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Left, The Trumpington Cross is found during the excavation of the burial in 2012. Top right, The Trumpington Cross. Bottom Right, Skull of Anglo-Saxon girl in the burial. Source: University of Cambridge Archaeological Unit

Rare Anglo-Saxon Trumpington Cross Girl Burial Has Been Given A Face

Who Was This Anglo-Saxon Girl? Face of Trumpington Cross Bed Burial Revealed In 2011, a mid-7th century Anglo-Saxon Christian burial of a 16-year-old teenage girl in a village had turned out to be...
Representative image of mummy in Nazca, Peru. Source: Matthias Kestel/Adobe Stock

Students Find A Mummy In A Temple, Beneath A Peruvian Trash Site

Dump diving in Lima, archaeology students removed 8-tonnes of rubbish to reveal a rare, mummified body from Peru's ancient Manchay culture. Astonishingly, they also identified a colossal U-shaped...
Artist’s reconstruction of the Swedish shaman. Photography by Gert Germeraad, Trelleborgs Museum.

Sweden's Exceptional 7,000-Year-Old Burial That Defied Tradition (Video)

The discovery of 'Burial XXII' in Sweden during the early 1980s generated considerable excitement among archaeologists. This unique Mesolithic grave , located in Skateholm on the southern coast,...
Skeletons in a mass grave. Source: EKH-Pictures / Adobe Stock.

Grim Discovery: Uncovering London's Plague Burial Ground (Video)

In August 2015, an astounding discovery was made in the heart of London that sent shockwaves through the archaeological and historical communities. Researchers announced the unearthing of a mass...
Representative image of human skulls in one of the famous catacombs around the world. Source: mila103 / Adobe Stock

Tales from the Crypt: Exploring the World's Most Famous Catacombs

Beneath the streets and buildings of many of the world's most historic cities lie mysterious and ancient catacombs. These underground burial sites hold the remains of thousands of people and have...
Ancient Roman funeral and mourning. Source: Erica Guilane-Nachez / Adobe Stock.

Watch the Reenactment of a Traditional Roman Funeral (Video)

The ancient Romans had a unique relationship with death and dying, and their burial practices were no exception. When someone passed away, their loved ones would gather around the dying person's bed...
Lying in a foetal position, the remains were found during a dig near Kraków. Credit: Paweł Micyk

7,000-Year-Old Skeleton in Foetal Position Discovered in Poland

Archaeologists in Poland have discovered a remarkably well preserved 7,000-year-old skeleton lying in the foetal position. The loosely packed soil with a non-acidic chemical composition acted as a...
The Taizhou mummy was discovered accidentally by road workers and was found immersed in a mysterious brown liquid. Source:  GU XIANGZHONG, XINHUA

Accidental Find of Impeccably Preserved Ming Dynasty Taizhou Mummy

Mummies often evoke thoughts of the ancient Egyptians and their sophisticated mummification rituals. These practices aimed to create a seamless transition between life and death and led to remarkable...
The unearthing of the U shaped Miraflores stone temple in Huaral, Peru. Source: Global News/ YouTube Screenshot

Incredibly Ancient Temple Found in Peru with Mysterious Cross Symbol

While exploring in and around Lima, a team of Peruvian archaeologists from the National Major University of San Marcos (UNSM) uncovered the remains of a U-shaped stone temple that was somewhere...
Viking ship burial mound discovered at Salhushaugen, Norway.          Source: Museum of Archaeology, University of Stavanger/Science Norway

1,200-Year-Old Viking Ship Burial Found in Supposedly Empty Mound

A large Viking burial mound found on the island of Karmøy off Norway’s western coast was long thought to be empty. Excavations that opened the Salhushaugen mound in 1906 were launched in the belief...
The forgotten jewelry found buried with a girl in Jerusalem. Source: Israel Antiquities Authority

1,800-Year-Old Golden Protective Jewelry Adorned Roman Girl

In 1971, on Mount Scopus in Israel, an extraordinary discovery was made: an 1,800-year-old lead coffin containing a young Roman girl adorned with precious jewelry to ward off the ‘evil eye’ and...
A land purchase document which is a square brick with writing that can be seen on the front, most of which is blurred. From the upper right, only part of the words "Wang Village, Yuanqu County, Jiangzhou, Jiangzhou, South East Road, Dajin Kingdom... Name of Gongcao... Mingchang..." and other parts of the text can be discerned. (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology)

800-year-old Jin Period Tomb in China is a Window into Funeral Customs of the Age

