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The mysterious and elaborately carved walls of Royston Cave. Source: Sizbut / Flickr

Enigmatic Symbols and Carvings in Man-Made Royston Cave

The Royston Cave is an artificial cave in Hertfordshire, England, which contains strange carvings. It is not known who created the cave or what it was used for, but there has been much speculation...
Earl of Derwentwater's bedsheet from the Tower of London, embroidered with a message made of human hair from Anna Maria Radcliffe in tribute to her executed husband will be part of the Dockland executions in London exhibition.           				      Source: Museum of London Docklands

Bedsheet Lovingly Embroidered With Hair Likely From A Severed Head

The Museum of London Docklands is preparing for a somewhat macabre exhibition entitled Executions [in London]. Slated to begin in autumn, the executions in London exhibits will feature some of the...
The Neolithic sculpture was found in an East Yorkshire grave, along with a bone pin and a chalk ball thought to be a child's toy.	Source: © Trustees of the British Museum

Neolithic Drum Sculpture Declared ‘Most Important Piece of Prehistoric Art’

Archaeologists unearthed a highly unusual 5,000-year-old carved drum ‘sculpture’ made from stone during excavations near the village of Burton Agnes in Yorkshire in northern England. The object was...
Beheaded skeleton found in Roman cemetery in Buckinghamshire, England

Grisly Discovery of Dozens of Beheaded Skeletons in Britain

Archaeologists have discovered 40 beheaded skeletons in a large Roman era cemetery near Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England. This strange find joins another discovery of decapitated skeletons from...
Blue glowing ball lightning, a phenomenon that was reported in medieval times, with the earliest English reference now confirmed to be 450 years before the previous known mention in an English historical text. 		Source: sakkmesterke / Adobe Stock

English Benedictine Monk Describes Ball Lightning in 1195 AD Text!

A pair of academics from Durham University in the United Kingdom have discovered an 827-year-old reference to an unusual weather-related phenomenon in an obscure medieval English text. While...
The Green Children of Woolpit, created from Babes in the Wood illustration by Randolph Caldecott. Source: Project Gutenberg / Public Domain

The Green Children of Woolpit: Legendary Visitors from Another World

The 12th century tale of the Green Children of Woolpit, in Suffolk, is a bizarre medieval folk story which has been remembered for generations. It isn’t often we hear of children appearing at the...
The silver artifact, dubbed a “paranormal paracetamol,” may date back to the reign of Roman Emperor Constantine. Source: Peter Beasley.

Detectorists Find “Paranormal Paracetamol” in Fossilized Human Waste

A pair of metal detectorists in England have made the rare discovery of a solid silver Roman oddity dating back to the time of Roman Emperor Constantine (306 to 337 AD), remembered for making...
This beautifully shaped ceramic vessel is just one of the many Roman artifacts and ruins found at the Blackgrounds HS2 project dig site, which was once the setting for a prosperous Roman British trading center.		Source: HS2

Artifact-Rich Ancient Roman Village Unearthed By UK Archaeologists

Archaeologists employed to search along the pathway of England’s new high speed 2 (HS2) railway line have unearthed an impressive bounty of artifacts, ruins, and other remnants of past cultures at...
The medieval horse it turns out, based on a recent research study, was a lot smaller than we thought!		Source: Snowshill / Adobe Stock

Medieval Horses in England Were Shockingly Small, Research Reveals

Medieval battle scenes in movies or television shows usually feature heavily armed warriors mounted on huge horses, thundering across the plains to attack their cowering and quivering enemies. While...
A replica skull has been stolen from a haunted pub in York. Source: bint87 / Adobe Stock

A Skull Goes Skulking: Bizarre Theft from 518-year-old Haunted Pub

A haunted pub in England, that brands itself as being the “most haunted” in the city of York has suffered a most peculiar loss. The replica skull of a frequent visitor to the Golden Fleece, who was...
The traditional belief is that the princes, Edward V and Prince Richard, were executed under orders from Richard III. (Public domain)

Richard III Not Guilty of Murdering His Nephews, Researchers Conclude

Many historians have suspected the last British monarch from the House of York was responsible for the dastardly deed of having ordered the execution of his two young nephews in 1483, in an attempt...
Sir David Attenborough with some of the Steppe mammoth bones found in the gravel quarry near Swindon. 	Source: Julian Schwanitz / BBC / Windfall Films

