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Henry VII

Painting of a Renaissance banquet, by Władysław Bakałowicz. Source. Public Domain

The Most Decadent Banquets in History (Video)

Indulging in extravagant feasts throughout history, these banquets were grand spectacles of excess and luxury. In 1873, a German businessman orchestrated a lavish gathering in New York, featuring a...
Illustration of a Tudor rose. The Tudor rose symbolized unity under the Tudors, merging the white rose of York and red rose of Lancaster.  Source: Cassidy / Adobe Stock

Meet the Tudors - A Brief(ish) History of the Tudor Dynasty

Lasting from 1485 to 1603 AD, the Tudor period is one of the most important, and fascinating, periods of English history. It’s an era marked by political intrigue, cultural renaissance and major...
Walls of the royal Tudor palace at Collyweston being excavated. Source: CHAPS

A Lost Royal Palace in England Linked to Henry VIII Discovered by ‘A Bunch of Amateurs’

A group of amateur historical sleuths have spent the best part of the last decade searching the English countryside for a long-lost Tudor palace, that was famously visited by Henry VIII. Now they...
King Henry VIII. Source: murdocksimages / Adobe Stock.

Early Warning Signs of Henry VIII’s Instability (Video)

Henry VIII's ascent to the throne marked a significant shift from his father's reign. The death of Henry VII freed the 17-year-old prince from paternal constraints, setting the stage for a...
Tudor banquet. Source: Yuri Arcurs/ / Adobe Stock.

What Did the Tudors Eat at a Royal Banquet? (Video)

The Tudor royal banquets were a lavish display of indulgence. Henry VII's love for hearty meals, including roasted meats and fatty fish, contributed to his ample figure. Venison, a delicacy reserved...
King Henry VI of England genetically engineered Henry Tudor for the English throne. Source: KIFOR PRODUCTION / Adobe Stock

How Henry VI Genetically Engineered Henry Tudor for the Throne

The year was 1453 and Henry VI, King of England, was having what could be reasonably called an annus horribilis . His sanity was unsteady and his leadership and decision-making capabilities were even...
Historic Pembroke Castle birthplace of King Henry VII, Pembrokeshire, Wales, UK ( Marcin/ Adobe Stock)

Pembroke Castle Revealing A Secret Of Henry VII’s Birthplace

Situated on a high ridge between two tidal inlets in the south-west corner of Wales, Pembroke Castle, with its walls still standing sentinel after hundreds of years, dominates the landscape. These...
The Tower of London, where King Edward V, and the Duke of York were killed by Richard III or someone else.		Source: rpbmedia / Adobe Stock

Why Did Richard III Spare Edward, Earl of Warwick?

We’ve all heard the tale of the Princes in the Tower, the young sons of Edward IV who disappeared under mysterious circumstances in the Tower of London in 1483, presumed murdered, only to be...
Images of the English coin minted sometime between 1493 and 1499 and discovered at the Cupids Cove Plantation Provincial Historic Site in 2021. Source: Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

Silver Coin from Henry VII’s Reign is Oldest English Coin Found in Canada

Newfoundland is a large island off the east coast of Canada. Recently archaeologists discovered a silver coin there which was minted during the reign of the first monarch of the House of Tudor, Henry...
Catherine of Aragon: The Spanish Queen of England

Catherine of Aragon: The Spanish Queen of England

Catherine of Aragon was the first wife of the infamous King Henry VIII. Known for her failure to produce a male heir, she was the mother of Mary, later Queen Mary I of England. Catherine would spend...
Princes in the Tower Were Murdered by Richard III, Concludes Historian

Princes in the Tower Were Murdered by Richard III, Concludes Historian

Evidence has emerged that may have solved one of the world’s longest-standing murder mysteries. The Huddersfield University professor, Tim Thornton, believes that his recent discoveries have...
Wales Flag on Blue Sky.

How the Welsh Flag Became the Coolest Flag in the World

One of the most striking national flags is that of Wales. In an online poll, it was voted the coolest of all the over 200 national flags around the globe. Its main feature is a dragon that is meant...
Groom of the Stool: Was The King’s Toilet Guy The Worst Job Ever?

Groom of the Stool: Was The King’s Toilet Guy The Worst Job Ever?

Some jobs are a dream and others literally stink! But the most stinky job of all, believe it or not, was actually a very powerful position because it put you right next to the king! The Groom of the...
Catherine of Valois being presented to King Henry V of England at the Treaty of Troyes in 1420. Original print at the Rijksmuseum. Source: Rijksmuseum / CC0

Catherine of Valois: Political Pawn, Dowager Queen and Life in the Shadows

Catherine of Valois was a French princess who lived during the 15 th century. Catherine is an important female figure in medieval English history, being the wife of one English king, and the mother...
AI Technology Used to Recreate the Face of Biblical Pharaoh

AI Technology Used to Recreate the Face of Biblical Pharaoh

Technology is changing almost every aspect of our lives. It is also transforming how we understand and relate to our past and heritage. A new initiative, ‘My Colorful Past’ is using facial...
Left: artist Matt Loughrey’s reconstruction of the bust of King Henry VII of England. (Courtesy of Matt Loughrey / My Colorful Past).     Right: Henry Tudor, painted on 29 October 1505 AD by Herman Rinck, an agent for the Holy Roman Emperor, Maximilian I. (National Portrait Gallery / Public domain)

Look History in the Eye! King Henry VII Reconstructed from Death Mask

An Irish artist has brought King Henry VII of England back to life in a high-tech historical photography project. Looking deeply into the photo-realistic eyes of the famous English king, the observer...
The legendary Welsh dragon. Credit: warpaintcobra / Adobe Stock

The Legendary Welsh Dragon that Expelled the Saxons

The Welsh Dragon is a heraldic symbol of Wales, and arguably one of the country’s most recognizable symbols. The image is most notably seen on the flag of Wales. Additionally, this symbol is also...
The bed could be a possible English National Treasure.

Bed Bought Online for £2200 May be 15th Century Bridal Bed of King Henry VII

A bed bought online by an antiques dealer in Britain for just £2200 (US$ 2500) may actually be the only surviving example of royal furniture from the Tudor Era. It is believed that the ornately...
A Strange Ancient Dance with Unknown Origins – How Far Back Does the Morris Dance Really Go?

A Strange Ancient Dance with Unknown Origins – How Far Back Does the Morris Dance Really Go?

Morris dancing is a type of folk dance from England. It is unclear as to when Morris Dancing began to be performed, though there is evidence that this dance has existed for several centuries, the...