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Ed Whelan

My name is Edward Whelan and I graduated with a PhD in history in 2008. Between 2010-2012 I worked in the Limerick City Archives. I have written a book and several peer reviewed journal articles. At present I am a full-time freelance writer and researcher and live in Gillogue, County Clare.

I am from Limerick in the Republic of Ireland. I have a lifelong love of history and have been fascinated by the subject from an early age. I attended the University of Maynooth 2003-2008 and studied history and classical studies. I obtained a BA from Maynooth and was admitted to the History PhD program. Based on my BA results I was awarded two scholarships and during my post-graduate studies I worked as a tutor.


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A large pot found at Keeladi. (Keeladi Tamil Civilization)

Indian Civilization Applied Advanced Nanomaterials to Their Pots 2500 Years Ago

Researchers in India have made an amazing discovery. They have found evidence for the earliest known carbon nanotubes. These are tiny materials, known as ‘nanomaterials’, that have several...
For Sale: Polish Coin Made For King Who Saved Europe From The Turks

For Sale: Polish Coin Made For King Who Saved Europe From The Turks

Old coins can be worth a fortune and some really sell for huge amounts of money. A Polish coin that is to be auctioned later this month may be the most expensive coin ever sold in Poland. This rare...
Caligula Palace, Gardens And Private Zoo Discovered In Central Rome

Caligula Palace, Gardens And Private Zoo Discovered In Central Rome

Rome is one of the richest sources of new archaeological finds and some, like this one, are really amazing. Recently, archaeologists unearthed a Caligula palace along with gardens and a private...
Letter Shows How Samurai Lord’s Code Kept the Peace in Edo Japan

Letter Shows How Samurai Lord’s Code Kept the Peace in Edo Japan

Old letters can be a way to understand things that are still a mystery or as new historical evidence. A letter has been found that is from 17th century Edo Japan which is offering researchers new...
Roman Inscription Reveals That The Emperor Took Bribes And Lied

Roman Inscription Reveals That The Emperor Took Bribes And Lied

An ancient stone monument with a Roman inscription is revealing the truth about the corrupt politics of Imperial Rome. The find was discovered near a ruined Roman city in Bulgaria. The Roman...
Nora, the Ancient Sardinian Trading Town that Everyone Wanted

Nora, the Ancient Sardinian Trading Town that Everyone Wanted

Nora is arguably the first town ever built on the island of Sardinia, one of the largest islands in the Mediterranean Sea. Their rich and remarkable history includes occupation by Phoenicians,...
Kilkenny Castle is Voted Among the Most Beautiful in the World

Kilkenny Castle is Voted Among the Most Beautiful in the World

Castles will always hold particular fascination, partly because they were at the heart of so many dramatic events in history. One of the most famous in Ireland is the beautifully restored Kilkenny...
Sewage Construction Uncovers Head of Greek God Hermes in Athens

Sewage Construction Uncovers Head of Greek God Hermes in Athens

Construction workers have made a remarkable discovery in Athens . The Greek Ministry of Culture has announced that the ancient bust of the Greek god Hermes was unearthed in remarkably good condition...
Engineering Secrets of Barbegal Mills, The World’s First Industrial Complex, Uncovered

Engineering Secrets of Barbegal Mills, The World’s First Industrial Complex, Uncovered

The Romans were among the finest engineers in the ancient world. Among the most impressive of their engineering feats was the Barbegal mills and aqueduct. This is a complex of watermills located in...
The LEGO Colosseum: Biggest Brick Set Brings the Ancient Roman World Home

The LEGO Colosseum: Biggest Brick Set Brings the Ancient Roman World Home

LEGO, one of the world’s most popular toymakers, has announced a new brick set. What is unusual about this launch is that it is a model of one of the most famous structures from the ancient Roman...
St John knights castle at night, Rhodes island, Greece

Rhodes Island, Home to Famed Warrior-Monks Who Fought for their Beliefs

The island of Rhodes which now forms part of Greece, has a long and dramatic history dating back 12,000 years to the Neolithic era. In the medieval period it was the headquarters of The Order of...
Lost Church Marking Jesus’ Miracle Uncovered

Lost Church Marking Jesus’ Miracle Uncovered

Archaeologists believe that they have uncovered a long-lost Church in the Golan Heights. They found it in the ancient city of Banias, that was known as Caesarea Philippi in the time of Jesus Christ...
The image shows Ofri Eitan of the Kfar Hanasi pre-military Academi next to a large engraved stone discovered at the Golan Heights fort.             Source: Tidhar Moav / Israel Antiquities Authority

King David Era Fort Discovered in Israel’s Golan Heights

Archaeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) have uncovered a fortress from the 11th to 10th centuries BC in the Golan Heights region of Israel. They believe that the complex dates to...
Thanks to new DNA analysis, the Krems-Wachtberg infants discovered in 2005 have now been identified as the earliest twins discovered to date. Source: OREA / Austrian Academy of Sciences

DNA Reveals Earliest Twins Buried 30,000 Years Ago in Austria

Thanks to news DNA analysis, prehistoric remains discovered in Austria have been found to contain the earliest evidence of twins found to date anywhere in the world. The discovery of infant remains...
The dolmen of Faldouet is one of several Neolithic Jersey dolmens. It is a Neolithic passage grave located near St. Martin and a highlight for visitors to the island. Source: Lux / Adobe Stock

Vandals Drill into Neolithic Jersey Dolmen Looking for Quartz

A famous dolmen on the Channel Islands has been damaged. Vandals drilled into one of the supporting stones of the 6,000-year-old Stone Age monument. It is believed that they were looking for quartz...
Gravensteen Castle in Ghent, Belgium           Source: Kurt De Bruyn / Adobe Stock

Gravensteen Castle: Site of Gruesome Torture and Revolting Students

The historic region of Flanders in Belgium is famous for its many medieval monuments and buildings. These relics date back to an era when the region was a major economic and political center under...
