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Ancient Writings

There are literally thousands of incredible texts that have survived from the ancient world, which are etched onto copper, beautifully inscribed on papyrus, chipped onto tablets, and even written using the ink of ground down gold and precious stones. Here we feature many ancient writings, which have served to open a window onto the daily lives of our ancestors and enhanced the knowledge we hold about our ancient past.

Holy couple. Source: Paolo Gallo / Adobe Stock.

The Kama Sutra: It’s Not Just About Sex (Video)

The Kama Sutra , known for its acrobatic sex positions, is often misunderstood. Contrary to popular belief, it lacks explicit pictures and covers more than just sex . Translated from Sanskrit , it...
The fragment of pottery with the Virgil quote overlaid. Source: Iván González Tobar/Labex Archimède; University of Córdoba

1800-Year-Old Roman Amphora of Olive Oil Contains Quote from the Legendary Virgil

A fragment of an amphora of olive oil, dated to the Roman period in southern Spain 1,800 years ago, has astounded the archaeological community at large. Plucked from the earth during prospecting...
Pictish carvings in Wemyss Caves. Source: SCAPE Trust.

Carved in Stone: Exploring Wemyss Caves' Pictish Symbols (Video)

Hidden within the depths of Scotland's Fife lies a secret world of mystery and artistry, tucked away in the Wemyss caves . These ancient caverns hold a remarkable treasure trove of symbols etched...
Plimpton 322 clay tablet. Source: Public Domain.

Were the Ancient Babylonians Far More Advanced Than We Thought? (Video)

Plimpton 322 , a 3,800-year-old ancient clay tablet, stands as a testament to the astounding mathematical prowess of the Babylonians. Dating back centuries before ancient Greece, this artifact...
The runestone discovered in Randers, Denmark is likely older than the Jelling stones. Source: Lene Brandt/DR

Giant Runestone Discovered Under Kitchen Floor in Denmark

A routine home renovation just outside the city of Randers in Denmark, turned into something out of a fantasy-treasure novel. A young couple stumbled upon a sizable runestone just as they were...
Ancient gospel. Source: Dmitry Pichugin / Adobe Stock.

Divine Conspiracy: Uncovering the Gospel of Judas (Video)

In the annals of biblical archaeology, few discoveries have ignited as much scholarly fervor and public intrigue as the unearthing of the Gospel of Judas. This mysterious text , a tangible testament...
Left, Nazca geoglyphs recently discovered using artificial intelligence show figures of a pair of bird legs, a humanoid and a fish at Nazca in Peru. Right, Examples of various types of Nazca image creation techniques.	Source: Yamagata University Institute of Nasca

New Nazca Geoglyphs Uncovered in Northern Pampa Using AI Tech

What do a humanoid figure, a bird, a fish, and a pair of legs have in common? Japanese scientists and archaeologists, using a deep artificial intelligence learning model technique, have discovered...
Fragment from ancient gospel. Source: Stephen Butler / Adobe Stock.

Lost Gospels Revealed: The Startling Revelation of Jesus's Wife (Video)

In the depths of history, a remarkable discovery emerged, shedding new light on the enigmatic figure of Jesus . An ancient fragment of a book, the Gospel of Jesus’s Wife , composed in the mysterious...
Faded Cyrillic script discovered on lead plate. Source: Ivaylo Kanev/Bulgarian National History Museum

Earliest Known Cyrillic Script With Ancient Plea Found at Medieval Bulgarian Fortress

Researchers performing excavations at a medieval fortress in Bulgaria unearthed a weathered and aged lead plate that contained a hard-to-read inscription. In fact, the inscribed words were so faint...
Detail from an old Egyptian postage stamp depicting Jean-François Champollion. Source: Silvio / Adobe Stock

The Legacy and Tragic Death of Egyptology's Father, Champollion

Remembered as the father of Egyptology, the 19th-century Frenchman Jean-François Champollion prematurely and tragically passed away in 1832 shortly after visiting Egypt. In 1822, Champollion...
Ancient bible manuscript. Source: Cla78 / Adobe Stock.

