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The Speyer wine bottle (Carole Raddato / CC by SA 2.0)

1,700-Year-Old Wine in Sealed Bottle is Still Drinkable!

The Speyer wine bottle is the oldest known wine bottle in the world. Dated to 325 – 359 AD, the ancient wine has remained sealed in its bottle for nearly 1,700 years. Despite the fact that it would...
Medieval knight with beer

The Water of Life: Alcohol as Medicine Through the Ages

While no one knows exactly when alcohol was first produced, it was presumably the result of a fortuitous accident that occurred at least tens of thousands of years ago. However, the discovery of late...
A  Farmer with a drink.

Switchel: The Energy Drink of Colonial America

Before Americans had sports drinks, switchel was the beverage of choice for rehydration. Also known as haymaker’s punch, harvest drink, harvest beer, and swanky, this is a refreshing drink that was...
Ancient amphorae found in Wuzhen, China. Please note that this is a representation and are not the amphorae used in the study.        Source: lotusjeremy / Adobe stock

6000-Year-Old Amphorae Reveal Ancient China’s Pursuit of Perfect Beer

Beer has been brewed for thousands of years and has played a very important role in societies. Researchers who were examining some Neolithic amphorae fragments have made a startling discovery. They...
Main: Traditional Japanese Sake. Credit: kathayut / Adobe Stock Inset: Remains of a sake brewery dating from the Muromachi period in Kyoto            Source: Kokusai Bunkazai Co.

World’s Oldest Sake Brewery Unearthed at Temple in Japan

The world’s oldest sake brewery has been discovered by archaeologists excavating in Japan . All over the ancient world people fermented plants and flavored them with fruits and herbs creating ‘stiff...
Mexico Sees Resurgence of Pulque, Ancient Alcoholic Beverage of Mesoamerica

Mexico Sees Resurgence of Pulque, Ancient Alcoholic Beverage of Mesoamerica

Mexico is seeing a renewed interest in the traditional alcoholic beverage known as pulque, a milky drink made from the sap of the agave, whose origins go back thousands of years. Although the ancient...

Ancient People of Teotihuacan Drank Alcohol as Nutrient Booster

Archaeologists have found evidence that the ancient people of Teotihuacan in Mexico, one of the largest and most important sacred cities of ancient Mesoamerica, made and drank a traditional alcoholic...
Ancient Mexican mural depicting drunken

Ancient Mexican mural depicting drunken revelry revealed for the first time

An ancient mural which depicts a scene of drunken revelry as part of a pre-Hispanic ceremony dedicated to the goddess Mayahuel, is being opened up to the public for the first time, according to a...
3,500-year-old Scandinavian alcohol

Brewery recreates 3,500-year-old Scandinavian alcohol

New research has found that ancient Scandinavians drank alcohol made from a combination of barley, honey, cranberries, herbs and grape wine. Dogfish Head Craft Brewery have now recreated the Nordic...