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The Obsequies of an Egyptian Cat

The Veneration and Worship of Felines in Ancient Egypt

The ancient Egyptians revered and worshipped many animals, just as the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Norse did, but none were worshipped as reverently as the cat. It was not until the Pre-dynastic...
A Blythe Intaglio in the Colorado Desert.

Blythe Intaglios: The Impressive Anthropomorphic Geoglyphs of the Colorado Desert

The Blythe Intaglios, often called America’s Nazca Lines, are a series of gigantic geoglyphs found fifteen miles north of Blythe California in the Colorado Desert. In the Southwestern United States...
The Shabaka Stone: Ancient Relic tells of God Ptah and his Creation of the Universe

The Shabaka Stone: Ancient Relic tells of God Ptah and his Creation of the Universe

The 26th Dynasty of Egypt was the last dynasty of the Third Intermediate Period, and was known also as the Nubian Dynasty or the Kushite Empire. The pharaohs of this dynasty hailed from Egypt’s...
Sobeknefru, Powerful Pharaoh and Queen of the Dragon Court

Sobeknefru, Powerful Pharaoh and Queen of the Dragon Court

Named after the crocodile God Sobek, Sobeknefru, whose name means ‘she who shows the beauty of Sobek’, succeeded her brother to the throne of Egypt. At the time she came to power, the cult of Sobek...
Junior Obsidian kneels before the Lord of Hammer-Stone Hill, the apparent ruler of Xultun.

Archaeologists study stunning murals adorning the walls of an ancient Maya home

In a complex, 1,300-year-old Maya mural in the Guatemalan jungle, a ruler with an elaborate plumed headdress and impersonating a god, consults with priest-scholars as they celebrate the new year...
Hardknott Roman Fort in Cumbria, England

Ancient Roman fort in England may have been constructed to pay homage to Mithra or Sol Invictus

A new study shows that the builders of an ancient Roman fort in northern England aligned it so the sun’s rays shone through the gates at dawn and sunset on the winter and summer solstice. The...
Abstract image depicting creation of the universe and mankind

The awesome, terrible, and unknowable creator gods through history

All throughout history people have invoked gods of various kinds, including incomprehensibly strange creators. Crediting an almighty god as the creator of the universe is an acknowledgement that the...
Ancient sarcophagus belonging to singer of god Amun - Luxor

Ancient sarcophagus belonging to singer of god Amun unearthed in Luxor

A team of Spanish archaeologists have unearthed a sarcophagus during the recent restorations of the tomb of Amenhotep Huy , ruler of Lower Nubia Kush under king Tutankhamun, located at Qurnet Marej...
The Fall of the Rebel Angels

Epic Cosmic Battles and the Forces of Creation and Destruction in Belief Systems around the World

Stories of epic cosmic battles can be found in many world cultures. In these battles, the lines are often drawn clearly, with the forces of good on one side and the forces of evil on the other. For...
Basalt stele revealed during excavations in Southeast Turkey

Unknown ancient god with astral symbols discovered on stele at cult site in Turkey

An unidentified, ancient bearded god with astral symbols has been uncovered during an excavation of a sanctuary near the ancient city of Doliche in Southeast Turkey. The excavation team of 60...
Egyptian carving of Akhenaten

3,300-year-old Egyptian carving bears scars of religious revolution under Akhenaten

Archaeologists have announced the discovery of an ancient Egyptian carving, which had once adorned a temple dedicated to Queen Tiye but was later defaced under the reign of Akhenaten, who unleased a...
Lost ancient temple - Iraq-, Musasir

Long-lost ancient temple discovered in Iraq

Local village people in the Kurdistan region or northern Iraq have just made a remarkable discovery – the long-lost temple of the city of Musasir, dedicated to the god Haldi. According to a report in...
The Great Ziggurat of Ur

The Great Ziggurat of Ur

The city of Ur was one of the most important Sumerian city states in ancient Mesopotamia during the 3 rd millennium BC. One of best preserved and most spectacular remains of this ancient city is the...
Old pagan god figurine in Russia

Fisherman catches 4,000-year-old pagan god figurine in Russia

A Russian fishermen has hauled in an incredibly rare ancient figurine from the bottom of a riverbed in the village of Tisul in southern Russia, an area known to have been inhabited in ancient times...
The ancient system of government in the land of the Pharaohs

The ancient system of government in the land of the Pharaohs

A discussion of ancient Egyptian government and administrative structures cannot be conducted in the same fashion as discussion about modern governments. This is simply due to the fact that the...
Assyrian Stele - Ancient Curse

Assyrian stele containing ancient curse will not be reunited with its other half

Whoever discards this image from the presence of Salmanu puts it into another place, whether he throws it into water or covers it with earth or brings and places it into a taboo house where it is...
Stone carving showing Roman Emperor Claudius dressed as Egyptian Pharaoh

Stone Carving Depicts Roman Emperor Claudius Dressed as Egyptian Pharaoh

In 2014, a team of researchers announced the discovery of a stone carving depicting Roman Emperor Claudius dressed as an Egyptian pharaoh and wearing an elaborate crown. The findings of the research...
Bronze Apollo Statue in Gaza

Rare bronze statue of Greek god Apollo appears in Gaza

An incredibly rare 2,000-year-old bronze statue of the Greek god Apollo has recently appeared in Gaza, only to be seized immediately by police and vanish once again from view. It is not known where...
God of Death Shrine

God of Death Shrine Unearthed in Mexico

In a discovery that would send shivers up your spine, archaeologists from Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History have discovered the first ever shrine dedicated to Mictlantecuhtli,...
Mastema - Jubilees

Mastema – The ‘Persecutor’ of God

Christian texts are full of controversies regarding actions of God which could be perceived as harsh, or even revengeful. These controversies are also extended to other Biblical figures/beings, for...
Nakavadra mountain

The Creation Myth of Fiji and the Serpent God

The Serpent God plays an important role in many religions and myths from all over the World. However, most of the times its role is identified with that of Evil, even if the common denominator of the...
Asklepion in Pergamon Turkey

The Mysterious Healing Centre of Asklepion in Pergamum

Asklepion is an ancient healing complex located at the base of the Pergamon acropolis in Turkey built in honour of Asklepios, god of healing. The Asklepion was a term used in ancient Greece to define...
1,800-year-old Roman god statue

Archaeology student uncovers 1,800-year-old Roman god statue

A teenage archaeology student from Durham University has uncovered an 1,800-year-old sandstone head of a possible Geordie Roman God during a dig at the Binchester Roman Fort, once the largest Roman...
Shema’ Yisrael The God is One

‘God is One’: It wasn’t always like this in Christianity

Today followers of Christianity and Judaism have the belief that there is one God. And not only that, but the One of Christianity is the better than the One of other religions like Muslims for...
