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The hidden pyramid for Pharaoh Userkare may be in Saqqara, home to Djoser’s famous step pyramid. Source: Juan Aunión /Adobe Stock

An Astonishing Revelation in Saqqara – A Hidden Pyramid!

An archaeologist with 30 years of experience working in Egypt has made an astonishing announcement. He believes that he has found evidence that there are traces of a hidden pyramid buried beneath the...
Peruvian hairless dog. Source: CC BY SA 3.0

Hairless Dogs Hang Out at Peru’s Ancient Pyramids

Ancient hairless dogs parade around Peru’s pyramids, looking for new love. A Peruvian hairless dog known as “perro peruano sin pelo” is defined by its shiny black leathery wrinkled skin, broken by...
Caral, UNESCO world heritage site and the most ancient city in the Americas. Source: Mark / Adobe Stock.

Ancient Pyramid Cities of Peru: A Catalogue of Swift Decline

From 2600 BC to 1533, the legacy of the Peruvian region has revealed no end of epic tales of power, growth, unification, and demise. This is shown by the myriad of deserted pyramid cities that dot...
Pyramid of La Danta, El Mirador, Guatemala

El Mirador, ‘The Look Out’ Of Guatemala Boasts Probably the Largest Pyramid in the World

The Mayan civilization is one of the most mysterious and fascinating in history. There is much we still don’t know, but they are much-admired for their fully developed writing system, their art,...
The steps of the ancient Bomarzo Pyramid. (marcovarro / Adobe Stock)

The Mysterious Pyramid of Bomarzo: Discovering The Etruscan’s Enigmatic Past

The ancient and far-reaching history of Europe is often veiled in mists of mystery. Enigmatic peoples , diverse cultures , and strange legends are all left in the past, with not a lot left behind...
Mayan pyramid of Tazumal			Source: Joey / Adobe Stock

Tazumal, El Salvador: Where Chiefs and Shamans Ruled and Victims Burned

The Maya were one of the many amazing Pre-Columbian cultures that flourished in the Americas before the coming of the Europeans. They have left many splendid architectural remains throughout much of...
The city of Palenque. Source: Jérôme Rommé / Adobe Stock.

Palenque – The Splendor of a Great Maya Metropolis

Hidden in the verdant hills of the Sierra Chapaneca in the beautiful state of Chiapas , southern Mexico, is the ancient capital of the B’aakal Kingdom. The name of the city then was Lakamha’ in Maya-...
The Bent Pyramid at Dahshur necropolis is being reopened to the public.

Sneferu’s Distinctive Bent Pyramid Opened to the Public

In Egypt, the Antiquities Minister Khaled el-Anany has announced that two pyramids are being opened to the public for the first time since 1965. Soon visitors can once again get up close to the...
Mars Rock similar to rat

The Mars Rat and Other Unexplained Features on the Martian Planet

In September 2012, a photograph snapped by NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity caught the attention of Internet sleuths everywhere. This picture appears to show a large rat hiding among some Martian rocks,...
The Norte Chico Civilization: Ancient Peruvian Civilization or Complex Society?

Norte Chico: The First Civilization in the Americas?

The Norte Chico Civilization was an ancient civilization/complex society belonging to the Pre-Columbian era. This civilization flourished in Peru about 5000 years ago, and is believed to be the...
A niche in the wall of Nastasen's third burial chamber

Desert Diver Discovers Submerged Treasure Beneath 2,300-Year-Old Kushite Pyramid

A team of archaeologists ‘diving’ in the sweltering deserts of northern Sudan, once the land of Nubia, have discovered artifacts and ‘gold leaf’ in a 2,300-year-old submerged tomb belonging to a...
Temple of Edfu illustration by artist David Roberts.

The Grand Architect: The Sacred Link Between Architecture and the Divine Across Ancient Cultures

In 1892, architect W.R. Lethaby wrote: “The main purpose and burden of sacred architecture - and all architecture, temple, tomb, or palace, was sacred in the early days - is…inextricably bound up...
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

Can You Name the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World?

