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Remains of shattered artifacts found in Jerusalem caused by earthquake mentioned in the Bible. Source: Eliyahu Yanai / City of David

Evidence of Earthquake Recorded in the Bible Found at City of David

While excavating at the controversial City of David National Park, archaeologists unearthed a layer of shattered vessels, damaged when an ancient building collapsed on top of them. For the first time...
The “articulated” pig skeleton found in an ancient dig site just outside of Jerusalem, Israel, suggesting that pork was on the menu for some for a period of time in the First Temple period.

Israeli Archaeologists Find Forbidden Pig Skeleton During Jerusalem Dig

During a recent excavation in Jerusalem, archaeologists searching through the rubble of a building constructed during the First Temple period found something unusual. Inside one room, they discovered...
2,000-year-old banquet hall recently excavated in Jerusalem. Source: Yaniv Berman / Israel Antiquities Authority

Archaeologists Unveil 2,000-Year-Old Underground Banquet Hall in Jerusalem

The remains of a spectacular banquet hall from the Second Temple period in Jerusalem were unveiled by archaeologists as they announced that the site will soon be opened to the public for the first...
An artist's (Dimtry Bogdanov) depiction of a dead Hadrosaur claosaurus dinosaur floating in the Western Interior Sea of Kansas during the Cretaceous period with two Squalicorax sharks circling around it. The shark teeth found in the City of David (Jerusalem) and also in other Middle Eastern deserts, like those in Morocco, were from this very species!

80-Million-Year-Old Shark Teeth Found in the City Of David, Israel

A stash of 29 “out of place” 80-million-year-old shark teeth have been discovered at a 2,900-year-old site in the City of David neighborhood in Jerusalem, Israel. The find has challenged scientists...
Static skull, mandible & parietal orthographic of the new Homo species. Source: Tel Aviv University / Science.

New Type of Homo Species in Levant Changes Human History Forever

The story of the evolution of human beings from their most primitive and ancient ancestors has just gotten a whole lot more interesting. In the Levant, often described as the crossroads of western...
Neanderthals cohabited with modern humans in the Negev desert. Source: Kovalenko I / Adobe Stock

Humans and Neanderthals Met and Mated 50,000 Years Ago in Negev Desert

A recent re-examination of artifacts collected from Israel’s central Negev desert has revealed important details about the development of human culture in the region, according to a new study...
7,000-Year-Old Seal Found in Israel Signed For Deliveries!

7,000-Year-Old Seal Found in Israel Signed For Deliveries!

Not everyone is well versed with the name Tel Tsaf, a prehistoric village in the stunning Beit She’an Valley in North Israel. They may be now, as some 150 clay sealings, dating back to 7,000 years...
1000-Year-Old Chicken Egg Found in Israeli Cesspit

1000-Year-Old Chicken Egg in Israeli Cesspit Dubbed a “Cracking Find”

As part of a salvage dig in advance of the construction of an urban expansion project in Yavne, a city in the Central District of Israel, archaeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA)...
Does Bone Arrowhead Prove Biblical Account of Epic Battle of Gath?

Does Bone Arrowhead Prove Biblical Account of Epic Battle of Gath?

In the Hebrew Bible, the Book of Kings tells a story about how an Aramean king named Hazael conquered and destroyed the famed Philistine city-state of Gath, the home of the legendary giant Goliath...
Ostracism: From Divine Punishment to Political Maneuvers

Ostracism: From Divine Punishment to Political Maneuvers

As the world’s powers perpetually rise and fall, exile and banishment have forever been ubiquitous elements of human history. Exile and ostracism have afflicted individuals and nations, inspiring...
Dr. Eitan Klein, Archeologist and Deputy Director of the Antiquities Theft Prevention Unit for Israel Antiquities Authority, holding the Byzantine-amulet under investigation.

Is This Byzantine-Era Demon-Repellent Amulet Jewish or Gnostic?

A Byzantine-era amulet unearthed 40 years ago in Arbel, Israel, has been returned to the authorities. Archaeologists have calculated that the 1,500-year-old magical bronze amulet was definitely used...
Ruins of an Israelite stone storehouse made with pillars and columns at the Tel Hazor Archaeological Park in Israel.

