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We share free history videos relating to archaeology, ancient places, unexplained phenomena, historic mysteries, and much more. Don’t miss the chance to explore these ancient mysteries videos. These ancient history videos also include interviews with authors, researchers and top experts from around the world. Explore these ancient mysteries videos and immerse yourself in the wonder of our ancient past.

The Kiyomizu-dera Temple in autumn.	Source:  idmanjoe/Adobe Stock

5 Most Famous and Beautiful Japanese Temples (Video)

Explore the rich cultural tapestry of Japan through its iconic temples , each showcasing the country's enduring artistic legacy. One such marvel is the Horyu-ji Temple , standing since 607 AD as the...
A representation of Emperor Nero, thoughtfully playing a lyre in a lavish Roman garden. Source:  EOL STUDIOS/Adobe Stock

The Mad Emperor - Why Did Nero Let Rome Burn? (Video)

Nero's reign as Roman Emperor, marked by his ascent to power at a young age, was characterized by a complex web of familial ambition, political maneuvering, and personal indulgence. Born into a...
AI illustration of King Arthur King of Britain and the sword in the stone. Source: dan/Adobe Stock

The True Story Behind the Sword in the Stone (Video)

The legend of King Arthur , with his famed sword Excalibur and the magical stone, has captivated imaginations for centuries. Rooted in the chaos of 5th-century Britain, the historical existence of...
Portrait of medieval bearded pirate holding sword and gun.  Source: Oulaphone/Adobe Stock

The Horrifying Torture Methods Used By Pirates… (Video)

In the grim era of the 1600s, humanity bore witness to a dark chapter marked by massacres, persecution, and cruelty. The so-called Golden Age of Piracy unfolded amid this brutality, with pirates...
The last battle of the Ostrogoths and the end of their influence was fought on the slopes of Mount Vesuvius in the Battle of Mons Lactarius. Painting from 1890, by Alexander Zick.  Source: Captain Blood/ Public domain

Shaping European History- What Made the Goths Unique (Video)

The Goths , pioneers in military strategy, left an indelible mark on European history. Introducing cavalry to warfare, they confronted the Romans at the Battle of Adrianople in 378 AD, a pivotal...
Rome, Italy: The Roman Forum. Source: krivinis/Adobe Stock

Roman Origins: Did Romulus Really Found Rome? (Video)

The legendary founding of Rome revolves around two key figures, Romulus and Aeneas , whose stories intertwine with myth, geology, and archaeology. According to tradition, Romulus , saved by shepherds...
Illustration of a great war leader commanding the vast Mongol army on horseback. Source: Kien/Adobe Stock

How Successful Was the Mongol Empire? (Video)

The Mongol Empire, at its zenith, rivaled the British Empire in territorial expanse, controlling around twelve million square miles of land. Emerging in 1279, the Mongol Empire surpassed the Roman...
AI illustration of Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom. Source: Michael/Adobe Stock

How Does the Line of Succession to the British Throne Work? (Video)

The British line of succession is a complex historical tapestry woven over centuries, marked by twists and turns. Beginning with Egbert in 827 AD, the hereditary path to the throne was often...
Australopithecus Afarensis, Lucy. Source: Carlos Lorenzo/flickr

How Did Our Most Famous Ancient Ancestor Really Die? (Video)

In the prehistoric landscape of eastern Africa, approximately 3 million years ago, a significant event unfolded, shaping the fate of one of our most famous ancestors, Australopithecus afarensis ,...
Temple of Athena Pronaia at Delphi in Greece. Source: Leonid Andronov/Adobe Stock

Ancient Delphi: The Center of the Universe Explained (Video)

Delphi , deemed the Omphalos or Navel of the Earth by the Ancient Greeks, stands as an extraordinary reminder of their spiritual and architectural prowess. Nestled on Mount Parnassus, it thrived...
Ivan the Terrible admiring his sixth wife, Vasilisa Melentyeva.  Source: Public Domain

The Eight Wives of Ivan the Terrible and Their Horrific Fate (Video)

Ivan the Terrible , infamous for his tyrannical rule over Russia , had a complex romantic history with eight wives, each facing distinct and often tragic fates. Anastasia Romanova, his first wife,...
An ancient Roman gladiator. Source: Luis Louro /Adobe Stock

The Reality of Gladiator Life and Their Training (Video)

