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Liz Leafloor

Liz Leafloor is former Art Director for Ancient Origins Magazine. She has a background as an Editor, Writer, and Graphic Designer. Having worked in news and online media for years, Liz covers exciting and interesting topics like ancient myth, history, technology, archaeological discoveries, life and death, and the unexplained.


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The Golfers by Charles Lee

Ancient Pedigree of the Open Championship: Golf’s Long History and Hidden Beginnings

The Open Championship may be the oldest tournament in golf, but it is a very recent addition to the sport’s long and colorful history. Golf is a sport with ancient origins that has endured into our...
The written instructions for an onion and garlic eye salve from the Anglo-Saxon manuscript Bald's Leechbook. The remedy was found to kill MRSA bacteria.

Medieval Medicine: 1,000-year-old Onion and Garlic Salve Kills Modern Bacterial SuperBugs

To the surprise and excitement of researchers, a ninth century Anglo-Saxon treatment for eye infections has been used successfully to kill tenacious bacteria cultures. The ancient remedy consisting...
Fireworks of 14 July 2017 in Paris (David Proteau/CC BY-SA 2.0) and the Bastille Fortress, 1789 (Public Domain);Deriv.

Storming the Bastille – Do French Ghosts Haunt a National Holiday?

Little appeals to the heart of Americans more than a story of a rebellion against a tyrannical government. And so, it’s not entirely surprising that many in America live it up on Bastille Day each...
Crossbow from 2,200 years ago found at Terracotta Warrior site

Excellently preserved, complete crossbow from 2,200 years ago found at Terracotta Warrior site

In an astonishing find, archaeologists in China located a 2,200-year-old crossbow in pristine condition buried with the vast army of terracotta warriors at the excavation pit at Xi’an, Shaanxi...
Children playing football in Thailand

4 Billion People Can’t Be Wrong: The Record-Shattering Popularity of Football, an Ancient Game

This ancient sport isn’t just a game – it’s a way of life. Football (known as soccer in some countries) is no new kid on the block. The origins of people kicking a ball around for sport stretches...
The solar gods of the indigenous cultures of the Americas have many names but share one radiant face.

American Gods: Rituals & Sacrifices to the All-Powerful Solar Gods

The ancients knew him well. He was as powerful as a god, as dangerous as a demon. He generously gave life – and he ruthlessly took it away. He appeared to all, from the darkest and most bone-chilling...
Temple of the Mayan King Pakal

Ancient Inscriptions Decoded at the Spectacular Temple of the Mayan King Pakal

Hieroglyphic inscriptions on the tomb of an ancient Mayan King have been translated more than 60 years after archaeologists discovered the hidden burial crypt in the rainforests of Mexico. The glyphs...
Excavations at Bhamala Archaeological Complex in Pakistan

500 ancient artifacts uncovered at the remarkable Bhamala Archaeological Complex in Pakistan

The Bhamala Buddhist Archaeological Complex in Pakistan has revealed a wealth of history and treasure dating back 2,000 years. Excavations have uncovered more than 500 “terracotta artifacts, stucco...
The Tomb of Amenhotep for the guardian to deity Amun has been discovered in Luxor.

Elaborately Painted Tomb for Nobleman and Amun Temple Guardian Uncovered in Luxor

A colorfully painted tomb dating to Egypt’s New Kingdom of the 18th Dynasty has been discovered in Luxor. Called the ‘Tomb of Amenhotep’, experts say it belonged to a nobleman and temple guardian for...
Mona Lisa - Leonardo Da Vinci

Unmasking Mona Lisa: Will scientists discover her true identity through DNA and radiocarbon testing?

The identity of the woman who sat for Leonardo da Vinci’s world renowned painting, The Mona Lisa, is a mystery that researchers have long sought an answer to. Most experts believe the woman depicted...
Moai Statues

Photos Reveal Giant Easter Island Moai Statues are Covered in Mysterious Symbols

Images from the 2012 excavation of Easter Island’s iconic statues reveal the renowned heads are not only connected to giant bodies, but the bodies are covered in mysterious designs and symbols, which...
Many factors influence body image

The Ideal Woman’s Body – a Gift of the Gods?

We all know what the perfect woman’s body looks like. Or do we? Is it Kim Kardashian, with her popular ‘internet-breaking’ big behind, or Marilyn Monroe with her voluptuous movie curves? Is it a...
Archaeological site in Sidon, Lebanon, where a hidden room was recently discovered.

Secret chamber hidden beneath ancient temple in Lebanon surprises archaeologists

Nothing ignites archaeological and historical curiosity more than an unexpected and mysterious discovery. A secret room uncovered by researchers at a Bronze Age temple in Sidon, Lebanon, is such a...
The Bikrampur temple, estimated to be 1,000 years old. Bangladesh.

1,000-year-old Buddhist temple found in Bangladesh with links to venerated ancient scholar

The remains of an estimated 1,000-year-old temple and city have been found in Munshiganj District’s Bikrampur, one of the oldest archaeological sites in Bangladesh. According to The Daily Star , an...
The biblical town of Libnah from the Book of Exodus

Could Iron Age settlement be the biblical town of Libnah from the Book of Exodus?

Excavations at Tel Burna, an Iron Age settlement in the Shephelah region of modern-day south-central Israel, have revealed artifacts and fortifications dating back to the seventh and eighth centuries...
Ancient Seeds - Kabocha Squash Seeds

Quest to find Ancient Seeds and bring them to Life before they are lost to History

The drive to bring extinct animal species back from the dead, such as the wooly mammoth or saber-toothed tiger, is picking up speed as genetics and biotechnology science advances. But animals are not...


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