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Roman ship ramming a Carthaginian ship. Naval battles were key in the First Punic War. Source: Massimo Todaro/Adobe Stock

Rome vs. Carthage: The First Punic War and the Birth of a Superpower

The First Punic War was a brutal conflict that pitted two of the greatest powers of the ancient world against each other. With the might of Rome on one side and the naval supremacy of Carthage on the...
Ancient Roman funeral and mourning. Source: Erica Guilane-Nachez / Adobe Stock.

Watch the Reenactment of a Traditional Roman Funeral (Video)

The ancient Romans had a unique relationship with death and dying, and their burial practices were no exception. When someone passed away, their loved ones would gather around the dying person's bed...
Watch the Remarkable Ancient Method of Casting Bronze Faces (Video)

Watch the Remarkable Ancient Method of Casting Bronze Faces (Video)

In the realm of ancient artistry , a remarkable technique emerged, known as the "lost wax" method. This ingenious process, dating back centuries, became the cornerstone of bronze casting, bringing to...
Left; Female figurine found at Battifratta Cave. Right; archaeologists investigating at the cave. Source: Sapienza University of Rome

Enigmatic 7,000-year-old Figurine Found In Italian Cave Shocks Archaeologists

When archaeologists in Italy were exploring the spectacular Battifratta Cave, they did not expect to unearth “a rare” clay female figurine. And neither were they ready for the dating of the piece,...
Silver denarii coins played a crucial role in Roman inflation and the collapse of the Roman empire. Source: Glevalex / Adobe Stock

The Devaluation of Rome: Roman Inflation and the Demise of the Empire

Inflation is a common economic phenomenon that can have a significant impact on the stability of a country's economy and social structures. This was certainly true for the Roman Empire, which...
Gladiatoren im Kolosseum by Eugène Delacroix (Public Domain)

Big Cats For The Fat Cats Of Ancient Rome

Emperor Caracalla kept a favorite lion, Acinaces, as a pet, but not all Romans’ obsession for big feline predators boded well for the animals. “It is believed that a dying lion bites the earth and...
Roman Empire in its splendor. Source: Artcuboy/Adobe Stock

The Roman Empire: A Story of Power, Glory, and Tragedy

For centuries, the Roman Empire stood as a formidable superpower, spanning vast territories, and leaving an indelible mark on Western civilization. The Roman Empire was a powerhouse of innovation,...
Venus mourning Adonis by Sir Peter Paul Rubens. Source: Public domain

5 Heartbreaking Roman Myths That’ll Captivate You

Roman myths are an integral part of the ancient Roman civilization, and their significance extends far beyond their religious context. These tales of romance, heroism, and tragedy have captured the...
Gladiatrix. Source: Julien / Adobe Stock.

The Gladiatrix: Unleashing the Power of Women in Ancient Rome's Bloodiest Arena (Video)

The Colosseum in ancient Rome was a symbol of strength, courage, and honor. For nearly three decades, gladiatorial combat had been the ultimate expression of Roman values, where men battled each...
A gladiator stands before an arena filled with spectators. Source: Justinas / Adobe Stock.

What Being a Spectator at the Rome Colosseum Was Like (Video)

From the thunderous roar of the crowd to the heart-stopping battles between gladiators and exotic beasts, this YouTube video takes you on a journey back in time to experience the jaw-dropping...
A representation of naumachia. 1894 painting by Ulpiano Checa. Source: Public Domain

The Spectacle of Naumachia: Rome's Brutal Naval Gladiator Battles

For centuries naval gladiator battles, known as naumachia , enthralled crowds with their realistic recreations of famous sea battles, complete with all the chaos, bravery, and brutality of the...
Plague epidemic. Source: Dr_Microbe / Adobe Stock.

How a Gruesome Epidemic Threatened the Roman Empire (Video)

Rome, the cultural epicenter of the world in 162 AD, faced an unparalleled crisis as a gruesome epidemic threatened to undermine its very foundation. In this riveting account, we follow Galen of...
Roman soldier. Source: S... / Adobe Stock/Insert Button Play Video by Dehweh

A Guide to Joining the Roman Army (Video)

The world of ancient Rome was one of great conquests , military might, and glory. Joining the Roman Army was a privilege and an honor that only the most courageous and qualified men could achieve. To...
Emperor Nero fiddling while Rome burns. Source: Sunshower Shots / Adobe Stock.

