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The famous Ica Stones in the collection of Professor Cabrera.

Library in Stone: The Ica Stones of Professor Cabrera – Part II

I came to the realization that the dismissive attitude of orthodox science annoyed and aggrieved Professor Cabrera. He frequently voiced his outrage at the refusal of mainstream scientists to...
Hundreds and Hundreds of objects in the once-secret collection of Professor Cabrera.

Professor Cabrera’s Cabinet of Horrors: Secret Chambers and Shocking Artifacts with Controversial Origins

In Ica, Peru, I visited the most mysterious museum on our planet. It is the Museo de Piedras Grabadas de Ica , (Museum of the Engraved Stones of Ica). Professor Javier Cabrera Darquea (1924-2001)...
One of the papyri in the ancient logbook which documented some details on the later construction period of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Ancient Egyptian Logbook of Inspector Who Helped Construct the Great Pyramid Revealed

Some of the details of the construction of the Egyptian Great Pyramid are revealed to the public for the first time when they go on display at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. The information comes in...
Intellectual, Code Breaker, Blasphemer: George Smith and the Ancient Chaldean Account of Genesis

Intellectual, Code Breaker, Blasphemer: George Smith and the Ancient Chaldean Account of Genesis

George Smith was born in 1840 in London to poor parents, and consequently left school at the tender age of fifteen to take up an apprenticeship with Messrs Bradburry and Evans, a firm of engravers...
Ancient Egyptian Mummy Head Shows Woman Had Skin Condition Due to Beauty Practice

Ancient Egyptian Mummy Head Shows Woman Had Skin Condition Due to Beauty Practice

A 3,500-year-old mummified woman’s head shows signs of a skin condition from bleaching. The woman may have been prominent in Egyptian society and was 20 to 25 years old when she died, researchers...
Evicted from a Cemetery and into a Museum: The Multitude of Mummies of Guanajuato

Evicted from a Cemetery and into a Museum: The Multitude of Mummies of Guanajuato

The mummies of Guanajuato are a group of naturally preserved bodies that were found in Guanajuato, a city in central Mexico. The story of these mummies dates back to 1833, when the city was hit by an...
The Tereshchenko and Hope Diamonds, two rare, blue, and world famous diamonds.

Dazzling and Dangerous? Examining the History of the Exquisite Hope Diamond

The Hope Diamond is one of the most well-known diamonds in the world. This famous diamond has been on exhibition in the National Museum of Natural History (which is administered by the Smithsonian...
A mannequin - an exact replica - is displayed in the museum but on 'special occasions' VIPs would be 'provided the opportunities to see the real mummy'.

Legal Bid Fails to Rebury Remains of 2,500-year-old Tattooed Ice Princess

By The Siberian Times reporter, The Siberian Times An appeal will be launched after a court this week rejected a demand by the leader of the Teles ethnic group in the Altai Mountains to order the...
The Tower of Hercules

Inspired by the Lighthouse of Alexandria – The Roman Tower of Hercules

The only still functioning Roman lighthouse stands in the north-west part of the Iberian Peninsula, in Galicia. It is called the Torre de Hércules - Tower of Hercules. When Julius Caesar arrived to...
Divers with one of the Nanhai No. I’s artifacts.

More Artifacts from a Song Dynasty Chinese Shipwreck Revealed

A Chinese cargo ship from the Song Dynasty that was salvaged from the depths of the South China Sea in 2007 has revealed more of its rich cargo to archaeologists. Gold, silver, and copper artifacts...
A trunk containing 2,600 historic letters has been opened and the contents revealed.

Signed, Sealed, and Undelivered: Letters in Trunk Reveal Scandals and Intrigues of 17th Century Lives

A sealed leather trunk stored in a museum in the Netherlands has been opened, and the treasure within was found to be thousands of perfectly preserved letters dating to the 17 th century. The...
The ambitious proposed design of the planned underwater antiquity museum set for the Bay of Alexandria, Egypt

Ancient Sunken Cities and Artifacts to be revealed with Ambitious Underwater Museum in Egypt

Ancient sunken treasures hidden for thousands of years will be revealed in an underwater antiquity museum, the first of its kind, set for the history-rich Bay of Alexandria in Egypt. The ambitious...
A Neolithic axe created by the Aboriginals of what is now Australia.

