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Forbidden books were burned. Their authors exiled, imprisoned and even killed throughout history. Source: de Art/Adobe Stock

8 Forbidden Books That Still Rewrote History

We hear a lot about censorship in the news today but it’s nothing new. In fact, the word comes from the Latin word censeo , which means to assess. Almost as soon as the printing press was introduced...
The sunken church known as St Cavan's Church on Inisheer Island. Source: David Matthew Lyons / Adobe Stock

The Sunken Church of Inis Oírr and the Heritage of Saint Cavan

With its long history and even longer memory, Ireland is a nation that offers plenty to historians. From its ancient history and Celtic identity, to the Viking invasions and many wars for...
Top down view of an Ethiopian Church Forest in the early morning.  Several white-robed worshipers around the church.  Source: Gregory/Adobe Stock

Ethiopian Church Forests, Struggling Fragments of Sacred Greenery in the Desert

In the distant past, the world around us looked completely different in many ways. One notable aspect that changed is forestation. Once covered in lush forests, much of the world around us is now...
Artistic representation of the future roundhouse set to be built at St. Bride’s Mound in Glastonbury. Source: Friends of St. Bride's Mound

St. Bride’s Mound: Oldest Monastic Ruins in England Exposed

The village of Glastonbury in Somerset, southwestern England, plans to open a tourism complex at the St. Bride's Mound historical site, discovered to contain the oldest Christian monastic ruins ever...
The miracle rings of Ourense. Source: YouTube screenshot / BBC Reel.

Divine Relics: The Miracle Rings of Ourense (Video)

In a realm where history intertwines with faith, there exists a set of ancient relics that have captivated the imaginations of scholars and believers alike. Known as the "miracle" rings of Ourense,...
Oldest tattoo shop, Israel. Source: Djampa / GNU Free Documentation License.

The Oldest Tattoo Shop in the World (Video)

Meet Waseem Razzouk, the guardian of an extraordinary heritage that spans an astonishing 27 generations. Nestled within his family's humble tattoo shop, a tradition dating back an astounding 700...
Ancient gospel. Source: Dmitry Pichugin / Adobe Stock.

Divine Conspiracy: Uncovering the Gospel of Judas (Video)

In the annals of biblical archaeology, few discoveries have ignited as much scholarly fervor and public intrigue as the unearthing of the Gospel of Judas. This mysterious text , a tangible testament...
Japanese Christian. Source: leungchopan / Adobe Stock.

Kakure Kirishitan: Japan’s Forbidden Faith (Video)

In 1614, a storm of persecution raged across Japan as Christianity was declared illegal. The crackdown led to the arrest and execution of missionaries, pushing the faithful underground. These...
Representation of the holy grail. Source:  F. J. Carneros / Adobe Stock.

The Holy Grail: Could Valencia's Sacred Chalice Be the One? (Video)

In the realm of ancient mysteries and sacred relics, few objects captivate the imagination as powerfully as the Holy Grail . Often shrouded in enigmatic tales and elusive quests, the search for this...
The discovery of the word escencia has led historians to believe that the vase once belonged to the kakure kirishitan, or hidden Christians. Source: Nagasaki Prefectural Government

Hidden Christians’ Illicit Sacred Vase Brought to Light in Japan

A centuries-old relic associated with ancient Christian practice in Japan is causing a stir in the Japanese media. The item is believed to be an artifact preserved by Japan’s “kakure kirishitan” or...
Luther burning the papal bull, 10 December 1520; Karl Ludwig Bernard Christian Buckhorn, after Franz Ludwig Catel (from Spamers Illustrierte Weltgeschichte, 1894, 5[1], 216/217). Source: Juulijs / Adobe Stock.

Religious Revolution: Unveiling the Protestant Reformation (Video)

The Protestant Reformation of the 16th century shook Europe's cultural identity to its core. It was a revolution that emerged from centuries of political and social grievances against the Christian...
Timkat. Source: Wallpaper Flare / CC by SA.

The Challenging Rituals of Ethiopia’s Christian Timkat Ceremony (Video)

The Ethiopian Orthodox Church is a unique branch of Christianity that traces its roots back to the earliest days of the faith . For those who follow this ancient religion, the annual Timkat ceremony...
Jesus as a carpenter. Source: R. Gino Santa Maria / Adobe Stock.