Neanderthal Hand Axe Leads to Steppe Mammoth Graveyard

Five ancient prehistoric Steppe mammoth skeletons have been unearthed in Britain. How did they get there, and how did they die? The deeply ancient Steppe mammoth site was discovered at a quarry near...
The Bronze Age hoard of axe heads and Milly Hardwick from a photograph by her mother Claire in the Royston Crow news.		Source: Claire Hardwick / Cambridgeshire County Council / Royston Crow

Metal Detectorist Milly Hardwick Finds Bronze Age Hoard of Axe Heads

Her metal detector went crazy. Milly Hardwick, the 13-year-old English girl, had discovered ancient treasure. This September, Milly identified a rare archaeological Bronze Age hoard in a field near...
Victims of Arrogance and Cruelty: The Pendle Witch Trials of 1612

Victims of Arrogance and Cruelty: The Pendle Witch Trials of 1612

Witch trials are among some of the cruelest events in European history. Thousands of innocent women were murdered by people who provided fake accusations. In England, one of the most famous witch...
Monk chronicler writes an ancient manuscript. Source: Nejron Photo / Adobe Stock

How Did it All Begin? The Rich Origins of the English Language

Language is a universal tool for every person in this world. It is the connecting link between nations, ethnicities, and people sharing a common background. The world of language is colorful and...
Complete bust of female Roman statue discovered at the site of old St Mary’s church in Stoke Mandeville, Buckinghamshire, England. Source: HS2

‘Astounding’ Roman Statues Found Under Medieval Church in Britain

Archaeologists digging at the site of a Norman-era church north of London received quite a surprise recently. Their ongoing excavations unearthed the well-preserved remains of three large Roman...
The conserved Mary Rose ship on show.        Source: Mary Rose Trust / University of Warwick

How Will Scientists Save the Mary Rose?

The Mary Rose is one of the most famous shipwrecks in all of history, but a study in 2021 showed that the favorite warship of King Henry VIII is being destroyed by tiny specks of acidic iron and...
The Two Egyptian sphinx statues found in a garden in Suffolk, UK.	Source: Mander Auctioneers

Egyptian Sphinx Statues Found In English Garden Fetch £200,000

A pair of 5,000-year-old Egyptian sphinx statues have sold for just under £200,000 ($270000) at auction. The owner was “shocked” having paid only £300 ($407) for the “garden ornaments”. Sphinxes are...
Highway Project Unearths Post-Medieval Burial Ground in England

Highway Project Unearths Post-Medieval Burial Ground in England

Twelve months after a massive archaeological dig at the Trinity Burial Ground that forms part of a £355 million Highways England improvement and redevelopment project started in Hull in northern...
The gatehouse of Bury St Edmunds Abbey. Source: Charles / Adobe Stock.

Bury-St-Edmunds Abbey: Shrine of the King, Cradle of the Law

If you’ve never visited the Suffolk region of southern England, you may not have heard the name of Bury-St-Edmunds. But this small medieval town is home to one of the most important and powerful...
Landowning houses used charters to confirm their ownings. Source: Thomas Mucha / Adobe Stock.

Forged Medieval Charters: How To Rewrite History In The Middle Ages

At first glance, charters seem to be nothing more than obscure and boring legal documents, as dull in the Middle Ages as they are today. On closer examination however, there is much more to charters...
Lost Anglo-Saxon Monastery of Controversial Queen Found

Lost Anglo-Saxon Monastery of Controversial Queen Found

Archaeologists from the University of Reading have been performing excavations on the grounds of the Holy Trinity Church in Cookham, a small village on the River Thames in England. They have been...
Arthur's Stone in Herefordshire, England, which is also on Dorstone Hill where the "halls of the dead" were discovered along with a number of Neolithic artifacts. Source: University of Manchester

The True Origins of Arthur’s Stone in Herefordshire Finally Revealed

After years of speculation, archaeologists from the Universities of Manchester and Cardiff have found evidence that reveals the truth about the origin of Arthur’s Stone , a double-chambered rock tomb...
The ceremonial circle was found at an agricultural site occupied for thousands of years. Source: BBC / Albion Archaeology

Sacred Farming: Huge Monument Find Showcases Neolithic Earth Worship

Archaeologists excavating near the village of Biddenham in Bedfordshire, England, have uncovered several ancient structures dating back 6,000 years. But most recently, a huge ritualistic monument has...
