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Roman wall in Chester, England. Before: Peter / Adobe Stock. After: Chester Live

Ancient Roman Walls Damaged During Luxury Hotel Construction

Private developers building luxury hotel apartments in England are being taken to task for their part in the collapse of an ancient Roman City wall in Chester, an iconic feature of the city. The...
Evidence of human tooth jewelry has been found at Çatalhöyük, Turkey. Source: SCOTT HADDOW / UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN

Human Tooth Jewelry Found In Stone Age City

A team of international specialists has found evidence that Stone Age people who lived in what is modern Turkey, once wore human tooth jewelry . They have found three Neolithic molars that were...
Harran, Turkey

Why were the Knights Templar So Interested in Harran?

Harran is one of the oldest cities in the World. Located in southern Turkey, a remarkable feature of this ancient place is its beehive-shaped adobe houses, built entirely of mud without any wood...
Koh Ker, Cambodia. Source: karinkamon /Adobe Stock

Back to Angkor: Researchers Unlock Why Khmer Kings Left Koh Ker

The largest water management feature in Khmer history was built in the 10th century as part of a short-lived ancient capital in northern Cambodia to store water, but the system failed in its first...
Aerial photograph of the Early Bronze Age excavation site near modern Harish. (Assaf Peretz, Israel Antiquities Authority)  By Ed Whelan

5,000-Year-Old Canaanite Megacity Unearthed in Israel

Archaeologists working for the Israel Antiquities Authority have announced the discovery of a major city, which they are calling a megalopolis. The site is rich in historic finds. Most of the site...
Reconstruction of Roman amphitheatre, Viminacium             Source: smoke666/ Adobe Stock

Viminacium: Where Mammoths Roamed and Romans Ruled

The Balkans was once an important strategic part of the Roman Empire and as a result, archaeologists have found a vast array of historic Roman ruins in the region. One of the most extensive...
An example of an inscription found in the Pompeii ruins.        Source: prosiaczeq /Adobe Stock

Decoded Inscription Reveals Pompeii was a City of Extremes

The ruined city of Pompeii that was devastated by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD continues to provide insights into Roman history and society. An inscription on the tomb of an unidentified...
The Midas Monument, Yazılıkaya.

The Mysterious Midas City: 2,800-Year-Old City with Monumental Facades and Strange Inscriptions

A being named Midas has been immortalized in Yazılıkaya, Turkey. Many people think the famous inscription dedicated to this person referred to the king remembered for his ‘golden touch’, but that’s...
Makhunik, Iran

Was Makhunik an Ancient Iranian Lilliput?

In August 2005, a tiny mummified body was found in the ancient Persian village of Makhunik in what is now Iran. The discovery caused an international sensation when researchers reported that the...
Tel a-Rai, site postulated for Ziklag, where David found sanctuary under the Philistine wing.

Lost Biblical City Where Philistines Gave Refuge to King David Found, Archaeologists Say

Archaeologists digging in southern Israel near the modern city of Kiryat Gat claim to have found an ancient biblical city from the time of the legendary King David. The ancient Philistine city was...
Kuelap, Peru - Ancient Fortress of the Cloud Warriors

Kuelap, Peru - Ancient Fortress of the Cloud Warriors

Built by the Chachapoyas, the fortified citadel of Kuelap was home to the Warriors of the Cloud in Peru before they were conquered by invaders. Massive stone walls and hundreds of ruins stand as a...
Imaginary ruins of a sunken kingdom. Source: manjik /Adobe Stock

10 Sensational Sunken Kingdoms: Atlantis’ Companions Beneath the Waves

Some of the most exciting archaeological discoveries and mysteries are the ones involving the ancient ruins of kingdoms lost beneath the waves. There is something about the underwater world that...
The famous colonnade street of Apamea which has reportedly been destroyed. (Maurizio / Adobe)

Syrian Army Discovers Tragic Destruction of Apamea at the Hands of Terrorists

The Head of the Department of Antiquities and Museums of Hama in Syria, Abdul Qader Farzet, has announced that the ancient Syrian city of Apamea, which was recently reclaimed by government forces,...
Nan Madol: Ceremonial Center of the Eastern Micronesia: Pohnpei Island.

