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Bizarre Burials Uncovered in Ancient Georgia Cemetery Include Headless Skeletons and Decapitated Skull on a Plate

Bizarre Burials Uncovered in Ancient Georgia Cemetery Include Headless Skeletons and Decapitated Skull on a Plate

A team of Georgian and Polish archaeologists working at the Beshtasheni burial site of south-eastern Georgia have uncovered 16 graves dating from the Late Bronze to Early Iron Age. Most of the...
Unique 5,000-Year-Old Tomb from Ukraine Brought to Light with Digital Reconstruction

Unique 5,000-Year-Old Tomb from Ukraine Brought to Light with Digital Reconstruction

Researchers have digitally reconstructed a monumental 5000 year old tomb which was discovered in a cemetery on the border between Ukraine and Moldova. They believe that the cemetery was created by...
Graves Hinting at Child Sacrifice Found Near Temple Ruins in Peru

Graves Hinting at Child Sacrifice Found Near Temple Ruins in Peru

Archaeologists excavating a Pre-Hispanic site in the northern Lambayeque region of Peru have recently unearthed a group of 17 graves. Both adult and child remains were found, of which some show...
Human remains buried almost 3,000 years ago in southern Israel may help researchers finally solve the mystery of the Philistines' origins.

Discovery of 3,000-Year-Old Philistine Cemetery May Change History

A team of researchers have unearthed the first known cemetery of the Philistines in southern Israel, which may reveal the origins of the famous Hebrew Biblical villains, who made up one of the tribes...
Evicted from a Cemetery and into a Museum: The Multitude of Mummies of Guanajuato

Evicted from a Cemetery and into a Museum: The Multitude of Mummies of Guanajuato

The mummies of Guanajuato are a group of naturally preserved bodies that were found in Guanajuato, a city in central Mexico. The story of these mummies dates back to 1833, when the city was hit by an...
Second Anglo-Saxon cemetery with fascinating grave goods unearthed near Stonehenge

Second Anglo-Saxon cemetery with fascinating grave goods unearthed near Stonehenge

For the second time in one month archaeologists have found an Anglo-Saxon cemetery near the prehistoric Stonehenge monument on the Salisbury Plain in England. The cemetery is about 1,300 years old...
Some of the shackled skeletons found in a mass grave near Athens, Greece

Archaeologists Speculate Shackled Skeletons Were Slain Comrades of Greek Coup Leader Cylon

Archaeologists are speculating that 36 skeletons bound in irons and buried ignominiously in a mass grave were comrades of Cylon, who tried but failed to become the tyrant of Athens in a 632 BC coup...
Anglo-Saxon Cemetery Full of Grave Goods Discovered Near Prehistoric Henge Monuments

Anglo-Saxon Cemetery Full of Grave Goods Discovered Near Prehistoric Henge Monuments

A site in England with burials dating from the mid-Anglo Saxon period of 660 to 780 AD and other ancient features is being excavated. Archaeologists also have found Bronze Age or Neolithic monuments...
Detail of the cemetery showing pot burials and a funeral pyre at the foreground. Insert: Black-figure plate, with a prothesis scene, of which survives only the head of the deceased on the funeral bed and two women mourning him.

Ancient Greek Cemetery Provides a Fascinating Window into Everyday Life and Death

A team of archaeologists is excavating a huge cemetery of the common people in Attica, Greece. They’ve found some fascinating phenomena of the ancient world contained within—including “gifts from the...
The ‘standing burial’ with mixed bones and parts of the spine in correct anatomical position. Two arm bones left of the spine show gnawing marks and are situated in different directions. The large truncated blade is typical for the late Mesolithic.

New Study Analyzes a Mesolithic Cemetery Full of Children and an Odd Standing Burial

Researchers have found some unique burials amongst the remains in one of Europe’s oldest cemeteries – the 8,500-year-old Gross Fredenwalde cemetery. So far nine skeletons have been excavated at the...
Skull of a child around the age of seven from a Roman cemetery studied by Killgrove and Montgomery.

Nameless Immigrants and Slaves in Rome, Who Were They? Where Did They Come from?

Slaves and other lower-class residents made up a big part of the population of the city of Rome around the 1st century AD. But who were these people? Where were they from? What were their lives like...
The prosthesis of the man with a fused knee, femur and tibia helped him walked, which would have been difficult for him otherwise.

Chinese Man with Fused Knee used a Prosthetic Leg with a Horse Hoof Tip 2,200 Years Ago

A man of modest means who lived in China 2,200 years ago had a deformed leg and compensated with a prosthesis with a horse hoof on the end of it. The discovery was made in a tomb in an ancient...
Skeletons unearthed at a 3,000-year-old cemetery in Vanuatu.

