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Curse of the Buried Pearl: Tomb Curses, Spirits and the Hunt for Ancient Treasures – Part I

Curse of the Buried Pearl: The Hunt for Ancient Treasures – Part I

In economics one hears talk of “the curse of oil” – and one might say wherever there is buried treasure there will be a curse, hyper-real or real. The most famous of all curses is of course that...
The Swiss ring watch found by Chinese archaeologists within a Ming Dynasty tomb. Source: EuroPics

Bizarre Finding of a Swiss Ring Watch in a Sealed Ming Dynasty Tomb

An aura of mystery continues to surround the excavation of a curious artifact which was recovered from the depths of an ancient tomb in China. When archaeologists reportedly recovered a modern-...

The Unfinished Timurid Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi

The Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi is a monument in Turkestan, a city in southern Kazakhstan. The mausoleum was built during the reign of Timur, the ruler of the Timurid Empire. The monument was...
Horse buried with the dead, and decorations of shell strings at Anyang.  Source: Anyang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology)

Unique Bronze Age Clan Cemetery Excavated in Anyang, China

After two years of excavations a 3,000-year-old clan cemetery containing the treasure-laden tombs of early social elites has been uncovered in central China. Located in Anyang, the northernmost city...
Artist’s impression showing what the exterior of the Neolithic tomb cairn at Hazleton North may have looked like. Courtesy of Corinium Museum, copyright Cotswold District Council.		Source: Courtesy of Corinium Museum, © Cotswold District Council / Nature

‘World’s Oldest Family Tree’ Revealed in Neolithic Tomb in England

Genome sequencing of 35 individuals from the best-preserved Neolithic tomb in B Tomb in England ritain has revealed that 27 of the individuals were the children of 4 women – and just one man! This...
The Chinese first emperor’s tomb was protected by the famed Terracotta Warriors. Source: Carlos Adampol Galindo / CC BY-SA 2.0

Cosmic Rays Could Finally Reveal Structure of Mysterious Tomb of China’s First Emperor

For over two millennia, the tomb of China’s first emperor, Qin Shi Huang have been locked away, with scientists and historians the world over desperate to catch a glimpse of what really lies within...
Rock coffin with four children's skeletons, including the dark black dagger in situ. Approximately 4000 years old. (Katrine Ipsen Kjær / ROMU)

Remains of Five Toddlers Found in Ancient Tombs in Denmark

Five children’s bodies have been found in one ancient burial mound in Denmark. But where are all the others? Archaeology is greatly structured on the discovery and recovery of the buildings and...
Left, Hala Sultan Tekke, Larnca, Cyprus. Right; Assorted artifacts found at the Hala Sultan Tekke site.	Source: Left; Dickelbers, CC BY-SA 3.0. Right; Peter Fischer, Teresa Bürge / University of Gothenburg

Multicultural Ancient Treasure Hoard Discovered In Cyprus Tombs

Archaeologists in Cyprus have excavated two Bronze Age Tombs at one of the most important holy sites in the Islamic world. The treasures they discovered reveal the presence of a far-reaching trade...
One of the 128 child urn burials discovered in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Source: Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

Over 120 Child Remains Found in Jars in Inner Mongolia

In the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, in northern China, archaeologists have unearthed tombs with urn burials – of 128 children! The remains of these 128 children have been found near the ruins of...
Deriv; Sculpture depicting the King Tutankhamun as a child, gold plate with Tutankhamun and Ankhesenamun.

The Twin Tragedy of Tutankhamun: Death of a Dynasty

Tossed away callously in a dark corner of the lavish Treasury in the subterranean tomb of Tutankhamun was possibly the most poignant remnant of the boy king’s short life. Positioned next to the...
Main: Scythians. Credit: Simeon Netchev (CC by NC SA). Inset: The silver Scythian plate Credit: RAS Institute of Archaeology

2,400-year-old Silver Plate with Winged Scythian Gods Found in Warrior’s Tomb in Russia

A spectacular silver plate, richly adorned with winged gods and griffins, has been discovered inside the grave of a Scythian warrior who is believed to have died 2,400 years ago in Russia. And that...
The recently unveiled Saqqara tomb boasts stunning artwork on the walls. Source: Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

Impressive Tomb of Royal Scribe Unveiled at Saqqara Necropolis

Saqqara, an ancient Egyptian village in the Giza area, renowned for its massive burial ground of Egyptian pharaohs, served as the royal necropolis for the ancient Egyptian capital of Memphis. Since...
The Shiyanzi grave robber discovered in China. Source: Zou et. al. / Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences

“Grave Robber” Found in Cemetery Declared Victim of Murder

While his killer(s) will never be brought to justice, a new study published in Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences has cleared the memory a young man who died 1,300 years ago in the northwest...
Nestor’s Cup was discovered on the Italian island of Ischia in 1954. Source: Marcus Cyron / CC BY-SA 4.0

Reopening Cold Case of Nestor’s Cup Burial Solves a Mystery

Homer’s Iliad , a classical ancient Greek tale from the 8th century BC, contains a brief, 6-line description of the famous 2,800-year-old Nestor’s Cup, which was the subject of a great deal of...
Archaeologists clean the motifs on the walls of a tomb found in the ancient city of Blaundus, Turkey.	Source: Anadolu Agency

Four Hundred 2,000-year-old Rock Tombs Found in Blaundus, Anatolia

The ancient city of Blaundus, an erstwhile Roman episcopal city in the Roman province of Lydia (modern-day Anatolia), which is within contemporary Turkish borders, has just witnessed a spectacular...
Recently, the Çavuştepe Castle necropolis dig team discovered a new type of Urartu tomb where the dead were buried near a platform structure. The bones of an adult in this tomb were found in a mixed state with the head of the corpse next to its feet as this image clearly shows. Source: Anadolu Agency

Necropolis in Turkey Reveals the Iron Age Burial Customs of the Urartu

Excavations that started over five years ago at a Urartian necropolis at Çavuştepe Castle in eastern Turkey (ancient Anatolia) have revealed a multiplicity of burial customs among the Iron Age Urartu...
The partially mummified remains found in the tomb at the Porta Sarno necropolis, Pompeii.  Source:Pompeii Sites

Mummified Remains Of A Former Slave Discovered At Pompeii

The mummified remains of a prominent man who was remembered for having commissioned artistic performances that were performed in Greek have been retrieved from a tomb in Pompeii. The burial is...
Archaeologists in the Netherlands have discovered a rare Roman canal and Roman road near Nijmegen. Source: RAAP

Buried Roman Canal and Road Unearthed in the Netherlands

Archaeologists from the Dutch consultancy firm RAAP have unearthed a 2,000-year-old Roman highway and canal not far from the city of Nijmegen in the Netherlands . The buried highway and Roman canal...
King Cassander and his army on the left about to arrest Olympias (mother of Alexander the Great) on the right, in a painting by Jean-Joseph Taillasson (1745-1809). Cassander, it is said, executed this extremely powerful and much-loved woman, who fought valiantly for her family until the end.             Source: Jean-Joseph Taillasson / Public domain

Tomb of Olympias, Alexander The Great’s Mother, Found!

The lost tomb of Olympias, the mother of Alexander the Great, has finally been discovered. Recent excavations in the Tomb of Korinos in northern Greece have resulted in what amounts to a massive...

Study of Ushabti Copper Origins Enlightens Egypt’s Dark Age

While many archaeologists focus on the symbolic meaning of recovered temple treasures and grave goods, others concentrate on their origin stories. In this case a team of scientists have used high...
The Nine Maidens on Belstone. Source: Ethan Doyle White / CC BY-SA 4.0.

Dancing Maidens or Cursed Brothers? The Nine Maidens Stone Circle

The Nine Maidens Stone Circle lies near the village of Belstone in Devon, England. In spite of its name, the site actually has a total of 17 stones. Based on our understanding today, the stone circle...
2,000-Year-Old Punic-Era Tomb Accidentally Found in Malta

2,000-Year-Old Punic-Era Tomb Accidentally Found in Malta

The archipelago of Malta in the Mediterranean Sea in southern Europe, is a place of mystique and wonder. With a rich history that commences with human occupation in 5,900 BC, archaeologists have now...
Hundreds of Ancient Rock-Cut Tombs have been Discovered in Egypt

Hundreds of Ancient Rock-Cut Tombs have been Discovered in Egypt

The Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities have announced the discovery of a distinctive collection of hundreds of ancient tombs. The 250 rock-cut tombs were found in various levels of a...
Ancient Egyptian Painter Left Behind His Palette and The Paint Has Survived!

Ancient Egyptian Painter Left Behind His Palette and the Paint Has Survived!

When compared to later, more naturalistic Classical art of the Greeks and Romans, ancient Egyptian art has been described as blocky, static, abstract, and formal. But that doesn’t mean that the...