Mysterious Manuscripts: The Fascinating Story of Ancient Bibles (Video)

Ancient religious texts have always been a source of fascination and intrigue, offering a glimpse into the beliefs and customs of people from bygone eras. A collection of mysterious and ancient...
The Story of Sinuhe, one of ancient Egypt’s treasures. Source: art_of_line/Adobe Stock

The Captivating Story of Sinuhe: A Powerful Glimpse into Ancient Egypt

One of the most captivating tales in Egyptian history is The Story of Sinuhe, one of the most well-preserved works recovered from the Middle Kingdom Period (2055-1650 BC). Set during the reign of...
Head end and left side of the Nakhtkhnum coffin showing an example of coffin texts. Source: Metropolitan Museum of Art/CC0

Unveiling the Mystical World of the Egyptian Coffin Texts

One of the most fascinating discoveries of ancient Egypt was the discovery of the Egyptian Coffin Texts, a collection of spellbinding funerary spells and incantations inscribed on coffins, sarcophagi...
From the Codex Mendoza — a father teaches his son the art of war, and a mother teaches her daughter house chores. The speech is in the scroll glyph. (Public Domain)

Codex Mendoza: A Glimpse into the Aztec World

Ever wanted to step back in time to the days of the Aztecs? With the Codex Mendoza, you can. Reading this document takes you back to the mid-16th century, shortly after the Spanish conquest of Mexico...
Lilith has been portrayed as a demoness who refused to return to the Garden of Eden. Source: Gasi / Adobe Stock

Adam’s First Wife Lilith: Diabolical Demoness or the First Feminist?

Lilith is first mentioned in ancient Babylonian texts as a winged female demon that attacks pregnant women and infants. From Babylonia, the legend of “the lilith” spread to ancient Anatolia, Syria,...
A land purchase document which is a square brick with writing that can be seen on the front, most of which is blurred. From the upper right, only part of the words "Wang Village, Yuanqu County, Jiangzhou, Jiangzhou, South East Road, Dajin Kingdom... Name of Gongcao... Mingchang..." and other parts of the text can be discerned. (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology)

800-year-old Jin Period Tomb in China is a Window into Funeral Customs of the Age

Detailed findings from an extraordinary Jin Dynasty tomb in Shanxi province of central China that was discovered in 2019 have recently been made public - a magnificent ornately carved brick structure...
The Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan undergoing imaging to reveal the hidden text. Source: Lumiere Technology/Pascal Cotte and Salvatore Apicella

Manuscript Containing Missing Details of Ptolemy’s Meteoroscope Decrypted

A parchment, part of a larger manuscript found in the library of the Bobbio Abbey in Italy, is believed to be authored by ancient Greek mathematician, astronomer, and geographer Claudius Ptolemy. It...
Sharon Mintz of Sotherby’s with the Codex Sassoon, oldest Hebrew Bible. Source: Courtesy of Sotheby’s

A Nearly 1,100-Year-Old Hebrew Bible Could Be the Most Expensive Ever Sold

Renowned auction house, Sotheby’s in New York, prepares itself for the sale of possibly the most expensive historical document ever sold at an auction, in the form of Codex Sassoon. This is one of...
Lake Superior glyphs. Source: YouTube Screenshot / America Unearthed

Who Mined Lake Superior? Ancient Glyphs Solve Bronze Age Mystery (Video)

For centuries, the shores of Lake Superior have held countless secrets, hidden in the depths of the lake and the surrounding wilderness. Recently, a team of archaeologists and linguists stumbled upon...
Predynastic rock art - with ruler boat procession, ca. 3200 BC, Wadi al Agebab. Source: © Mohamed Abdel Hay Abu Baker

Plea to Protect Predynastic Rock Art to Save the Deep Past of Egypt

In some of the harshest landscapes found anywhere in Egypt, archaeologists have discovered a stunning collection of petroglyphs (rock art) and inscriptions that date from the fifth millennium BC up...
The medallion bearing the earliest known mention of the Norse god Odin.     Source: Arnold Mikkelsen/ Denmark National Museum

Oldest Inscription of ‘Odin’ Resets Beliefs About Norse Mythology

Archaeologists in Denmark are celebrating the discovery of the oldest inscription mentioning the god Odin. This story begins with the 2021 discovery of a 5th century collection of Norse treasures at...
Nile mosaic in Palestrina      Source: CC BY-SA 3.0

Archaeologist Digs for Evidence of the Rosetta Stone’s Ancient Egyptian Rebellion

By Jay Silverstein /The Conversation The Rosetta Stone is not known for its content, but as a lexicon of Egyptian hieroglyphics. The decree inscribed on the stone, however, discusses a violent revolt...
A sample of Codex Leicester by Leonardo da Vinci. Source: Public Domain

Leonardo da Vinci’s Codex Leicester: A Masterpiece of Science and Art

Have you ever wanted to explore the mind of one of history's greatest polymaths? The Codex Leicester gives history experts and art gurus alike the opportunity to do so. This famous book is a treasure...
The pyramid texts of ancient Egypt’s pyramids are a rich source of information on their beliefs and religion. Source: EvrenKalinbacak/ Adobe Stock

The Pyramid Texts: Incantations Carved in Stone

The ancient Egyptians were known for their elaborate funerary traditions and beliefs in life after death, with the pharaohs being the most powerful and religious rulers of their time. The Pyramid...
