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Important Events

Here we feature some of the most seminal, historical, and influential events throughout history – both celebrated and unheralded – from the emergence of powerful civilizations and empires, to famous battles, great achievements, and events that have helped shape the world we currently know.

The Battle of Actium took place on the 2nd September 31 BC. Painting by Laureys a Castro in 1672. Source: Public domain

Was the Battle of Actium Lost for Cleopatra and Mark Antony Before It Even Started?

The Battle of Actium proved to be a catastrophic blow to the hopes and dreams of Cleopatra VII and Mark Antony. With unwavering confidence, the renowned duo had nurtured the belief that they were...
Colonists arrive in America. Source: Archivist / Adobe Stock.

DNA Breakthrough: Solving the Roanoke Colony Mystery (Video)

The mystery surrounding the fate of the Roanoke colonists , who vanished without a trace in 1590, may be unravelling thanks to DNA testing. The Roanoke colony , also known as the Lost Colony , has...
Caracalla as depicted in a 1902 painting by Sir Lawrence Alma-Taderna. Source: Public domain

Triumphs and Turmoil: Unraveling the Legacy of the Severan Dynasty

More often than not, the fate of the vast Roman Empire rested upon the shoulders of its emperors. Without a good leader at the helm, the entire mechanism of such a powerful realm could quickly...
Viking invasion. Source: TheStockCube / Adobe Stock.

The True Story of the First Viking Invasion of England (Video)

On June 8th, 793, Lindisfarne Priory in England fell victim to a calamitous Viking attack, igniting the Viking Age in Europe. The raid shattered the peace of this sacred religious center , as heathen...
Skulls showing battle injuries. Source: Jan / Adobe Stock.

Skeletons Show Horrific Injuries from The Battle of Towton (Video)

The Battle of Towton , fought on March 29, 1461, during the Wars of the Roses , was a gruesome and decisive conflict in English history. Archaeological excavations at Towton have revealed a mass...
Sioux children on their first day of school, 1897. Library of Congress.

How the US Stole Thousands of Native American Children (Video)

During the late 19th century, the United States implemented a deeply troubling practice that involved the removal of thousands of Native American children from their families and tribes . These...
The ambush and assassination of Julius Caesar. Source: Justinas/Adobe Stock

Ambushes and Betrayals: 7 Assassinations that Shook the Ancient World

Throughout history, assassination has been a brutal and effective tool of power, used to eliminate rivals and shape the course of nations. From the violent coups of the ancient world to the more...
The heart-breaking theft of some artifacts in history: The Crown Jewels and an illustration of Thomas Blood. The Mona Lisa.  Dublin Police notice of theft of crown jewels. Hans Memling's Last Judgement. Elgin Marbles. Rosetta stele. Solomon's Temple. Source: Historic Royal Palaces, Public Domain, Public Domain, Public Domain, Justin Norris/CC BY 2.0, Trustees of the British Museum/ CC BY NC SA 4.0, Public Domain

Stealing History: 10 of the Most Tragic Artifact Thefts in History

Throughout history, the theft of valuable artifacts has captivated the public's imagination, revealing the audacity and cunning of those who sought to possess pieces of our shared heritage. These...
Ruler overlooking his empire. Source: Amir / Adobe Stock.

Empire Builders: Ancient Leaders Who Shaped History (Video)

Ancient history is replete with remarkable leaders who played pivotal roles in the expansion and growth of civilizations across the globe. Among them, Hammurabi , the sixth king of Babylon, left an...
Dies Sanguinis, meaning “Day of Blood,” was a Roman celebration dedicated to the goddess Bellona, associated with war, bloodshed and violence. Source: Михаил Решетников / Adobe Stock

Dies Sanguinis: Rome's Day of Blood, Sacrifice & Military Might

Dies Sanguinis , meaning “Day of Blood” or “Day of the Bloody Sacrifice,” was an intense, yet sacred, day in the Roman calendar. Celebrated annually on March 24th, this day was dedicated to the...
The archaeological site of Tall el-Hammam, Jordan that overlooks the Jordan Valley (Deg777 / CC by SA 4.0)

Tall el-Hammam: Is This Ancient City the Real Sodom? (Video)

In the lower Jordan River Valley, buried beneath layers of dirt and rock, lies the remains of an ancient city that dates back almost 4,000 years. Known as Tall el-Hammam , this intriguing site...
Temple of Bel, an ancient temple in Palmyra, Syria. The temple was destroyed by ISIS in 2015. Source: Janos/Adobe Stock

History Erased: The 6 Most Heartbreaking Archaeological Destructions

Have you ever wondered how the destruction of our past affects our future? World history is full of incredible stories of innovation, achievement, and triumph, but it is also full of tales of...
Visigoths. Source: Warrenpeace21 / Adobe Stock.