Written in Stone: Neolithic Weapons and Tools of the Australian Aboriginals

The groundswell of interest world-wide in artifacts from our prehistoric past reveals our shared humanity at a time when no written records exist to bear testimony to it. Indeed, 99% of our history...
Hagia Sophia at dusk

Secrets of the Hagia Sophia - Healing Powers, Mysterious Mosaics and Holy Relics

The Hagia Sophia in Istanbul has a very long history. It has survived earthquakes, religious power struggles, and has been a church (basilica), a mosque and is now a museum. It is known as the...
Hidden hoard of more than 6,000 silver coins found in forest in Poland

Hidden hoard of more than 6,000 silver coins found in forest in Poland

A forest ranger in east central Poland stumbled upon the find of a lifetime this year—he discovered a hidden treasure of thousands of silver coins in a wooded area near the village of Guzów. Two clay...
One of the many subterranean chambers discovered by Luciano Faggiano during his excavations under Lecce, Italy.

Man Intent on Fixing Toilet Uncovers Centuries-Old Subterranean World Beneath his Basement

An Italian man’s dream to open a modest restaurant became an archaeological obsession when he broke ground in order to repair a faulty toilet. The underground world filled with centuries of history...
The Oseberg Ship Burial

The Oseberg Ship Burial Astounded Archaeologists with Excellent Preservation and Hoard of Artifacts

In AD 921, the Arab traveler and Islamic theologian Ahmad ibn Fadlan was sent by the Abbasid caliph, al-Muqtadir to the court of the king of the Volga Bulghars as part of a diplomatic party. During...
Human-headed winged bulls guarding a door in Dur-Sharrukin.

All is not lost in ISIS’s attempt to smash the past

Amy Gazin-Schwartz / The Conversation The archaeological and historical communities are deeply dismayed about ISIS destroying archaeological sites and materials in the last few weeks. We have seen...
Indus Valley Civilization artifact

The Indus Valley Civilization: An ornamented past, revealed in 5,000-year-old artifacts and jewelry

The Indus Valley Civilization was rich with culture and tradition, revealed in its wealth of beautiful, intricate, and elaborate ornaments, jewelry and artifacts. These items and more are on exhibit...
Sekhemka statue at Northampton Museum

Northampton Museum punished for shameful sale of ancient Sekhemka statue

Northampton Museum has been issued at least a five year ban from membership to the Museum Association of Britain for auctioning off a precious Egyptian statue of Sekhemka. The 4,400-year-old statue...
Ancient Greek Inventions Reconstructed

More than fifty ancient Greek inventions brought to life through incredible reconstructions

A new museum dedicated to the advanced technological inventions of ancient Greek scientist Archimedes, has just opened up in Ancient Olympia, Greece, according to a news announcement in the Greek...
Ancient Sekhemka statue

Shameful sell-off of ancient Sekhemka statue makes museum a pariah

A 4,400-year-old Egyptian statue will be sold by Northampton Museum in England, the Council has decided. The Council is auctioning off the historic Egyptian statue of Sekhemka in order to help pay...
Samos Artefact

Ancient Samos and the museum of mysterious artifacts

The island of Samos in Greece is an island about 1.5 km from the shores of Turkey, which has a long history dating back to 4,000 BC. The name ‘Samos’ is thought to have Phoenician origin and...
Underground Ruins - Greece, Byzantine Pompeii

Construction work in Greece uncovers 'Byzantine Pompeii'

Extensive construction work to build a new underground Metro system in the city of Thessaloniki in Greece has led to the discovery of a wealth of archaeological finds , leading some to label the area...
