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AI image of a young Roman man.     Source: Arceli / Adobe Stock

Beyond the Cut: The Historical and Cultural Significance of Hairstyles and Barbershops

The pandemic in 2020, which shuttered hairdressers for most of the year, led to numerous unexpected hair trends such as buzzcuts and fringes. The much-derided mullet also made an appearance. This...
(Left) Photo shows an Egyptian painted wood mummy portrait of a woman from the Roman period, circa 2nd or 3rd century AD. (Right) Cinnabar was widely used as a decorative pigment as well as a toxic cosmetic. A Chinese "cinnabar red" carved lacquer box from the Qing dynasty. Source: Public Domain, Andrew Lih / CC BY SA 2.0

Seven Unusual Beauty Treatments That Ancient Women Used (Video)

In the pursuit of beauty, ancient women employed unconventional methods, challenging modern notions of glamour. Foot binding , prevalent in 10th-century China, exemplifies the extremes sought for...
The Procession Picture, c. 1600, showing Elizabeth I borne along by her courtiers. Source: Public Domain

The Strange and Absurd Rules of Elizabethan Manners (Video)

In the late 16th century, during Queen Elizabeth I's reign , England rose as a global powerhouse. The era birthed a peculiar aristocratic code of conduct, diverging sharply from modern sensibilities...
Face of a woman adorned with intricate facial tattoos a blend of traditional and contemporary styles. Source: Old Man Stocker/Adobe Stock

Why Are Humans So Vain Compared to Other Animals? (Video)

Across the expansive chronicles of human history, the pursuit of beauty and adornment has been a deeply ingrained aspect of our collective identity. Dating back to prehistoric times, early humans...
Fresco of a priest sporting a coronal tonsure hairstyle. Source: Public domain

Roman Catholic Priests Rocked Seriously Quirky ‘Tonsure’ Hairdos

In the annals of religious history, the Roman Catholic tonsure hairstyle stands out as a peculiar and enduring tradition. From the early centuries of Christianity to its eventual abolition by the...
A woman in the Renaissance getting dressed. Source: YouTube Screenshot / CrowsEye Productions.

The Elaborate Process of Getting Dressed as a Renaissance Woman (Video)

In Renaissance Florence , Italy, fashion was a tapestry of elegance and refinement . The clothing of this era showcased intricate details and subtle displays of wealth. Women of the time donned silk...
Peruvian nose ornament with spiders. Source: Metropolitan Museum of Art / Public Domain.

Ancient Peruvians Loved Spider-Themed Nose Jewelry (Video)

Peruvian fashion in ancient times showcased septum jewelry adorned with spiders, a unique and captivating choice. These intricate ornaments, often cast in gold, were far from everyday wear, instead...
The Iron Age child’s shoe found in an Austian salt mine. Source: Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum

2000-Year-Old Child’s Leather Shoe Found in Austrian Salt Mine

This is not the first time German archaeologists have recovered well-preserved shoes from the Dürrnberg salt mine in Austria. However, what is a first, is the remarkable discovery of a child’s shoe,...
Indigo dye. Source: Thirawatana / Adobe Stock.

The Link Between Japanese Samurai and Real Indigo (Video)

Within the captivating tapestry of Japanese history , a fascinating link emerges between Samurai culture and the realm of real indigo. Tucked away in Tokushima, Japan, a region steeped in tradition,...
Lady and duenna, wearing their tapada limeña, going to church, by Pancho Fierro. Source: Public domain

Peruvian Women Once Wore Burka-Like Attire as Cloaks of Rebellion

In an era where the term “ burka ” evokes images of oppressive regimes, notably Afghanistan's coercive imposition on women, it may come as a surprise that the tapada limeña (meaning “the covered one...
British court wig. Source: Anneke / Adobe Stock.

The British Tradition of Wig Wearing in the Courtroom (Video)

The meticulous art of handcrafting legal wigs for British courts weaves a tapestry of tradition that reaches back through the annals of time, tracing its origins to the late 17th century . Entrusted...
Spartan in a Skirt. Source: Dina / Adobe Stock.