The Lost Years of Jesus: No One Knows How He Spent His 20s (Video)

The figure of Jesus Christ continues to captivate the minds and hearts of people worldwide. Despite his impact on Christianity , much of his life remains a mystery. One of the most perplexing...
Ancient bible manuscript. Source: Cla78 / Adobe Stock.

Mysterious Manuscripts: The Fascinating Story of Ancient Bibles (Video)

Ancient religious texts have always been a source of fascination and intrigue, offering a glimpse into the beliefs and customs of people from bygone eras. A collection of mysterious and ancient...
Persecuted Christian. Source: PhotoGranary / Adobe Stock.

When Faith and Power Clash: How Christianity Divided the Roman Empire (Video)

In 107 AD, the Roman Empire was at its peak under Emperor Trajan's leadership, spanning 2 million square miles and 50 million subjects. However, the rise of Christianity, which promised to undermine...
Roman Empire in its splendor. Source: Artcuboy/Adobe Stock

The Roman Empire: A Story of Power, Glory, and Tragedy

For centuries, the Roman Empire stood as a formidable superpower, spanning vast territories, and leaving an indelible mark on Western civilization. The Roman Empire was a powerhouse of innovation,...
Scene with King David (Adrian Chlebowski/Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology University of Warsaw)

Hidden Medieval Rooms Found in Sudan Contain Rare Nubian Christian Art

Archaeologists have uncovered a spectacular discovery in Dongola , Sudan – a series of hidden rooms beneath a medieval monastery featuring stunning Christian art unlike anything seen before in Nubian...
Jesus on the cross. Source: ImagineDesign / Adobe Stock.

The Crucifixion Gap: Why it Took Hundreds of Years for Art to Depict Jesus on the Cross

The cross , or crucifix, is arguably the central image of Christianity. What’s the difference between the two? A cross is just that - an empty cross. It stands as a statement that Jesus is no longer...
Hands of priest raise sacramental bread or the Eucharist under light. Source: Creativa Images/Adobe Stock

From Babylon to Christianity: Feeding into the Eucharist

There can be no doubt that the Christian sacrament of the Eucharist was derived from Jewish, Babylonian, Assyrian and Egyptian traditions of sun veneration and sun baking methods. The custom seems to...
In Medieval burial ground, a rare embroidered Deisis depicting Jesus Christ was discovered. Source: Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Mongol-Era Christian Headdress Reveals A Complex Medieval Russia

Archaeologists in Russia have discovered a rare embroidered Deisis depicting Jesus Christ in a Christian medieval burial ground containing 46 graves from the Mongol period. One of the graves...
Martyr of Fanaticism by José de Brito depicts a young woman being tortured during the Spanish Inquisition. Source: Public domain

The Spanish Inquisition: The Truth Behind the Black Legend (Part II)

One of the most controversial organizations in history, the Spanish Inquisition has been poorly understood by the general public. This period of religious persecution, which took place between 1478...
Auto de Fe in the Plaza Mayor, an oil painting from 1683 by Francisco Rizi. The painting depicts the ritual public penance carried out by heretics and apostates during the Spanish Inquisition. Source: Public domain

The Spanish Inquisition: The Truth behind the Dark Legend (Part I)

One of the most controversial organizations in history, the Spanish Inquisition has been poorly understood by the general public. This period of religious persecution, which took place between 1478...
Nursing Madonna (Madonna Lactans) by anonymous master from the School of Bruges. At the Chapel of the Milk Grotto in Bethlehem, Virgin Mary milk powder is sold as a cure for infertility. Source: Public domain

Even Today, Virgin Mary Milk Powder is Used as a Cure for Infertility

The Virgin Mary’s breast milk has been the subject of veneration for centuries and even today couples battling infertility often imbue it with miraculous powers. This is especially true at the Chapel...
The Saxons spread across Europe from the 4th century, settling nearly every corner of the continent, here portrayed clashing with Vikings. Source: Justinas/Adobe Stock

The Saxon Conquest of Europe, and a Christian Conquest of Saxons

Anyone familiar with European history will have heard of the Saxons. Originally a Germanic tribe from the North Sea coast of the Netherlands, over the centuries they spread across Europe like...
