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The Coming Gnostic Civilization, and his most recent book, Sedona: City of the Star People.

The Truth Behind the Christ Myth: Ancient Origins of the Often Used Legend – Part I

What is the origin of the legend of the Christed Son who was born of a virgin on December 25th? I am sure you are familiar with his legend which states that he was born in a manger surrounded by...
Detail of a vintage Christmas postcard showing Christkind.

Christkind: How Does this Christmas Gift-Bringer Differ from Santa Claus?

Christkind is a Christmas gift-bringer in certain European countries. Like its more famous counterpart, Santa Claus, Christkind is said to leave presents for children under the Christmas tree on the...
According to the ancient text, Judas used a kiss to identify Jesus due to his abilities as a shapeshifter. Source: The Morgan Library & Museum

The Ancient Text That Describes Jesus as a Shapeshifter

It was in March 2013 when reports flooded the headlines about a newly deciphered Egyptian text, dating back almost 1,200 years, which controversially described Jesus as having the ability to change...
Templar knight

Secrets of the Knights Templar: The Knights of John the Baptist

Soon after the Knights Templar founded their order in the Holy Land in 1118 AD they assimilated into a very ancient gnostic tradition and lineage known as the Johannite Church, which had been founded...
Angels holding the Veil of Veronica

The Mysterious Veil of Veronica: Masterpiece or Miracle?

According to the Catholic Stations of the Cross, there was once a woman who wiped the sweat and blood from the face of Jesus Christ with a cloth as he endured the torturous walk carrying his own...
Statue of Horus, Temple of Horus at Edfu (CC0)

Out Of Egypt I have Called My Son: The Jesus-Horus Debate

On the west bank of the Nile River, south of Luxor, lies the ancient city of Edfu. There stands a great temple dedicated to the god Horus, always pictured with the head of a falcon. The temple was...
The Royal Lineage Of Jesus, Descendant Of Cleopatra

The Royal Lineage Of Jesus, Descendant Of Cleopatra

The simplistic story of the life of Jesus, as it is presented in the New Testament accounts, is well known. He was supposedly a poor carpenter born in a stable, a disadvantaged child who rose to...
The Annunciation by Leonardo da Vinci

It’s March 25 – Happy Medieval New Year!

March 25 this year will fly by for most of us as just another day in the Gregorian calendar. But the date was far more significant in the past. For over a millennium across Europe and beyond this was...
The Shroud of Turin: modern, digitally processed image of the face on the cloth [left] and the full body image as seen on the shroud [right].

The Shroud of Turin: Jesus' Bloodstained Burial Cloth or a Fascinating Forgery?

The Shroud of Turin is believed by many to be the bloodstained burial cloth Jesus of Nazareth was wrapped in after his crucifixion. But skeptics say it is a forgery, or at best only a religious...
Is This Where John the Baptist Was Condemned to Death?

Is This Where John the Baptist Was Condemned to Death?

A courtyard uncovered among the ancient ruins at Machaerus, a fortified hilltop palace in Jordan , may have profound historical significance. According to one prominent academic, this courtyard is...
Antichrist: The Deceiver, Betrayer and Herald of the End of Times

Antichrist: The Deceiver, Betrayer and Herald of the End of Times

The Antichrist. The name itself is enough to instill dread into the hearts of all devout Christians as well as others. It is a name that was ever connected to the negative, the malicious, and the...
Is There a Right Time to Take Down Your Christmas Decorations?

Is There a Right Time to Take Down Your Christmas Decorations?

In this day and age, Christmas has for many become a secular holiday, associated less with the birth of Jesus than with family get-togethers and the eager exchange of presents . Therefore, many...
The birthday of a Sun God became the birthday of the Son of God.

Why Christmas is Held on December 25th

According to popular tradition, Christmas is celebrated on December 25th to honor the birth of Jesus. However, no records exist in the Bible or elsewhere to suggest that Jesus was actually born on...
Ancient Eulogia Token Depicts An Unusual Nativity Scene

Ancient Eulogia Token Depicts An Unusual Nativity Scene

An ancient stone token depicting a deeply religious scene, the Nativity, was discovered in the Holy Land. It’s being described as being “unlike all others,” because it doesn’t feature Mary and Joseph...
Representation of holy nails of the Crucifixion and crown of thorns.	Source: vetre / Adobe Stock

More Hope For “The True Holy Nail”?

Archaeologists in the Czech Republic have discovered a secret chamber beneath a 12th century monastery floor. In it, they discovered an ancient box with a gold plate, inscribed with “Jesus is King.”...
Animals are commonly found in creche sets, but surprisingly not in the Bible.

An Ox, an Ass … a Dragon? Sorry, there were no Animals in the Bible’s Nativity Scene

From nativity plays to crèche sets to Christmas cards, animals are ubiquitous in our vision of the birth of Christ – but according to the Bible, not a single animal was there. Where did all these...
The Gethsemane garden area archaeological site where the ritual baths were found (far left just beyond the frame of this image).

Ancient Ritual Bath Found At Biblical Garden of Gethsemane

While constructing a tunnel near the garden of Gethsemane east of Jerusalem, builders uncovered an underground cavern that was later identified as a mikveh , or ritual bath, that was apparently used...
Planets Align To Form ‘Star of Bethlehem’ This Winter Solstice

Planets Align To Form ‘Star of Bethlehem’ This Winter Solstice

This year, as dusk gives way to darkness on the night of the Winter Solstice (December 21 st 2020), residents of the United States, the United Kingdom, and other nations across the Northern...
Has the Childhood Home of Jesus Christ Actually Been Found in Nazareth?

Has the Childhood Home of Jesus Christ Actually Been Found in Nazareth?

An archaeologist believes that he may have found the childhood home of Jesus Christ. He has evidence that the remains under a convent in Nazareth are probably those of the family home of Mary and...
Lost Church Marking Jesus’ Miracle Uncovered

Lost Church Marking Jesus’ Miracle Uncovered

Archaeologists believe that they have uncovered a long-lost Church in the Golan Heights. They found it in the ancient city of Banias, that was known as Caesarea Philippi in the time of Jesus Christ...
Basilica of the Holy Blood – Does it Really Hold the Blood of Jesus?

Basilica of the Holy Blood – Does it Really Hold the Blood of Jesus?

The beautiful city of Bruges in Belgium is so well maintained it is said that strolling through town is like walking through a gallery of European architecture. But it’s not only the buildings which...
The Garden Tomb, rock tomb in Jerusalem, Israel      Source: valenizi / Adobe Stock

Could the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem be the Site of Jesus’ Resurrection?

Jerusalem is an ancient city, founded as the City of David in 1010 BC, but there is evidence of settlements going back to 4500 BC. It has been conquered more than 40 times by various nations,...
Aerial view of 1,300-year-old church in the village of Kfar Kama, near the Mount of Transfiguration (Mount Tabor), Israel. Source: Alex Wiegmann, Israel Antiquities Authority

Archaeologists Make Biblical Discovery at Mount of Transfiguration

Archaeologists in Israel have discovered a 1,300-year-old church with exceptionally well-preserved mosaics beside the famous Biblical Mount of Transfiguration. Perhaps one of the widespread...
An authentic codex, left, as opposed to a modern forgery, right, which is crude by comparison and betrays all of the hallmarks of modern manufacture: not the uneven patina, which is obviously applied and not accrued by age.

Controversial Lead Codices With Earliest Written Account of Jesus Confirmed Authentic

In 2007, Jennifer Solignac and David Elkington were shown images of a newly discovered set of books, of codices. They were surprising in one particular way: they were composed almost entirely of...