In the world of gladiators , once perceived as either heroic warriors or despised villains, their existence is marked by brutality and ritualized training rather than the romanticized notions of...
An AI illustration of a Neanderthal (archaic human) isolated on white background. Source: Bartek/Adobe Stock

5 Incredible Human Species That Went Extinct (Video)

Human evolution , spanning over 7 million years, once featured a diverse array of species, each with unique adaptations and survival strategies. Among them, Australopithecus stands out, thriving in...
Detail of Narmer smiting an enemy, portrayed on the Narmer Palette, Nekhen, Egypt.	Source: Public Domain

Narmer's Reign: The Epic Beginnings of Ancient Egypt (Video)

In the 31st century BC, Narmer , an ambitious king of Upper Egypt, orchestrated a pivotal conquest, uniting both Upper and Lower Egypt and establishing himself as the first ruler of the combined...
AI generated image of Charlemagne Charles the Great king. Source: dan/Adobe Stock

Charlemagne: How He Changed History Forever (Video)

Charlemagne , also known as Charles the Great, stands as a pivotal figure in European history, reshaping the fragmented Western and Central Europe after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Born...
Coin of Seleucos I, likely depicting a posthumous portrait of Alexander the Great. Source: I, PHGCOM/ CC BY-SA 3.0

After Alexander- The Rise and Fall of the Seleucids (Video)

The demise of the Seleucid Empire unfolds as a consequence of the intricate power struggles following Alexander the Great's death. After Alexander's demise in 323 BC, his vast empire, extending from...
Left: 2nd century AD sculpture, small replica of the Athena Parthenos of Phidias. Right: Artist’s impression of Zeus sculpture by Phidias. 	Source: Left; George E. Koronaios/CC BY-SA 4.0, Right; Public Domain

The Greatest Colossal Statues of Ancient Greece (Video)

Ancient Greece boasts some of the most remarkable colossal statues, with the works of the renowned sculptor Phidias taking center stage. Born between 480 and 430 BC, Phidias left an indelible mark on...
Representation of betrayal, backstabbing. Source: wrukolakas/Adobe Stock

Historical Backstabs That Backfired Big Time (Video)

Historically, betrayals have often been met with unexpected consequences. The pursuit of power and revenge has led to the downfall of even the most cunning conspirators . One such instance occurred...
Painting of a Renaissance banquet, by Władysław Bakałowicz. Source. Public Domain

The Most Decadent Banquets in History (Video)

Indulging in extravagant feasts throughout history, these banquets were grand spectacles of excess and luxury. In 1873, a German businessman orchestrated a lavish gathering in New York, featuring a...
7th drawing from the first roll of the Illustrated Account of the Mongol invasion of Japan. Source: Public Domain

How the Samurai Defended Against the Mongols (Video)

In the face of Mongol invasions during the Middle Ages, the Kamakura Bakufu and their samurai demonstrated strategic prowess in defending Japan . Often overshadowed by tales of typhoons and samurai...
Spartan King Leonidas I and his warriors at Thermopylae. Source: Hui/Adobe Stock

Salamis 480 BC: The Battle for Greece (Video)

In 480 BC, King Xerxes led the mighty Persian Empire to punish Greek city-states for meddling in his affairs. The Greeks, forming a coalition of 31 states, strategically planned their defense at the...
Generic image of flatlands. Source: Dmitry/Adobe Stock

Doggerland: Did a Tsunami Swallow Part of Europe? (Video)

In 1931, Pilgrim Lockwood's discovery of an antler harpoon in the North Sea unveiled the existence of a submerged land, Doggerland , connecting Britain to Europe. This region, traversed by...
Old photo of one of the tombs in the Nubian cemetery discovered in 1908. 	Source: University of Manchester

Charles II - The King With the Wilder Love Life Than Henry VIII (Video)

Charles II of England, known as the Merry Monarch, led a notorious love life, surpassing even Henry VIII in scandalous affairs. Born in 1630, Charles spent his early years in exile due to his father'...
AI portrait of fearless powerful warrior Viking man with blood marks. Source: Asiri/Adobe Stock

The Vikings Had a Justice System Based On Blood Feuds (Video)

The Icelandic Vikings of the Middle Ages had a justice system centered on blood feuds , in stark contrast to modern legal proceedings. Unlike today's courtroom dramas with attorneys and evidence,...