Detailed findings from an extraordinary Jin Dynasty tomb in Shanxi province of central China that was discovered in 2019 have recently been made public - a magnificent ornately carved brick structure...
Representative image of a round wooden shield similar to the Viking shields found at Gokstad. Source: Aleksandrs/Adobe Stock

Ceremonial Viking Shields Re-identified as Actual Battle-Worn Armor

A reexamination of 1,100-year-old wooden Viking shields excavated in Norway in 1880 have been used to assert that these round protective devices could very well have been used in hand-to-hand combat...
Ruins of the ancient Maya city of Palenque, where the recent Palenque burial chambers were discovered by archaeologists during excavations ahead of the planned Maya train construction. (Maximilian / Adobe Stock)

Elite Maya Burial Chamber Uncovered in Palenque Excavation

Archaeologists have made a thrilling discovery at the ancient Maya city of Palenque - a burial chamber of a high-status elite individual within the enigmatic CP3 structure, unveiled during the latest...
Cremation area (right) and two middle-imperial Roman tombs under excavation. (© Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project/ Antiquity Publications Ltd)

“Dead Nails” Used in Roman Grave to Protect the Living from Restless Dead

Belgian archaeologists digging at the site of the ancient Roman city of Sagalassos in southwestern Turkey recently unearthed a most unusual burial. The tomb held the cremated remains of a man who’d...
A traditional burial site in Tana Toraja, whose culture is known for elaborate funeral rituals. Source: fabio lamanna / Adobe Stock

Elaborate Funeral Rituals and Exhumation of the Dead in Toraja Culture

The unforgettable Tana Toraja is a regency located in the picturesque mountains of South Sulawesi in Indonesia. This region is home to the indigenous Torajan people, whose way of life is deeply...
 Vikings woman with horse, the Norse invaders brought their animals with them. Source: selenit / Adobe Stock

New Insights into the Viking Great Army: Cremation Site Unveils Surprising Details

The Viking warriors who invaded England in the late ninth century have long been a topic of fascination for historians and archaeologists alike. Now, a team of British and Belgian scientists have...
The remains of a young girl found buried with 142 dogs has offered new insights. Source: CEI RAS

Young Girl and 142 Dogs Found Buried Together in Elite Egyptian Tomb

Archaeologists have unearthed the remains of 142 non-ritually buried dogs, covered in blue powder, in an elite Egyptian tomb. It is believed they were drowned in a reservoir flood. Designated a...
Scene from the funeral service for Constantine II at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Athens. Source: YouTube Screenshot

European Monarchies Pay Their Respects at the Funeral of Greece's Last King

The last man to serve as King of Greece, Constantine II, passed away on January 10, 2023 in an Athens hospital from complications related to a stroke. Constantine II hadn’t served as king since the...
21 ancient Han tombs have been discovered, including a rare 2,000-year-old double-layer burial tomb. Source: Xinhua

Archaeological Treasure Trove! 21 Royal Han Tombs Unearthed in China

Archeologists exploring a mountainside in China have discovered 21 tombs dating back 2,000 years. The presence of luxury artifacts and a rare “couple’s grave” suggests this was an ancient royal...
The remains of a Byzantine monk in chains being excavated in Khirbat el Masani, West Bank. Source: IAA

Remains of a Byzantine-era Monk in Chains Excavated in West Bank

Archaeologists have recently uncovered the remains of a man in iron chains from the Khirbat el-Masani archaeological site in northern Jerusalem. The remains are 1500-year-old and are those of a...
A copper torc was excavated from a prehistoric necropolis in southern France. Source: Denis Dubesset / INRAP

2,600-Year-Old Prehistoric Necropolis in France Reveals Treasures

A prehistoric necropolis used between 900 and 600 BC in Aubagne in southeastern France has revealed a first millennium BC individual, bedecked in copper jewelry, after two rounds of excavations in...
Red skull, representational. Source: ahlaj77 / Adobe Stock

Pre-Inca Peruvians Painted Skulls with Red Pigments

It is well known that ancient cultures in what is today Peru deformed their babies' skulls to form elongated shapes. A new study reveals that, a millennium ago, people 'finger painted' the skulls of...
Ring bearing hieroglyphs found at Tel el-Amarna excavation. Source: MOTA

Intriguing Collection of Gold Jewelry Found at Amarna Burial

An Egyptian-English mission excavating a necropolis at Tel el-Amarna in Egypt has uncovered the burial of a young woman wrapped in textile and plant fiber matting. She carried a full complement of...
