heads were embalmed.

Gallic Warriors Reaped, Embalmed Then Displayed the Heads of Their Slain Enemies

Returning from battle, according to ancient accounts, Gallic warriors displayed the severed heads of their fallen enemies around their horses’ necks for all to see, as they returned victorious to...
The Boy's King Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's History of King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table, Edited for Boys by Sidney Lanier (New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1922).

Meet Magnus Maximus, the Roman Usurper-Turned-Welsh Hero Who Inspired King Arthur

Fourteen hundred years before Britain voted to leave the European Union, it tried (and failed) to Brexit the Roman Empire. Under the leadership of Spanish-born soldier Magnus Maximus, a chunk of the...