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World are seven awe-inspiring monuments of classical antiquity that reflect the skill and ingenuity of their creators. The list, comprised by ancient Greek historians...
The Step Pyramid of King Djoser, does it include a path to the afterlife? Source: WitR / Adobe Stock.

A Quarry Is Actually A 3D Map Of The Ancient Egyptian Underworld, Suggests Polish Scientist

Ancient Egyptians are well known for their creation of vast architectural structures which penetrate the skies and each one required a thorough understanding of the universal dynamics of breadth,...
Most of the Saqqara mummies were poorly preserved and had decayed coffins

Hundreds of Mummies Found Buried Around the World’s Oldest Pyramid

An amazing cache of mummies has been found in Egypt near one of the world’s oldest pyramids. Polish archaeologists discovered several hundred of them at the site. The unearthing of the mummified...
Are Shamir and Pito the answer to how people performed ancient stonework? Are they the “green chisel” gifted from the gods?          Source: Anjocreatif / Adobe.

Melting Stone With Plants: Was the Mythical 'Green Chisel' A Real Ancient Tool?

Archaeology is not an exact science. It is full of doubts, uncertainties, surprises, and unanswered questions. One of its unsolved mysteries concerns the methods of ancient stone work, which is lost...
Giza pyramids where the Dixon relics were discovered. Source: kanuman / Adobe.

Lost Artifacts of the Great Pyramid: The Mysterious Case of the Dixon Relics

There is a certain perception of the Great Pyramid as an utterly void arrangement of empty halls and chambers, strangely bereft of artifacts and inscriptions that might offer clues to its...
Khafra and Cheops pyramids in Giza, Egypt

Terror Attack at the Giza Pyramids Injures 16

In Egypt, security sources have announced a suspected bomb attack on a tourist bus near the world-famous Giza pyramids . Initial reports indicate that 16 people were hurt in the attack, but that...
Colored Giza Casing Stones, Menkaure's Pyramid.

Stones of Diverse Colors: Symbolic and Astronomical Significance in the Very Fabric of the Giza Casing Stones

Most casual students of ancient history know that the outer casing stones of the Giza pyramids were constructed of highly polished Tura limestone blocks that caused them to gleam like a trio of...
The teenage girl’s skeleton that was uncovered near Meidum pyramid.

Teenage Girl’s Skeleton Discovered Beside Meidum, a Bizarrely Shaped Ancient Egyptian Pyramid

Archaeologists working with the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities have announced the discovery of a teenage girl’s skeleton in an ancient cemetery beside the Meidum pyramid, a 4,600-year-old partially...
The Great Pyramid casing stone.

Great Pyramid Casing Stone Exhibit On Rocky Ground As Egypt Challenges Its Legality

The National Museum of Scotland announced that they plan to exhibit a marvelous block of fine white limestone that was brought to the UK in 1872 as a centerpiece in a new permanent gallery called...
Atop Gunung Padang mountain / pyramid.

That Ancient Indonesian Pyramid Believed to Be 11,000 Years Older Than Göbekli Tepe Has Been “Discovered” Again

Geologists working on the island of Java using radar images have claimed, like many before them, that they have “located a mysterious ancient pyramid deep within a dense forest,” dating back to the...
This 4,400-year-old tomb at Saqqara was constructed for a "divine inspector" named "Wahtye."

Egyptian Tomb Dating To 4,400 Years Ago Has Hidden Shafts Which Might Hold The Treasures Of The 'Divine Inspector’

The 4,400-year-old tomb is the next in a string of rare discoveries at the Saqqara pyramid complex in Egypt. A BBC article quotes Mostafa Waziri, secretary-general of the Supreme Council of...
Andreas Hvid and friend allegedly climbed to the top of the Great Pyramid at Giza

Pyramid Pornographer and his Partner Cause ‘Public Outrage’ and Ridicule Egypt’s Cultural Controls

Egyptian authorities are investigating an ‘explicit video’ that appears to have been filmed at the very top of the Great Pyramid of Giza , which for over 3,800 years was the tallest man-made...