Ancient Skulls Give Insights into Origins of Polynesians

Due to an analysis of the oldest-known cemetery in the South Pacific, the long-standing debate over the origins and ancestry of Polynesians may finally be resolved. A group of scientists, who studied...
Matera, Basilicata, Italy. The Sasso Barisano looking east.

Echoes from the Past: The Cave Churches of Matera

Matera, is an Italian city located in a southern region known as the Basilicata; between the heel and the tip of the boot of Italy. UNESCO reports that the area has been inhabited since the Neolithic...
Chinese archeologists excavated two ancient smoke-absorbing bronze lamps that are believed to be about 2,000 years old. Experts said the artifacts may have been the world's first eco-friendly lamps.

Archaeologists Discover 2,000-Year-Old Smoke Absorbing Lamps in Chinese Tomb

Archaeologists in China have made a unique discovery in a cemetery dating to the Western Han Dynasty (221 – 206 BC) – two bronze lamps that could ‘swallow’ smoke. Historians are hailing the discovery...
An undisturbed skeleton of a man in the extended, supine posture typical at the cemetery; and the burial of a man with a common pattern of disturbance in which the upper torso has been jumbled by robbers and the skull removed.

Builders under Pharaoh Akhenaten worked so hard they broke their backs

When ancient Eygptian pharaoh Akhenaten ordered the construction of the new city of Amarna dedicated to the sun god Aten, more than 20,000 people moved there to do the back-breaking work. The work...
Archaeologists found 10 tons of bronze coins in and around the tomb of a dethroned Chinese emperor of the first century BC.

Archaeologists Unearth Ancient Tomb of Chinese Emperor and 7 Nobles Full of Riches

In 74 BC the royal Han Dynasty clan of ancient China dethroned the emperor after just 27 days because of his lack of talent and for intolerably indulging in pleasures. But when he died, insane, five...
Volunteers carefully clean and store the abandoned bodies in the hopes relatives will retrieve them. If not, the bodies are eventually cremated.

Thai Buddhists observe an ancient tradition of honoring the unclaimed dead

A medieval Buddhist tradition started by a Buddhist monk centuries ago has people this month in Thailand exhuming and painstakingly cleaning the remains of 3,890 people who were buried without their...
The calcified uterus resting in the pelvic bone of a skeleton.

Seven-Pound Calcified Uterus Unearthed in British Cemetery

Archaeologists carrying out excavations at a cemetery in southeast England discovered an unusual object resting in the pelvis of an old skeleton, which they first believed to be a skull that had...
One of 16 pyramids uncovered in a cemetery in the ancient town of Gematon in Sudan. The pyramid likely rose more than 39 feet (12 meters) in height.

16 Ancient Pyramids, Burial Sites for a Vanished Kingdom, Found in Sudan

2,000-year-old pyramids have been found in an ancient cemetery, revealing the burial practices of a long-vanished kingdom in Sudan. Discovered near the ancient town of Gematon in Sudan, the 16...
Ancient Egyptian relief carving of a dog.

Ritual and Burial: The Strange and Elaborate Ways Humans Prepared Animals for the Afterlife

The practice of animal burial is one that dates back to prehistoric epochs. Many cultures around the globe have buried animals for various reasons: sentimentality, religious rituals, superstition,...
Funerary Mask, from Malagana 200BC-200AD on exhibit with the exhibit "The Spirit of Ancient Columbian Gold".

The Malagana Treasure: Gold and Greed, A Lost Civilization Plundered

When a Colombian sugarcane plantation worker and his tractor plunged into a hole which had suddenly opened up in the earth, the spectacular discovery buried under the soil would lead to a large-scale...
The chariot with horse skeletons at left in the grave (Photo by Chinese Archaeology)

An honored Zhou Dynasty warrior, buried with a chariot and horses, has been unearthed in China

There is a legend about the battle of Muye in 1046 BC, fought between the 50,000 soldiers of the ancient Chinese Zhou Dynasty and 700,000 from the Shang Dynasty. The legend says Shang soldiers were...
Featured image: A child burial at the abandoned medieval village of Hatch, which was excavated in the winter of 1984 and 1985.

Excavations in village reveal sad fact of high medieval infant mortalities

The infant mortality rate was so high in the Middle Ages that half the burials in a deserted medieval English town excavated by archaeologists in the 1980s were of children. The rate of infant...