The Murder Hunt that Unearthed a Long-Lost Visigoth Settlement (Video)

In a twist of fate, a murder hunt led to the remarkable discovery of a long-lost settlement. Lourdes and Rosario Malón, victims of General Franco's brutal regime in 1936, were the focus of Mariano's...
Female pirate. Source: aicandy / Adobe Stock.

Anne Bonny: Behind the Myth of the Breast-Baring Pirate (Video)

Within the realm of pirate lore and seafaring legends, one name stands out among the rest: Anne Bonny . Renowned for her audacious exploits, Bonny has become a figure shrouded in mystery and intrigue...
Roman legions at the last battle in the Second Punic War. 	Source: vukkostic/Adobe Stock

The Second Punic War – Hannibal’s Infamous Offensive

In the annals of ancient history, there emerges a clash of titans that shook the foundations of the Mediterranean world—the Second Punic War. It was an epochal struggle that pitted Rome, the rising...

Vikings vs. Native Americans: A Clash of Cultures in the New World (Video)

The Vikings have always been known for their bold and adventurous spirit, but for a long time historians didn’t realize that the Vikings actually beat Columbus to the Americas by over 400 years. So...
Lisbon Marquis of Pombal. Source: Downunderphoto / Adobe Stock.

Lisbon's Cataclysm: The Earthquake that Shook History (Video)

In the year 1755, the vibrant city of Lisbon awakened to a day like any other. Little did its inhabitants know that this would be a fateful All Saints' Day that would reshape history. As the sun rose...
Cleopatra’s Death as depicted in a painting entitled ‘The Death of Cleopatra’ by Jean-André Rixens. Source: Public domain

The Enigma of Cleopatra's Death: Was it Suicide or Murder?

Accepted historical accounts claim that Cleopatra, the last active pharaoh of ancient Egypt, committed suicide. Cleopatra assumed the throne of Egypt after the demise of Alexander the Great during...
Skeletons in a mass grave. Source: EKH-Pictures / Adobe Stock.

Grim Discovery: Uncovering London's Plague Burial Ground (Video)

In August 2015, an astounding discovery was made in the heart of London that sent shockwaves through the archaeological and historical communities. Researchers announced the unearthing of a mass...
Night view of the Old Citadel of Aleppo, Syria. Source: holdeneye/Adobe Stock

Aleppo: Before and After the Ravages of War (Video)

Aleppo , Syria, experienced a dramatic transformation due to the conflict that unfolded in the country. Once a vibrant and culturally rich ancient city, Aleppo now bears the scars of war. Before the...
Luther burning the papal bull, 10 December 1520; Karl Ludwig Bernard Christian Buckhorn, after Franz Ludwig Catel (from Spamers Illustrierte Weltgeschichte, 1894, 5[1], 216/217). Source: Juulijs / Adobe Stock.

Religious Revolution: Unveiling the Protestant Reformation (Video)

The Protestant Reformation of the 16th century shook Europe's cultural identity to its core. It was a revolution that emerged from centuries of political and social grievances against the Christian...
Roman ship ramming a Carthaginian ship. Naval battles were key in the First Punic War. Source: Massimo Todaro/Adobe Stock

Rome vs. Carthage: The First Punic War and the Birth of a Superpower

The First Punic War was a brutal conflict that pitted two of the greatest powers of the ancient world against each other. With the might of Rome on one side and the naval supremacy of Carthage on the...
Moving Abu Simbel. Source: Rare Historical Photos.

The Massive Project to Move Abu Simbel 200 Feet Up a Cliff Face (Video)

The world is home to many fascinating architectural wonders that have stood the test of time, withstanding natural disasters , wars, and the ravages of time. However, some monuments face a new threat...
Still of the 3D Imagery film of the Titanic wreck on the seabed. Source: Atlantic Productions/Magellan

See The Titanic as Never Seen Before in ‘Largest Underwater Scanning Project in History’

History’s most famous shipwreck of the iconic liner, the R.M.S. Titanic, which caused the death of 1,500 people when it sank in 1912, has now been the subject of the largest underwater scanning...
