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Martini Fisher

Martini Fisher comes from a family of history and culture buffs. She graduated from Macquarie University, Australia, with a degree in Ancient History. Although her interest in history is diverse, Martini is especially interested in  mythologies, folklores and ancient funerary practices.

Martini currently travels Asia with the purpose of collecting folklores and tales to simplify and present them for a global audience. Her first series of books, “Wayang: Stories of the Shadow Puppets,” is a look at the ancient stories of Javanese creation myths from a traditional performing arts standpoint. She also spent some time in Bali, Indonesia, compiling a little book of Balinese folk tales which she then released in e-book form titled “The Giant Who Loved the Moon: A Collection of Balinese Folk Tales”.

Spending most of her time in Asia and Australia, Martini started her contributions for another series of books, “Time Maps,” in 2008, continuing the work of Dr. R.K Fisher, who started the project in 1996 until the time of his passing. “Time Maps” retells the world history through a non-European point of view. “Time Maps: History, Prehistory and Biological Evolution” is available online and in bookstores.

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Historical Chinese Gardens: Sanctuaries For The Mind And Body

Historical Chinese Gardens: Sanctuaries For The Mind And Body

In a garden, art, science, nature and the mind collide. It is no surprise then, that many stories in ancient religions and philosophies are set in gardens. Christians believe that the Garden of Eden...
Mahapajapati Gotami Buddha’s stepmother and Buddhist nuns (Dharma / CC BY-SA 2.0)

Bhadda Kundalakesa The Rebellious Intelligent Buddhist Nun

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Kai-Awase: Elegant Shell Matching Pastime Of The Nobility During Heian Japan

Kai-Awase: Elegant Shell Matching Pastime Of The Nobility During Heian Japan

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Perchance To Dream: Oneiromancy Ancient History Of Dream Interpretation

Perchance To Dream: Oneiromancy Ancient History Of Dream Interpretation

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Kris as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity ( CC BY-SA 2.0)

The Indonesian Keris Dagger Forged From Metal, Imbued With Spirit

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Caricatures by Katsushika Hokusai (Wellcome Images/Public Domain)

From Frescos to Manga: The Ancient History of Comic Books

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La Courtisane by Thomas Couture (1864) (Public Domain)

Women Of Independent Means, Revered Ancient Courtesans

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Odalisque by Jean-Joseph Benjamin-Constant (1882) (Public Domain)

Divine Queen Thea Musa, The Parthian Basilíssa

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The Art Of Noh: 14th-Century Japanese Dance Drama

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Asian Storytelling: Rakugo, Pingshu And The Art Of Sitting Seiza

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A medieval baker with his apprentice. The Bodleian Library, Oxford. (Public Domain)

From Peasant To Pharaoh: The Popularity of ‘Pizza’ in the Ancient World

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Veleda, Bructerian Seeress, Deity and Nemesis Of The Romans

Veleda, Bructerian Seeress, Deity and Nemesis Of The Romans

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Bandrui And Banflaith The Druidesses Of Yore

A woman's face, dubbed Hilda, was reconstructed from an ancient skull housed in The University of Edinburgh's Anatomical Museum. Hilda lived between 55 BC and 400 AD and was of Celtic origin. She was...
