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Other Artifacts

Other Artifacts covers many items which have been recovered from the past and give us insights into ancient human worlds. From loaded Roman dice to the Shroud of Turin, these items help tell the stories of the varied culture and everyday lives of our ancestors. 

Two of the gems discovered along with thousands of Roman coins in the ancient Roman city of Claterna in Italy. Source: Soprintendenza Bologna

Massive Cache of Roman Coins and Gems Found in Ancient “Magical City”

Excavations at a spectacular ancient Roman site in northern Italy have produced some significant finds during the most recent archaeological season. The latest of these remarkable discoveries in the...
King Tut’s tomb was prepared in a rush. Source: Jaroslav Moravcik / Adobe Stock.

Why Was Tutankhamun’s Tomb Prepared in Such a Hurry? (Video)

King Tutankhamun's burial , typically a carefully orchestrated affair, deviates intriguingly from the norm. Anomalies emerge in the form of mysterious black mold patches adorning the tomb's walls, a...
Lady parading with followers bearing torches, at the ancient Celtic festival of Beltane, marking the beginning of summer.	Source: chrisdonia/CC BY NC SA 2.0

10 Ancient Festivals That Were Far From Innocent

Many ancient festivals had elements that were far from innocent, often involving rituals, practices, and customs that might seem strange or even disturbing by today's standards. From bloodletting, to...
New excavations of the 1,300-year-old pre-Viking ship burial, referred to as Herlaugshaugen. Source: Hanne Bryn / NTNU Science Museum

1,300-Year-Old Pre-Viking Ship Burial Rewrites History

The identification of a pre-Viking ship burial unearthed in Norway is helping rewrite history. A previously excavated mound, containing remnants of the oldest large ship ever buried, on the island of...
The moment of the discovery of the wind chime in Viminacium.  Source: Ilija Danković, Archaeological Institute

Roman Winged Phallus Wind Chime Talisman Unearthed in Serbia

New research at the Viminacium site in eastern Serbia, once capital of the Roman province of Moesia Superior, has made a remarkable find. As soon as archaeologists began their latest exploration of...
Extensive floor mosaics uncovered at the site at İncesu, Cappadocia.	Source: Kayseri Municipality

Vast and Mesmerizing Floor Mosaic Unearthed in Cappadocian Villa

A floor mosaic covering a whopping area of 600 square meters has been uncovered during excavations in Cappadocia, in the heart of Turkey. Ongoing excavations at the site, believed to be the remnants...
Was this the world’s first zoo? Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

Was This Ancient Egyptian Site The World's First Zoo? (Video)

In the world of ancient mysteries lies a peculiar Egyptian burial ground that challenges our understanding of the past. Archaeologist Dr Renée Friedman and her team have discovered a prehistoric...
Copper was central to King Solomon’s wealth. Source: PhotoGranary / Adobe Stock.

The Valuable Commodity Behind King Solomon's Wealth (Video)

In the quest to uncover the source of King Solomon's fabled riches, archaeologists have made a remarkable discovery in the arid landscapes of southern Israel, near Timna. These ancient mining sites,...
One of the Ram in a Thicket statues. Source: British Museum / CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Ram in a Thicket: A Mesopotamian Legacy from the Ancient City of Ur

The treasures of ancient cultures are a source of never ending inspiration. It is such a wonder to see the magnificence of the art that was created in the dawn of civilization, so long before our...
Largest Headhunting Massacre from Neolithic China Unearthed

Largest Headhunting Massacre from Neolithic China Unearthed

Evidence of the bloodiest decapitation and head-hunting in Neolithic Asian history, has been unearthed from China, from 4,100 years ago. In total, 41 skeletons were recovered, all belonging to women...
Security features in ancient tomb. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

What Maximum Security Meant for Ancient Tomb Raiders (Video)

The kings of the Han Dynasty went to extraordinary lengths to protect their tombs , and within these fortified resting places, ancient tomb raiders faced an imposing challenge. The tomb in this video...
Close up of Old Croghan Man’s nails (National Museum of Ireland)

Why Does This Ancient Corpse Have a Manicure? (Video)

In central Ireland, beneath the looming presence of Croghan Hill, lies a mystery shrouded in history. Known simply as the Old Croghan Man , his true name remains a riddle lost to time. Archaeologists...
Pyramids acted as beacons to tomb raiders. Source: sit0108 / Adobe Stock.

