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A house and villa in Nea Paphos, a town of vital importance to Greek and Egyptian rulers for its harbor and nearby timber for ship construction.

How Old Are the Most Ancient Houses in a Prominent Cypriot City?

Polish archaeologists working on Cyprus have discovered the oldest-known homes in Nea Paphos, a prominent capital city and harbor of the ancient Greeks. The homes date back an impressive 2,400 years...
Members of the archeology team, from left to right, John Maxwell, Alisha Gauvreau, and Seonaid Duffield work on excavating the site.

14,000 Old Heiltsuk Village Site Found in British Columbia. Could it be the Oldest in North America?

An ancient archaeological discovery on Triquet Island on B.C.'s Central Coast affirms the Heiltsuk Nation’s oral tales. The newly found village site is estimated to be three times as old as the Great...
An archaeologist collects material in an underground chamber that may have been a hideout for rebels during the Bar Kokhba Revolt of the 2nd century AD.

Remnants of a Revolt: What Did Israeli Archaeologists Find Hidden Under Second Temple Period Homes?

Some Israeli high school students have excavated a hiding place for Jews who rebelled against the Romans about 1,860 years ago in the town of Ramat Bet Shemesh. The complex includes cisterns, ritual...
Have We Got a Temple, Theater, and Gate? Check! New Details Emerge on Roman Urban Planning in Central Italy

Have We Got a Temple, Theater, and Gate? Check! New Details Emerge on Roman Urban Planning in Central Italy

Archaeologists have discovered a magnificent ancient Roman temple the size of St Paul's Cathedral in central Italy. The discovery took place with the help of a radar device that was attached to the...
The site includes a cemetery of 18 humans buried from east to west in the Christian fashion from an as-yet undated era. As of press time, bits of bone have been sent off for radio carbon dating.

What English Site is So Favored that Human Activity Spans Across 12,000 Years There?

Archaeologists in England digging to investigate the site of a future highway have found evidence of human occupation going as far back as 12,000 years. They call it a favored spot for human activity...
Archaeologists Uncover 9,000-Year-Old Underwater Stone Age Settlement

Archaeologists Uncover 9,000-Year-Old Underwater Stone Age Settlement

Six years ago, divers discovered the oldest known stationary fish traps in northern Europe off the coast of southern Sweden. Since then, researchers at Lund University in Sweden have uncovered an...
Adidas of Ancient Rome: Ancient Fashion Unveiled with Discovery of Roman Shoe Hoard

Adidas of Ancient Rome: Ancient Fashion Unveiled with Discovery of Roman Shoe Hoard

A team of archeologists has discovered more than 400 ancient Roman shoes in the Vindolanda fort in Northumberland, England, including some that resemble modern-day shoe styles. The site, located just...
A New Lead in the Search for Elusive Norse Settlements

A New Lead in the Search for Elusive Norse Settlements

By Tara MacIsaac , Epoch Times CODROY VALLEY, Canada – A story passed down in my family for generations may be the clue to finding a lost Norse settlement. The only Norse settlement in the New World...
Evidence for Vikings in Canada Grows with Surprising Find of Ironworking Site in Newfoundland

Evidence for Vikings in Canada Grows with Surprising Find of Ironworking Site in Newfoundland

Experts are “cautiously optimistic” that a hearth where people worked iron about 1,000 years ago in Newfoundland, Northeast Canada, was the site of a Viking settlement, says National Geographic. This...
Excavations at the NEG II site in the Jordan River Valley and the site in northern Jerusalem

Discoveries Show that Galilee and Jerusalem are Far Older than Once Believed

Discoveries regarding two of the most important archaeological sites in Israel – Galilee and Jerusalem, suggest that the sites are far older than commonly believed. Teams of archaeologists have found...
Detail of one of the semicircular engravings recently discovered and interpreted as a hut.

Paleolithic Stone Slab Discovered in Spain May be the First Map of a Hunter-Gatherer Campsite

The Spanish archaeological site Moli del Salt (Vimbodi i Poblet, Tarragona) continues to provide new and pleasant surprises. The latest discovery is a stone slab that is over 13,000 years old. The...
The tiny remains were found at the ancient Upward Sun River site in Alaska, USA.