Wearing Skirts Was Considered Manly in Ancient Greece

When we think of manliness, images of rugged warriors and fearless gladiators often come to mind. However, history has its surprises, and one of the most fascinating twists in the realm of...
Elaborate medieval hairstyle. Source: QuietWord / Adobe Stock.

US 'Hair Archaeologist' Recreates Elaborate Ancient Hairstyles (Video)

Janet Stephens, a modern-day hairstylist , has embarked on an extraordinary journey to recreate ancient coifs from Greek and Roman civilizations. These intricate hairstyles were so elaborate that...
Traditional fabric printing in India. Source: kalcutta / Adobe Stock.

French-Indian Textile Designer Recreates Ancient Mughal Designs (Video)

Renowned French-Indian textile designer, Brigitte Singh, has masterfully revived ancient Mughal designs on fabric, igniting a renaissance of timeless beauty. With meticulous attention, she unfurls a...
Anglo-Saxon ivory rings were sourced from African elephants. Source: kyslynskyy / Adobe Stock

Anglo-Saxon Ivory Rings Found in Britain Came from African Elephants

Unusual rings made from ivory have been unearthed in dozens of early Anglo-Saxon burials in England. The origin of the Anglo-Saxon ivory rings had remained a mystery for 200 years, but scientific...
Medieval hoods. Source: Deivison / Adobe Stock.

Medieval Hoods: Why Everyone from Peasants to Nobles Had to Have Them (Video)

Medieval hoods were commonly worn across social classes, providing warmth and practicality. A distinguishing feature was the addition of a woolen cape , offering extra insulation. When the hood was...
17th Century Woman Being Dressed. Source: YouTube Screenshot / CrowsEyeProductions

The Meticulous Dressing Regime of a 17th Century Wealthy Dutch Woman (Video)

In 1665 Delft, the clothing of affluent women followed a meticulous process. It began with a linen or silk chemise , often adorned with lace cuffs. Petticoats were supported by a waist-tied hip pad,...
Medieval farmer. Source: Marina / Adobe Stock.

Getting Dressed as a Medieval Ploughman (Video)

What was involved in getting dressed as a Medieval ploughman ? For farmers in the Middle Ages, conditions were harsh and the work backbreaking . But ploughmen were vital members of the medieval...
Tudor woman. Source: Kathy / Adobe Stock.

Fashion as Status: Getting Dressed in the Tudor Era (Video)

In this fascinating video, we're taken on a journey through the morning routines of Queen Catherine Parr's household. With over 50 female staff members to dress and prepare , getting ready was no...
Ancient traditional salt production in Bali, Indonesia. Source: lenaivanova2311 / Adobe Stock.

An Elaborate Affair: Getting Dressed as an 18th Century Gentleman (Video)

Dressing as an 18th-century gentleman was no easy feat. The process of getting dressed was highly regimented and required the help of a valet or servant to assist in the process. Each item of...
Clothing from history helps us learn more about the cultures and people who wore them. Source: Fernando Cortés / Adobe Stock

From Loincloths to Lingerie: 10 Unique Styles of Clothing from Ancient History

Fashion trends have changed drastically just in the last several years, so imagine how much they’ve changed since early history! Throughout history, there have been various types of clothing worn by...
Afro-Colombian slaves used their braids to communicate messages and escape routes. Source: Vanessa / Adobe Stock

African Slaves Used Braids to Communicate Escape Routes in Colombia

The hair of black boys and girls was, and continues to be, an object of ridicule and discrimination. This kind of distain is a throwback to a more openly racist era, steeped in beliefs of African...
Composite image of French men’s shoes dating back to circa 1690 with image of a Persian ambassador, wearing high heels on visit to Poland in 1605, in the background. Source: Public domain & Public domain

High Heels Were Originally Worn By Men

A lifetime critic of the self-inflicted pain of high heels, I’ve never understood why anyone would wear them when the risks involved are so well known. From ingrown toenails, back problems or...
The Anarchic Mohawk Hairstyle. Source: ArtoPhotoDesigno / Adobe Stock

The Anarchic ‘Mohawk’ Hairstyle Didn’t Come From the Mohawk Tribe

The ultimate expression of anarchy, the now-mainstream Mohawk hairstyle has a surprisingly ancient history. While most people think the Mohawk hairstyle was created by anti-establishment punks back...