Why Pyramids Were Effective Advertisements for Tomb Raiders (Video)

The ancient pyramids of Egypt, exemplified by the Great Pyramid of Giza , stand as remarkable structures in human history. Renowned Egyptologist Dr. Mark Lehner explores their construction and the...
Mesopotamian clay balls have been unearthed in Iran. Source: Fair use

Mesopotamian Clay Balls: Ancient Relics or Prehistoric Hard Drives?

Research conducted in late 2013 offered intriguing clues to decoding the secrets of the Mesopotamian clay balls, which date back 5,500 years. The study, which used CT scanning to look inside the clay...
This ancient Egyptian tomb may have been ransacked by priests. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

Was This Ancient Egyptian Tomb Ransacked by Priests? (Video)

In the heart of the Valley of the Kings lies a mysterious tomb, designated as KV64. This mysterious burial site unveils a tumultuous chapter in ancient Egypt's history. The tomb , untouched and...
San Jose shipwreck. Credit: Presidency of the Republic of Colombia.

Holy Grail of Shipwrecks With $20 Billion of Treasure to be Raised from the Deep!

A Spanish galleon lying off the coast of Colombia has become a top priority project for the Colombian government, whose president is eager to recover as much as $20 billion in gold, silver, and gems...
Ancient ballista weapon. Source: Viacheslav / Adobe Stock.

This Roman Weapon of Mass Destruction is 2000 Years Old (Video)

In the heart of northern Britain, a monumental structure once divided the land into two distinct territories. Emperor Hadrian commissioned its construction in 122 AD, and in just six years, Hadrian's...
Headless Bronze Statue found in Egyptian tomb. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

Headless Bronze Statue Connected to Saqqara Pyramid (Video)

This significant discovery illuminates the glorious era of ancient Egypt when they erected some of the world's most iconic structures. The uncovered bronze statue near Pinomis’s tomb in Egypt’s...
Left; Archaeologists at the opening of the Etruscan tomb dating back to the 7th century BC at the Osteria necropolis in Vulci, Italy.  Right; Artifacts in the tomb. Source: Municipality of Montalto di Castro

Untouched 2,600-Year-Old Fully Intact Etruscan Tomb Uncovered in Italy

In the archaeological area of the ancient Etruscan city Vulci, a new, fully intact double-chambered Etruscan tomb was uncovered in the Osteria necropolis. The tomb, uncovered in April, has finally...
Representational image of the Cape Gelidonya shipwreck generated by AI. Source: Krtola / Adobe Stock

Ancient Underwater Trade Secrets at the Cape Gelidonya Shipwreck

When a Turkish sponge diver discovered a shipwreck in the 1950s, little did he know that he had stumbled on the ancient remains of a ship laden with Bronze Age cargo. Later dubbed the Cape Gelldonya...
The Bronze Age yoke in situ at the excavations in Este. Source: Superintendency of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the metropolitan area of Venice and the provinces of Belluno, Padua and Treviso.

3,300-Year-Old Wooden Yoke Unveiled in Northern Italy After Extensive Restoration

Following a meticulous eight-year process of excavation, retrieval, and restoration, a unique 3,300-year-old wooden yoke has been unveiled to the public. It was unearthed from a Late Bronze Age stilt...
Modified tiger shark teeth found in 7,000-year-old layers of Leang Panninge (top) and Leang Bulu’ Sipong 1 (bottom) on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. Right; Shark tooth weapons from Kiribati and Hawai’i. Source: M.C. Langley/The Conversation, Right; The Trustees of The British Museum

Bringing a Shark to a Knife Fight: 7,000-year-old Shark-tooth Knives Discovered in Indonesia

Michelle Langley et al./The Conversation Excavations on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi have uncovered two unique and deadly artifacts dating back some 7,000 years – tiger shark teeth that were...
Facial reconstruction of a Terracotta warrior. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Royalty Now Studios.

A Terracotta Warrior's Digital Transformation (Video)

The Terracotta Army , a remarkable archaeological marvel from ancient China, has long captivated the world with its silent army of clay soldiers. These soldiers , dating back to the Qin Dynasty (...
Experts conduct X-ray and CT scans on the Fiji mermaid in an attempt to unravel its genuine nature.    Source: Norse Media

Scans of ‘Frankensteined-Together’ Fiji Mermaid Reveal Its Origins

The mystery behind one of the infamous ‘Fiji mermaids’ may soon be solved by radiology testing. This bizarre creature seems to be part fish, part monkey, and part reptile, and has baffled scientists...