Rare Bones and DNA of tiny children surprise scientists, support ideas about migration into the Americas 11,000 years ago

The small bodies of infants buried in an ancient campsite in the wilds of Alaska have given researchers a surprising and unprecedented look into the lives of prehistoric peoples and the ancient...
Roman settlement

1,900-Year-Old Roman Village unearthed in Germany

The ancient Romans had an insatiable desire to conquer territory and they ranged far outside Italy to do so. An excavation this summer revealed that one place where the Romans had an outpost was in...
Divers from Tomsk State University say they have located another 'previously unknown' outpost of the ancient world.

One more ancient civilization found in Lake Issyk-Kul: could this be where St Matthew is buried

By Olga Gertcyk | The Siberian Times Siberian scientists have made a discovery of a 2,500-year-old Saka settlement in up to 23 meters of water in Kyrgyzstan. The new find at this mysterious lake is...
The long fire pit in the center of the longhouse

Viking Longhouse Discovery Rewrites the History of Icelandic Capital City

Archaeologists conducting an excavation in the center of Reykjavik, Iceland were actually looking for a farm cottage from 1799. Instead, they discovered something much older, a Viking longhouse 20...
Egyptian pottery fragment from the archeological site at Tel Aviv.

New Discovery Reveals Egyptians Brewed Beer 5,000 Years Ago in Israel

Over a dozen pits used to store ancient beer have been found by archaeologists in Tel Aviv. This archaeological find from approximately 5,000 years ago is reportedly the first evidence of an “...
Top Ten Underwater Discovered of 2014

Top Ten Underwater Discoveries of 2014

Out of all the amazing archaeological discoveries made each and every day around the world, those that emerge from the depths of the ocean are among the most captivating. There is something about the...
Researchers probe the ocean floor in Juan Perez Sound with University of Victoria’s AUV

13,800-year-old Haida site found underwater in Canada

Estimates of people’s presence in the Americas have ranged from about 12,000 to 50,000 years. A new study by a team of archaeologists that has been researching the subject, has found a site dating...
Underwater settlement and ancient pottery workshop discovered near Delos, birthplace of Sun God Apollo

Underwater settlement and ancient pottery workshop discovered near Delos, birthplace of Sun God Apollo

The ruins of an ancient town, including a pottery workshop and kiln, have been discovered by archaeologists off the coast of the island of Delos, Greece. Until now experts believed the colonnades and...
12,800-year-old campsite found at extreme altitude in Peruvian Andes

12,800-year-old campsite found at extreme altitude in Peruvian Andes

A new report published in the journal Science has revealed the discovery of an ancient shelter, rock art, and a tool workshop at an altitude of nearly 14,700 feet (4,500 meters) above sea level...
6,000-Year-Old Temple in Ukraine

Archaeologists unearth 6,000-Year-Old Temple in Ukraine

A massive prehistoric settlement has been uncovered in the Ukraine consisting of a large temple, human-like figurines, and animal remains, which dates back to around 4,000 BCE. According to Live...
Dugout Canoe - Denmark

Archaeologists find submerged Stone Age settlement and 6,500 year-old boat in Denmark

An energy company replacing sea cables in the Smalandsfarvandet Sea in Demark, made a spectacular discovery when they found what now appears to be the oldest boat ever found in the country, along...
Ancient African Settlement

Discovery of 70,000-year-old African Settlement Challenges Previous Theories

Archaeologists from the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology in Poznań have unearthed a very ancient village, which dates back an incredible 70,000 years, according to a news announcement in PAP ...
8,000-year-old skull with preserved brain in Norway

The discovery of an 8,000-year-old skull believed to contain preserved brain matter in Norway

Earlier this year, archaeologists in Norway made an extremely rare discovery when they found an ancient skull believed to date back 8,000 years at a dig site in Stokke, southwest of Oslo. According...
