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bronze age

Main: Çatalhöyük after the first excavations by James Mellaart. Inset: Dr. Harabasz excavating some of bones.           Source: Omar Hoftun / CC BY-SA 3.0 &  Çatalhöyük Research Project / Jason Quinlan

Ancient Dead Buried In Their Homes In Çatalhöyük

In 2020, archaeologists researching in Turkey discovered ancient homes containing their owners’ bones. Inhabited between 7500 BC and 5700 BC, Çatalhöyük was an important Neolithic and Chalcolithic...
3D Reconstruction of the El Argar civilization’s La Bastida site.           Source: Dani Méndes, Revives / Eureka

Spanish Skeletons Reveal Deep-Rooted Inequality of El Argar Society

The El Argar society thrived in complex hilltop settlements across the Iberian Peninsula from 2200-1550 BC, and gravesites and settlement layouts from the time provide strong evidence of a marked...
Seahenge – how it was found at low tide off the coast of Norfolk, England.     Source: Norfolk Archaeology Unit

Seahenge: A Subaquatic Monument of the European Bronze Age

Today, the United Kingdom is crisscrossed with many fascinating monuments from ancient times. From the ages when these islands were inhabited by different peoples and cultures of tribes from ancient...
The Egyptian artifact / anchor shown with hieroglyphs found on the seabed. Source: Laura Lachman / Israel Museum

Morning Swim Leads to Discovery of 3400-Year-Old Egyptian Artifact

An Israeli veterinarian has discovered a Bronze Age Egyptian artifact engraved with hieroglyphs on the seafloor off the Israeli coast. Rafi Bahalul is a 55 years old veterinarian and artist from the...
Closeup of the Bronze Age mosaic at Usa̧klı Höyük. Source: Anacleto D'Agostino / Usa̧klı Höyük Archaeological Project

World’s Oldest Mosaic Unearthed in Turkey

Archaeologists in Turkey believe that they have uncovered the oldest mosaic yet found. This paved floor made of irregular colored stones was unearthed during fieldwork in what is believed to have...
Holy Island is named for its many burials. This Late Roman cist cemetery was uncovered during the dig. Source: Gwynedd Archaeological Trust.

Archaeological Finds Tell the Story of Wales’ Holy Island

In the United Kingdom, finds from a remarkable archaeological project are being unveiled to the public for the first time. This treasure trove of artifacts provides an insight into the 6,000 year...
The vandalism caused to 3000-year-old rock carvings in Pangaion Hills.	Source: 	Greece High Definition

What a Way to Start the Year! 3 Shocking Acts of Vandalism in First Week

The first week of January brings three shocking acts of vandalism on ancient monuments in Greece , England and Wales, and the ignorant vandals are accused of lacking education, knowledge and...
The vandalised burial mound, from Bronze Age Britain, churned up with tyre tracks shown in Wales, UK.         Source: Gwent Outdoor Centres

Mindless Vandals Churn Up Bronze Age Burial Site

For those who love and respect the past and our heritage, there is nothing more sickening than the mindless destruction of historic monuments. In Wales, United Kingdom, vandals have done appalling...
One of the tombs found by the grave of the Griffin Warrior at Pylos includes a gold pendant featuring the likeness of Hathor, an Egyptian goddess who was a protector of the dead. Source: UC Classics

Gold Lined Tombs Unearthed Beside Griffin Warrior

Archaeologists from America's University of Cincinnati’s classics department are readdressing what is known of early Greek history based on their once-in-a-lifetime discovery of two treasure-filled...
Minoan Monkey art in Akrotiri, Greece. Source: ZDE / CC BY-SA 3.0

Minoan Monkey Business: Fresco Links Greek Island With Asia

Experts studying ancient Minoan monkey paintings on a Greek island have made a discovery that provides new knowledge of the trade network of the archaic civilization. Analysis of a depiction of a...
Top image: Pelasgos is said to be the father of the Pelasgians. Source: Fxquadro / Adobe Stock.