Nan Madol: The Mysterious Ancient Coral Reef City

Nan Madol is the only ancient city ever built upon a coral reef. It is comprised of a set of almost 100 stone and coral filled platforms atop artificial islands separated by narrow channels and...
Aeneas carrying his father Anchises from the burning city of Troy’ (1627-1664) by Daniel van Heil. Details in the Iliad cast doubt on the generally accepted location of Troy. Source: Public Domain

Homer’s Iliad Casts Doubt on the Aegean Location of Troy

Historian Bernard Jones has spent more than three decades researching the ‘Story of Troy’ and he maintains that Homer’s Iliad is the greatest reference work on the Bronze Age world. Homer describes...
A representation of what the lost city of Atlantis may look like

Ancient Underwater Ruins Found off the Coast of Spain… Atlantis Again?

The coast of southern Spain is an archaeological wonderland with thousands of ruins from ancient Roman and Greek cultures, but hidden among these crumbling stones, scientists from a private satellite...
At Chan Chan statues thought to be marking tombs have been found.

Oldest Statues Ever Found At Chan Chan Have Been Saved From the Claws of Climate Change

Archeologists excavating in Peru, at the largest pre-Columbian ancient site in the America’s, have saved 20 wooden statues dated to around 800-years-old from encroaching weather fronts. Culture...
LiDAR image revealing Maya structures beneath the jungle canopy in Guatemala

Laser Scans Reveal 60,000 Previously Unknown Maya Structures Hidden in Guatemalan Jungle!

In a monumental archaeological discovery, whose magnitude hasn’t been seen in decades, an aerial survey over northern Guatemala revealed tens of thousands of Maya structures, including pyramids,...
Top image: A photo of Assur. Inset: Head most likely of Sargon of Akkad.

Both Religion and Royalty Reigned in the Assyrian City of Assur

Known today also as Qal’at Sherqat, the ancient Assyrian city of Assur is located in the Saladin Governorate of modern day Iraq, about 280 km (174 miles) north of the capital, Baghdad. This city was...
Illustration of city in Mesopotamia.

The Great City of Uruk Became Sumerian Powerhouse of Technology, Architecture and Culture

Home to Gilgamesh, Uruk was the major force of urbanization and state formation during the 4th millennium BC. In Epic of Gilgamesh , the king is said to have built the city’s monumental walls. There...
Wichita Lodge, Thatched with Prairie Grass (1834-1835) by George Catlin

Possibly Decimated by Conquistadors 400 Years Ago, Has the Lost City of Etzanoa Finally Been Found?

It may be necessary to add another large nation of Native Americans to the list of peoples wiped out by the rapacious Spanish conquistadors after they arrived in the Americas. The location of the...
The ruins of Timgad.

Timgad: The Wonderfully Preserved Algerian Pompeii

One of the best-preserved Roman ruins in Algeria, Timgad can thank the sands of the Sahara for its survival. It is such a remarkable site to behold that some travelers have even gone so far as to dub...
Re-creation of the port at Eridu.

Eridu: The Sumerian Garden of Eden and the Oldest City in the World?

Today, Eridu is often considered to be one of the oldest permanent settlements in Mesopotamia, and perhaps even in the world. The ancient Sumerians also believed that Eridu was the first city in the...
Structure I, one of the two pyramids at Calakmul.

Calakmul: Ancient Mayan City of the Two Pyramids and Three Stones

Calakmul is truly a lost ancient Mayan city. It is situated deep in the dense jungles of the Petén Basin of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Soon after it was abandoned, the impressive city was reclaimed...
