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The Triumphal Arch of Orange in France - Symbol of the Roman Empire

The Romans left behind remarkable monuments and their influence on architecture cannot be overstated. Many of their public monuments commemorated a military victory and sought to legitimize their...
Ancient German Tomb With Circle Of Female Skeletons Found

Ancient German Tomb With Circle Of Female Skeletons Found

In Germany, a spectacular, mysterious tomb has been found. Archaeologists uncovered what they believe to be the ancient German tomb of a 1500-year-old German lord . Six female skeletons arranged in a...
Romulus and Remus placed in the river

Romulus and Remus, Osiris and Moses: Are the Storytelling Similarities a Mere Coincidence?

The stories of Romulus and Remus, Osiris, and Moses all share a common element. Why is it that the overarching theme surrounding ancient people and the start of their legacy is a male floating down...
The ruins of the Baths of Caracalla in Rome, Italy

When in Rome, Even the Christian Pilgrims Enjoyed the Baths of Caracalla

When we think of the city of Rome, we can easily picture the wealth of ancient monuments from its imperial past. The Baths of Caracalla are perhaps as popular today as they were when they were used...
The Seven Hills of Rome are considered to be located in the center of the city. Source: sborisov / Adobe Stock

The Seven Hills of Rome: Center Stage in Rome’s Eventful History

The Seven Hills of Rome are a group of hills to the east of the Tiber River, the main river within the city. These hills are important as they are considered the center of the city of Rome, and it...
The construction and location of the Roman pool has the experts stumped. Source: AnchorSoprintendenza Speciale di Roma

What in the Roman Republic is this Giant Pool Found Outside Rome?

A major but enigmatic discovery has been made near Rome. A huge pool, that is at least 2,300 years old has been uncovered by archaeologists. However, the role and purpose of this pool is not known...
A Roman legion and its general.

The Roman Legions: The Organized Military Force Of The Roman Empire

There is no doubt that the magnificent and long history of Rome was to a large extent dependent on its strong and highly developed army . From its earliest emergence, through the Roman Kingdom,...
The full skeleton of one of the Indian pet monkeys found by Polish researchers in a pet cemetery in the ancient port of Berenice, Egypt.                        Source: Marta Osypińska / Science in Poland

Pet Monkeys Buried Like Children In Ancient Egypt

Polish archaeologists have uncovered several skeletons of monkeys that were pets of ancient Greeks and Romans who lived in Egypt in the first and second century AD. The remains of these pet monkeys...
Pope Alexander VI inspired the Showtime mini-series “The Borgias”,

Pope Alexander VI: Unscrupulous Borgia Patriarch With a Lust for Power

Alexander VI was a pope who lived during the 15 th century, when Italy was experiencing the Renaissance . He is considered to be one of the most controversial popes in the history of the Roman...
Gladiators fighting

Gladiators: Ancient Romans Loved Their Deadly Games

The ancient Romans were known for many things – their engineering marvels, road networks, and the establishment of Roman law. They were, however, also renowned for their war-like nature. After all,...
The 10km-wide caldera on Alaska's Unmak Island formed during the 43 BC Okmok II eruption that contributed to the collapse of Rome. Source: Kerry Key (Columbia University, New York, NY/ Desert Research Institute

Discovered: The Highland Volcano That Collapsed Ancient Rome

Following Julius Caesar ’ s assassination in 44 BC extreme climate change led to crop failures which in turn fueled the increasing social unrest in Rome, adding greatly to the social disruption...
2300-year-old Anchor Devoted to Goddess of Love Hauled Up

2300-year-old Anchor Devoted to Goddess of Love Hauled Up

Marine archaeologists have made many important ancient discoveries in the Mediterranean and now an Italian team have uncovered an anchor at the bottom of the sea. It is 2,300 years old and it is...
Shot of an archaeologist holding the leather prank mouse found in the Roman fort of Vindolanda.      Source: Vindolanda Trust

The Romans’ Playful Side Revealed By Prank Mouse in Vindolanda

A 2,000-year-old ‘prank mouse’ has been discovered in a bag of Roman period leather offcuts in a collection of artifacts in Northumberland’s Vindolanda Museum. The life-sized leather mouse, measuring...
The Roman amphitheater of Cagliari             Source: murasal / Adobe Stock