The Fate of Tel Hazor: Canaanite Settlement Mentioned in Hebrew Bible

Tel Hazor is an archaeological site located in Upper Galilee, in the northern part of modern-day Israel. Archaeological excavations reveal that the site was occupied as early as the 3rd millennium BC...
Photograph showing the bronze oil lamp unearthed in Jerusalem

Rare "Grotesque" Half-Lamp Discovered on Jerusalem’s Holiest Road

Archaeologists in Israel exploring in an ancient building have found rare coins and pottery. But standing sentinel at this dig is a unique lamp that dates back to the Second Temple period, the...
Bible narratives about Sodom and Gomorrah. Christian bible character. By artinspiring / Adobe Stock

The Sinful Sodom and Gomorrah: Real Historic Cities or Biblical Myth?

Sodom and Gomorrah are two famous cities mentioned in the Hebrew Bible and the Christian New Testament, and there are few who haven’t heard of them at one point in their life. Supposedly obliterated...
Ancient Alphabetic Script Found in Israel Fills Gap in Historic Record

Ancient Alphabetic Script Found in Israel Fills Gap in Historic Record

A team of Austrian and Israeli archaeologists working the fertile ground of the famed Tel Lachish site in central Israel made a discovery that has altered existing theories about how the first...
Oxygen Deprivation Led To Altered States For Subterranean Artists

Oxygen Deprivation Led To Altered States For Subterranean Artists

Getting stoned, or high, has always been a way to escape the pressures of day-to-day reality. However, modern artists and psychonauts are at the end of a long chain of stoners that apparently began...
Sections of the Book of the Twelve Minor Prophets scroll discovered in the Judean Desert expedition prior to their conservation. Source: Shai Halevi / Israel Antiquities Authority

Dead Sea Scroll Fragments Discovered In Judean Desert Cave

Dozens of fragments of a 2,000-year-old biblical “Dead Sea scroll” have been found in a cave in the Judean desert, Israel. It is the first time such text has been found in 60 years, since the...
Customized Bronze Corinthian Helmet Found In Israeli Waters

Customized Bronze Corinthian Helmet Found In Israeli Waters

The Israeli Antiquities Authority (IAA) recently announced they were in possession of an ancient Corinthian helmet that had been worn by a Greek warrior in either the sixth or fifth century BC...
Decorated Roman Coffins Defended From Afterlife Threats

“Rediscovered” Judean Roman Coffins Decorated For Afterlife Protection

Construction workers in Israel have rediscovered a pair of ancient stone Roman coffins that had been found 25 years earlier and then forgotten. The two Roman-era (63 BC-324 AD) stone sarcophagi were...
Ancient Pay Slip Shows That This Roman Soldier Slaughtered for Nothing

Ancient Pay Slip Shows That This Roman Soldier Slaughtered for Nothing

An ancient pay slip details how a Roman soldier had partaken in a battle that ended up with the mass suicide of hundreds of innocent Jews. But what is the interesting fact that comes out of this...
Lines On A Wild Cow Bone May Be 120,000-Year-Old Symbols

Lines On A Wild Cow Bone May Be 120,000-Year-Old Symbols

Researchers have uncovered what they claim is among the earliest-known use of symbols “ever discovered.” The collection of lines carved into a bone fragment date to approximately 120,000 years ago,...
Archaeologists Strike 3000-Year-Old “Royal Purple” In Israel Dig

Archaeologists Strike 3000-Year-Old “Royal Purple” In Israel Dig

Rare 3,000-year-old samples of “royal purple” have been discovered at Timna dating to the biblical reigns of King David and Solomon. A team of researchers led by the Israel Antiquities Authority was...
Christ Inscription Unearthed in Israeli Village

Christ Inscription Unearthed in Israeli Village

A 1,500-year-old Greek Christ inscription bearing the words “Christ born of Mary” has been discovered at an excavation at the ancient village of Taibe, in northern Israel . This finding has not only...

Jezebel: Slander of The Queen of Israel, Virgin of Baal, Princess of Tyre

Jezebel - even to this day, the name of the wife of King Ahab is synonymous with wickedness and promiscuity. She was the most depraved of women, a murderess, an adulteress and worst of all an...
