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Domes of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

Why is the Holiest Shrine in Christianity Guarded by Two Muslim Families?

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem is considered to be the holiest site in Christianity. According to tradition, this was the place where Jesus Christ was crucified, buried, and...
Meteor strike.

Scotland’s Catastrophic Comet Conspiracy

In 1945, one of Britain’s social and intellectual elite, William Comyns Beaumont, a hyper-eccentric catastrophist published the most bizarre conspiracy theory of all time in which “Plato's legendary...
The Byzantine coins found near Jerusalem have been dated to around the time of a 614 siege.

1,400-Year-Old Coins are the Forgotten Remnants of a Terrifying Siege on Jerusalem

Israeli archaeologists have announced the discovery of a hoard of rare Byzantine bronze coins from a site dating back to 614 AD. The coins were discovered during excavations for the widening of the...
Can Different Religions Peacefully Share a Sacred Site? A Temple Mount Tragedy

Can Different Religions Peacefully Share a Sacred Site? A Temple Mount Tragedy

One of the major points of contention between Israel and the Arab/Moslem world is over the most sacred piece of real estate on the planet. At 37 acres, the Temple Mount is the focal point of prayer...
Illustration of Godfrey of Bouillon (central figure) from William of Tyre's Histoire d'Outremer, in the care of the British Museum.

Godfrey of Bouillon: Leader in the First Crusades and Ruler of the Kingdom of Jerusalem

Godfrey of Bouillon was a medieval Frankish nobleman best known for his role as one of the main leaders during the First Crusade. As a consequence of this successful military expedition to the Holy...
Rediscovering the Story of Egeria, a Remarkable 4th Century Female Pilgrim

Rediscovering the Story of Egeria, a Remarkable 4th Century Female Pilgrim

Egeria was a young woman who decided to make the trip of a lifetime and go to the Holy Land. But what inspired her to make that journey and walk half of the world all alone? She was born in beautiful...
First Ever Ancient Gold Coin to Be Found in Jerusalem Bears Image of Emperor Nero

First Ever Ancient Gold Coin to Be Found in Jerusalem Bears Image of Emperor Nero

The discovery of a rare gold coin bearing the image of the Roman Emperor Nero at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte's archaeological excavations on Mount Zion in Jerusalem, has just been...
What is in that Reliquary? Trying to Find the True Cross

What is in that Reliquary? Trying to Find the True Cross

The cross of Jesus is one of the most important objects in Christianity and there are many reliquaries around the world which are believed to contain a piece of the cross. The most famous one is...
Image of “Our Lady, Mother of Grace,” Trsat, Croatia (prob. 12th cent.)

An Empty Tomb and a Site Full of Faith: Where Was the Virgin Mary Buried?

The Virgin Mary is one of the world most famous women from the ancient world. The teachings of her son surpassed her life story, but her tale provides one of the greatest legends about a mother's...
Parting the Waters of the City of Jerusalem in the Siloam Tunnel of King Hezekiah

Parting the Waters of the City of Jerusalem in the Siloam Tunnel of King Hezekiah

Hezekiah's Tunnel, or Siloam Tunnel, was a part of a magnificent water system in Jerusalem. It was built during the Iron Age at the end of eight century BC, and remains one of the greatest...
The second ossuary, found in 1982 in a concealed niche below the inscription

A Crucified King and Mysterious Bones: Whose Remains Were Hidden in the Abba Cave?

The Abba Cave is best known for being a tomb which contained the remains of a person who is believed to have been crucified. This cave is located in Givat HaMivtar, a suburban neighborhood in the...
Aerial view of Kaizer Hilltop with three sampled rock surfaces marked in black circles

Ancient Quarry Proves Human Impact on Landscape

Archaeologists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem uncovered in central Israel the earliest known Neolithic quarry in the southern Levant, dating back 11,000 years. Finds from the site indicate...
Illustration of Godfrey of Bouillon (central figure) from William of Tyre's Histoire d'Outremer, in the care of the British Museum.

