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dead sea scrolls

Norandino and Lucina Discovered by the Ogre’ (1624) by Giovanni Lanfranco. Galleria Borghese  (Public Domain)

How The Sons Of God Became The Sethian Nephilim

According to the biblical story told in the Book of Genesis , Chapter 6:1-4, certain Sons of God fathered children with the daughters of men. They were called the Nephilim and are often identified...
Left, a Sedducee, who some scholars claim the Teacher of Righteousness is based on. Right, A fragment of the Damascus Scroll in which the Teacher is most mentioned. 	Source: Left; Hartmann Schedel / Public Domain, Right; CC0

Who was the Teacher of Righteousness in the Dead Sea Scrolls?

The Teacher of Righteousness is supposedly the person who replicated the God-like figure by his words, beliefs and actions. Who was he? Was he Jesus? The Teacher of Righteousness is a figure...
The four evangelists by Peter Paul Rubens. Sanssouci Picture Gallery. (1614) (Public Domain)

A Genesis Apocryphon: Are Humans Offspring Of Gods?

When the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 1946, and gradually released to the public over the course of the next few decades, it provided valuable insight into the minds of those who wrote the...
AI Algorithm Identifies Individual Dead Sea Scroll Scribes

AI Algorithm Identifies Individual Dead Sea Scroll Scribes

After 70 years of research and controversy, scientists have finally gained intimate insights into the scroll scribes that produced the Dead Sea Scrolls, after advanced AI was used to analyze their...
Morning Prayers’ (circa 1936) by Otto Pliny. The Essenes were thought to have had specific prayers related to the sunrise. Source: Public Domain

The Shamanic Essenes, Keepers of the Dead Sea Scrolls And Other Secrets

On the fourth floor of the Museum of the Bible in Washington DC, there is a permanent exhibit that many thousands of people have gladly paid more than $20 to visit in order to gaze with rapt...
‘Picture on the Box’ for Dead Sea Scrolls Puzzle Found in DNA

Dead Sea Scrolls' DNA Helps Reassemble the Fragments

The Dead Sea scrolls have been analyzed up close revealing the origins of the animal skins upon which they were written. Discovered in the Qumran Caves , near the Dead Sea, in 1946, the Dead Sea...
History through a lens – the importance of questioning history.

The Importance of Questioning History: From Malta to the Dead Sea Scrolls

According to George Orwell, Sir Walter Raleigh stopped writing his History of the World after he was unable to identify the cause of the scuffle and murder that took place outside his cell in the...
Morning Prayers

The Essenes: The Mystery Holy Men Behind the Dead Sea Scrolls?

The Essenes were a Jewish sect that flourished around the end of the Second Temple Period, i.e. between the 2nd century BC and the 1st century AD. The main source of information regarding this...
The Dead Sea Scrolls

Ancient Tech Preserved Dead Sea Temple Scroll

Among the thousands of pieces of parchment found in caves near the Dead Sea, one scroll was unique among the rest. The Temple Scroll was the best preserved and with the clearest writing. Now...
The Copper Scroll part of the Dead Sea Scrolls

The Copper Scroll Abacus: Is the Real Treasure Found In the Numbers?

Even the most intriguing mysteries have a sell-by date in a 24/7 mass communications age. But one has proven itself to be more enduring since a copper scroll was unearthed on the coast of the Dead...
The Lost Treasure of the Copper Scroll

The Lost Treasure of the Dead Sea Copper Scroll

The Copper Scroll is part of the extraordinary cache of 1st Century documents first discovered in caves at Qumran , popularly known as the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Copper Scroll, however, is very...
Part of Dead Sea Scroll number 109 (4Q109), also known as Qohelet (Ecclesiastes). From Qumran Cave 4

At Least Five Dead Sea Scroll Fragments at the Museum of the Bible Are Fake

The Museum of the Bible in Washington D.C. has announced some news that has shocked the archaeological community and scholars around the world. The museum has revealed that some of its most precious...
After 60 Years, Archaeologists are Thrilled to Find a Twelfth Dead Sea Scroll Cave

After 60 Years, Archaeologists are Thrilled to Find a Twelfth Dead Sea Scroll Cave

A team of archaeologists from the Hebrew University were exploring a cave near the Dead Sea and claim that the cave once hosted Dead Sea Scrolls from the Second Temple period. Unluckily, the ancient...
The Schoyen Collection: 20,000 Ancient Manuscripts from 134 Countries in 120 Languages

The Schoyen Collection: 20,000 Ancient Manuscripts from 134 Countries in 120 Languages

The largest private collection of manuscripts is remarkable not just for the number of items it possesses (over 20,000) but for the breadth and depth of human history it encompasses. The Schøyen...
Dead Seas Scrolls Reveal that Noah's Ark Was Shaped Like a Pyramid

Dead Seas Scrolls Reveal that Noah's Ark Was Shaped Like a Pyramid

According to a reading from a newly digitized fragment of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Noah's Ark was something different than what is currently believed. The 2,000-year-old text may be prove that the Ark...
These are Among the Biggest Archaeological Discoveries in History

These are Among the Biggest Archaeological Discoveries in History

For me, archaeologists do not discover the past; they work on what remains. Archaeology is about our relationships with what is left of the past. And more – archaeology is the discipline of things –...
The charred scroll and its virtually unwrapped image with biblical text.

Oldest Biblical text since the Dead Sea Scrolls deciphered from charcoal scroll

Scientists using high-tech methods have deciphered a charred fragment of the Bible that is the oldest known biblical text other than the Dead Sea Scrolls. The parchment or animal-skin scroll, which...
Caves of Qumran Scrolls

Newly discovered ancient manuscripts from Dead Sea Scroll caves

An archaeologist has announced a remarkable finding at the International Research Seminar, History of the Caves of Qumran, which was held in Lugano, Switzerland – nine scrolls dating back 2,000 years...
Ark of Covenant

Does newly-translated Hebrew text reveal insights into King Solomon’s treasures?

A newly translated ancient Hebrew text claims to know where the treasures from King Solomon’s temple were hidden. However, the exact location is not revealed and, according to the text, “shall not be...