When in Sardinia, Do as the Romans Do: The Cagliari Amphitheater

Sardinia is a beautiful Italian island renowned for its stunning views. It is also a historic island with over 7000 prehistoric archaeological sites that date from before 1000 BC and many amazing...
Many think of modern globalization as a corporate phenomenon, linking it to the spread of coronavirus. But in fact, archaeology evidences it began in antiquity up to 5,000 years ago. Pictured: Ptolemy’s Global map. 	Source: British Library

Elephants to Electronics: The Ancient Phenomenon of Modern Globalization

Many think of globalization as a modern and corporate phenomenon , and it has been readily linked to the spread of coronavirus. But modern globalization isn’t new. Archaeological research shows it...
Ancient gladiator and image representative of the Flavian amphitheater        Source: Luis Louro/ Adobe Stock

The Flavian Amphitheater that Bought Emperor Vespasian’s Popularity

Amphitheaters were a large part of the Roman culture and they were built in many of their cities across their empire, such as El Jem in Tunisia, Nimes Arena in France, and Leptis Magnus in Libya...
An ancient imperial floor has been discovered in the latest Rome sinkhole, right in front of the Pantheon.        Source: Virginia Raggi

Rome Sinkhole Reveals Extraordinary Archaeological Find

Another Rome sinkhole has appeared, this time, in front of the Pantheon in Piazza della Rotonda and in it, archaeologists have made the unexpected ‘rediscovery’ of an ancient imperial floor...
The Roman shipwreck excavated in Porta de Mar, Poreč in Dalmatia, Croatia, together with one of the archaeologists inspecting the find.            Source: Grad Poreč

The Remarkable ‘Sewn’ Roman Shipwreck in Croatia

In 2020, a rare discovery was made in Croatia – a 2,000-year-old wreck of a Roman sewn ship, a type of ship that was literally stitched together using ropes! Croatia has an already rich...
Left: Upper part of the body of grave 43 during excavation. The girl had an artificially deformed skull, was place in a grave with a side niche and richly equipped with a necklace, earrings, a comb and glass beads. The girl belonged to a group of people with a non-local origin and similar dietary habits, which appeared to have arrived at the site about 10 years after its establishment. (Wosinsky Mór Museum)         Right: Artificially deformed skull of an adult woman. Permanent binding during childhood caus

Cemetery of Elongated Skulls Revealed Chaos After the Fall of Rome

In 2020, researchers studied a remarkable burial site containing 51 men, women, and children with deformed elongated skulls from an ancient cemetery in Hungary , revealing a multicultural transition...
Left:  A team of scientists have found an alignment that occurs between the rising Sun and a major street in Turin that was constructed around 28 BC. (Guido Cossard) Right: Statue of Emperor Octavian in Rome. (fabiomax / Adobe stock)

Does This Ancient Solar Phenomenon Really Honor Emperor Octavian?

A team of scientists in Turin, Italy , have claimed the alignment of one of the city streets marks the day Roman Emperor Octavian (“Augustus”) was titled “father of the country” - but not everyone...
Archaeologists have unearthed “recycling sites” outside the walls of ancient Pompeii, showing the Pompeiians once recycled trash in an a very effective manner. Pictured: shot of the ruins with Mount Vesuvius in the background.      Source: dbvirago / Adobe stock

Ancient Pompeiians Built Parts of the City With Recycled Trash

Archaeologists have determined rubbish mounds outside the city walls at Pompeii were “recycling sites” where trash was sorted, reformed and resold, revealing the ancient Pompeiians were eco-conscious...
Unravelling the True Story of the Legendary Trojan Horse

Unravelling the True Story of the Legendary Trojan Horse

The Trojan horse really exists, or rather did exist until a few years ago. It is a horse that has crossed history over the last 3,000 years, who has made poets, princes, kings, and emperors fall in...
Depiction of the German Knights Templar.    Source: vukkostic / Adobe stock

The Curious Apparitions of Pagan Goddesses to the German Knights Templar

The Untersberg is a great mountain straddling the Austro-German border opposite Salzburg. It was reputed in local legend to be the seat of the god Wotan and to be haunted. The Knights Templar of the...
Representation of Hannibal and the Carthaginians before battle.       Source: Iuliia KOVALOVA / Adobe stock

New Site Identified For Battlefield Of Hannibal’s First Great Victory

Archaeologists in Spain have discovered the lost battlefield where the legendary Hannibal won his first great victory before his march on Rome. Hannibal was the famous Carthaginian statesman and...