Pelasgos and The Mysterious Pelasgians of the Aegean

Pelasgos was a mythical ruler of ancient Greece . He is said to have been the progenitor of the Pelasgians (or Pelasgi), who are a mysterious people, as little is known for certain about them. Their...
Left: bird’s eye view shot of the excavation site, and right: Minoan treasure / gold ring unearthed at site.        Source: Greece Ministry of Culture and Sports

New Minoan Hoard Proves Snails Were Lucrative

Archaeologists working on an uninhabited island off Crete have made a series of amazing discoveries. They have uncovered a Minoan treasure trove linked to the production of a prized purple dye in...
Bed of Ghaggar River near Hanumangarh. Researchers claim this is the ancient Saraswati River. Source: Bharat Jhunjhunwala / CC BY-SA 2.0.

Legendary Saraswati River of Harappan Civilization Found

Researchers in India believe that they have solved an age-old riddle. They believe that they have finally identified the location of the mythical Saraswati River . They appear to have found evidence...
Martina Bekova of the Rychnov Museum with the Bronze age sword.             Source: David Tanecek, CTK

Bronze Age Sword Found at Secret New Site in Czech Republic

Archaeologists in the Czech Republic have announced the discovery of a Bronze Age sword that dates from over 3000 years ago, which is providing new insights into prehistoric Eastern Europe. The...
Ulpiana, the archaeological site in Kosovo.

Ulpiana, A Wealthy Ancient City Destroyed by Greed

Kosovo is a relatively new nation, having declared its independence from Serbia in 2008, but its territory certainly has a rich history. The remarkable Roman and Byzantine site of Ulpiana, which was...
Reconstruction of the stone circle. Source: Anne Leaver

Bronze Age Stone Circle Found Hidden in British Forest

An archaeologist has announced the discovery of a 4000-year-old stone circle. It was found in one of the most famous forests in England. The find is the first of its kind in this part of Britain and...
La Margineda and Santa Coloma heritage                 Source: Photo by Visit Andorra

La Margineda: A Mountain Pass of Ages and Archaeological Gem

Believed to have been created by Charlemagne , Andorra is a tiny country nestled between Spain and France and the only country where Catalan is the official language. It is a place not everyone has...
Archaeological site (Dunluce Castle ruins) in Northern Ireland. Source: Goinyk / Adobe Stock.

800 Archaeological Sites Unearthed in Northern Ireland

Since 2015 there have been approximately 800 sites with archaeological potential found in Northern Ireland . New rules mean that construction companies are obliged to record sites of possible...
Stone cist graves on Saba represent the burial practices of British settlers. Source: J Haviser/ Antiquity Publications Ltd

Tiny Caribbean Island is the Only Place with Cist Graves in the Americas

Stone cist graves on the Caribbean island of Saba are found to represent a cultural continuity with the burial practices of rural 17th-century British settlers. It is known that since the Bronze Age...
Photograph of the assemblage. Credit: Uhlig et al., (2019), photograph by V. Minkus / Antiquity Publications Ltd.

Relics of Fallen Warriors in Germany Reveal Secrets of Bronze Age Battle

Archaeologists in Germany have made an exciting breakthrough regarding a Bronze Age battle , one of the oldest known in Europe. Divers retrieved more than 30 objects from a river, including weapons...
Aerial view of the Great Orme mine site looking south-east towards Llandudno).

Copper Mining Boom Across Britain 3,600 Years Ago Found in New Study

Researchers have made a major breakthrough with regard to the history of mining in Bronze Age Britain . They have established that there was a great mining boom in the area much earlier than thought...
Illustration of the later Bronze Age by Rasmus Christiansen.               Source: Dandebak

Puzzling Family Structure Revealed in Bronze Age Households

Archaeogenetic analyses have provided new insights into social structures of Bronze age households in ‘Europe’ 4000 years ago. Nuclear families lived together with foreign women and unrelated...
Monument of the stone penis, excavated in Rollsbo near Gothenburg in Sweden. Source: The Archaeologists/NHM.

Prehistoric Stone Penis Penetrates Through Time

A Bronze Age stone penis once used for sacrificial fertility rituals has been uncovered in Sweden. The carved phallic statue stands erect at nearly 2 feet (52 centimeters) high and has been linked to...
The prehistoric megalith Rujm el-Hiri.

Wheel of Giants: Prehistoric Rujm el-Hiri Puzzles Archaeologists

Sitting in plain sight but unnoticed for centuries, Rujm el-Hiri - an unusual megalith near the Sea of Galilee - has stumped experts. An ancient monument comprised of enormous stone circles dating to...