Godfrey of Bouillon: Leader in the First Crusades and Ruler of the Kingdom of Jerusalem

Godfrey of Bouillon was a medieval Frankish nobleman best known for his role as one of the main leaders during the First Crusade. As a consequence of this successful military expedition to the Holy...
Recently discovered seal found in the ancient City of David in Jerusalem.

2500 –Year Old Signet Ring from Tradeswomen Uncovered in Jerusalem

A rare inscription of a woman's name on one semi-precious-stone dating to the First Temple Period has been discovered in Jerusalem. The rare seal with the name Elihana bat Gael, along with the name...
Aerial view of the winery at the Schneller Compound in Jerusalem.

Ruins of Ancient Winery and Roman Bathhouse Unearthed in Jerusalem

Archaeologists excavating the site of the Schneller Orphanage, which operated in Jerusalem from 1860 until the Second World War, were surprised to find the remains of a winery and Roman bathhouse...
Excavations at the NEG II site in the Jordan River Valley and the site in northern Jerusalem

Discoveries Show that Galilee and Jerusalem are Far Older than Once Believed

Discoveries regarding two of the most important archaeological sites in Israel – Galilee and Jerusalem, suggest that the sites are far older than commonly believed. Teams of archaeologists have found...
Two varying depictions of the same figure, Jesus. (Deriv)

Reconstructing Jesus: Using Science to Flesh out the Face of Religion

For being one of the most widely recognized men in the last 2,000 years, the true appearance of Jesus of Nazareth remains a mystery. Traditionally portrayed in western art as a be-robed, light-...
The mysterious whereabouts of the Ark of the Covenant has long captured the attention of archaeologists and treasure-seekers alike.

The Lost and Coveted Treasures of King Solomon

In the Hebrew Bible, the third king of Israel, Solomon, is depicted as a wise, powerful, and immensely wealthy king, who ruled between 965 BC and 925 BC. It is written that he reigned over a...
The pyramid had been partially excavated about 100 years ago, but now archaeologists have revealed the entire structure, which baffles them as to its possible use centuries ago.

Use of unique pyramid-shaped podium in Jerusalem baffles archaeologists

A stepped stone pyramid about 2 meters (6 feet) tall has been excavated in the City of David, and it has archaeologists speculating about its use. They say the structure, unlike any other in...
Ancient ritual bath found beneath a home in Jerusalem

Ancient ritual bath found beneath a home in Jerusalem

A 2,000-year-old ritual bath, known as a mikve, was found underneath a family’s living room floor in Ein Kerem, Jerusalem, while they were undertaking renovations. The Israel Antiquities Authority (...
The High Priest is depicted tearing his robe in grief at Jesus' perceived blasphemy. Was this a calculated move to stop secrets from being revealed? Fresco, Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337).

The Fatal Secret Jesus took to Jerusalem

Arriving in Jerusalem, Jesus made an extraordinary accusation that infuriated the priests and scribes of the holy city: “Every secret you’ve kept will become known. What you have whispered in hidden...
Damascus Gate -Jerusalem

Ancient tablet dedicated to Emperor Hadrian may explain mystery of Jewish revolt

Archaeologists in Jerusalem have discovered an extremely rare limestone block inscribed with an official commemoration to the Roman Emperor Hadrian, who reigned in the 2 nd century AD. The ancient...
Ancient Wine Press and Monastery

Ancient industrial-scale wine press and monastery discovered

Archaeologists have discovered an ancient compound in Ramat Bet Shemesh near Jerusalem, where monks engaged in oil and wine production, according to a report in Live Science . The extent of the...
Citadel of King David

Has the legendary citadel captured by King David been found?

An Israeli archaeologist claims to have located the citadel supposedly captured by King David in his conquest of Jerusalem. However, the controversial discovery has reignited the debate about using...