Did Nero Really Fiddle While Rome Burned?

Nero , the infamous emperor of the Roman Empire, is known for his cruelty and debauchery. However, one of the most enduring tales about him is that he played the fiddle while Rome burned during the...
Ancient Babylon. Source: Rick / Adobe Stock.

15 of History’s Most Advanced Ancient Civilizations (Video)

Over the course of our species' relatively short existence, a myriad of awe-inspiring civilizations have risen to great heights, only to crumble into the annals of history. From the Ancient Egyptians...
Being able to travel back in time to view ancient Greece in the flesh is the dream of many a historian. Thanks to modern technology and digital recreations we’re closer than ever before.

15 Incredible Facts About Ancient Rome (Video)

The ancient civilization of Rome has had an enduring impact on human history, shaping modern Western society in countless ways. From its legendary founding by Romulus and Remus to its eventual...
The Frumentarii were the eyes and ears of the Roman Emperor. Source: oz/AdobeStock

Frumentarii - The Roman Emperor’s Eyes and Ears

Throughout the world’s history, many of the kingdoms, empires, and rulers depended on some sort of a secretive assistance. Powerful realms are like intricate machines - filled with secrets. To...
Bloody gladiator sports at the Colosseum ( Gasi/ Adobe Stock)

Are You Not Entertained? A Take On Professional Sports, Philosophy and Wargames In Ancient Rome

The poet Juvenal berated the Roman people for allowing themselves to be seduced by slimy politicians who bought their votes with free wheat and expensive circus games: “Already long ago, from when we...
Statue of Hercules found near the Appian Way. Credit: Archaeological Park of Appia Antica

Incredible Ancient Statue of Hercules Pulled from Rome Sewer

Archaeologists in Rome have made an exciting discovery while conducting excavation work to repair collapsed sewage pipes in Parco Scott, a part of the Appia Antica Archaeological Park. They stumbled...
Right; Dancers in a fresco in the Etruscan Tomb of the Triclinium, Left; Tarchon mosaic, Tarquinia, Lazio, Italy.  Source: Left; Public Domain, Right; Public Domain

Tarchon and Tyrrhenus: The Etruscan Romulus and Remus?

The Etruscans, although enigmatic compared to the familiar civilizations of Greece and Rome, had a significant impact on the development of Roman civilization. As a result, it is unsurprising that...
Right; A large-area elemental map of a 2 cm fragment of ancient Roman concrete showing a calcium-rich lime clast (in red), which is responsible for the unique self-healing properties in this ancient material. Left; The archaeological site of Privernum, Italy where the sample was collected. Source: Masic et al./MIT News Office

Why Was Roman Concrete So Durable? Scientists Say It Could Heal Itself

Materials scientists have been working with archaeologists and historians for many years, attempting to unlock the fascinating secrets of Roman Empire concrete-making technologies and techniques,...
Massacres have been a near constant in human history. Pieter Bruegel the Elder painting The Triumph of Death, circa 1562. Source: Public Domain

The Stories Behind Seven of the Worst Massacres in Ancient History

We all know that the ancient world was a violent place, but we often don’t appreciate just how violent it was. The world was in a near-constant state of bloodshed and warfare. Massacres and mass...
Cultures around the world have developed superstitions in an attempt to bring luck or avoid pain. Many of these dealt with ordinary activities and objects, including goats, grapes and gum!          Source: Justinas / Adobe Stock

Eight Bizarre Superstitions from Ancient History

Whether you toss salt over your shoulder or avoid opening umbrellas indoors, we’ve all got our own superstitions. Superstitious beliefs are nothing new - humans have been abiding by these interesting...
Taking ‘brain food’ literally – baked brains with roasted roses, another disgusting ancient food           Source: Dubnytskaya Photo / Adobe Stock

Nine Absolutely Disgusting Ancient Foods Our Ancestors Enjoyed

Cuisine is an essential aspect of one’s culture. The meals enjoyed by various communities in ancient times have evolved throughout history to become the foods we know and love today. However, these...
