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Left, ancient alchemy painting. Right, The artifact known as the ‘Nanjing Belt’ seems to be proof of the existence of aluminum in early China. Source: Left; primopiano/Adobe Stock Right; Soul-guidance

The Enigma of the Nanjing Belt: How Could this Out of Place Artifact Exist?

Some important archaeological discoveries simply don’t fit the mold. Seeing the light of day after many centuries, they bring us so much confusion and redefine the modern narratives, leaving us...
Ai Weiwei’s exhibition of animal bronze heads, entitled the Circle of Animals, are replicas of the famous looted zodiac heads and part of a contemporary commentary on the Communist Party and its nationalistic discourse. Source: Public domain

A Rabbit and a Rat Sparked a Serious China-France Showdown

In a bizarre twist of fate, a rabbit and a rat became the center of an international dispute between China and France in 2009. For these animals were part of a famed collection of Chinese bronze...
Yanghai leather saddle upper side. (P. Wertmann et al, 2023/Archaeological Research in Asia)

2,700-Year-Old Horse Saddle in Chinese Tomb May Be World’s Oldest!

Archaeologists in China have discovered a 2,700-year-old leather horse saddle. Not only is this maybe the oldest saddle ever discovered, but having been found in a woman’s tomb it contradicts...
Tarim Basin mummy, China. Credit: Wenying Li, Xinjiang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology

Unraveling the Mysteries of China’s Ancient Caucasian Mummies (Video)

In a groundbreaking archaeological discovery, mummies with distinctly Caucasian features were unearthed in China's Tarim Basin. Where did they come from ? These remarkably preserved bodies, dating...

Ming Dynasty Shipwrecks Resurface off the Coast of South China Sea

In the depths of the South China Sea, a ground-breaking discovery has captured the attention of archaeologists and historians alike. Two ancient shipwrecks, dating back to the illustrious Ming...
The Taizhou mummy was discovered accidentally by road workers and was found immersed in a mysterious brown liquid. Source:  GU XIANGZHONG, XINHUA

Accidental Find of Impeccably Preserved Ming Dynasty Taizhou Mummy

Mummies often evoke thoughts of the ancient Egyptians and their sophisticated mummification rituals. These practices aimed to create a seamless transition between life and death and led to remarkable...
Shaolin monk in the temple. Source: Animaflora PicsStock / Adobe Stock.

Kung-Fu Legends: The Shaolin Temple Monks (Video)

The Shaolin Temple is an ancient Buddhist monastery located on Song Mountain in the Henan Province of China. The temple has a history that spans over 1500 years and has been the birthplace of a...
Terracotta warriors, China. Source: Lukas Hlavac / Adobe Stock.

The Terracotta Warriors: The Immortal Army of Ancient China (Video)

China’s first emperor, Emperor Qin , was a man so obsessed with immortality that he commissioned the creation of an army that would accompany him into the afterlife. This army was no ordinary army,...
Jade bi disc, China. Source: W.Scott McGill / Adobe Stock.

The Jade Discs: A Wonder of Ancient Chinese Technology (Video)

Jade has always been a popular material in jewelry making, but there is much more to this unique stone than just its beautiful appearance. The Jade bi (discs) of China are unlike any Jade found...
Great Wall of the Han Dynasty. (慕尼黑啤酒 / CC by SA 3.0)

Lost to Time: The Han Dynasty's Forgotten Great Wall (Video)

The Great Wall of China is one of the most remarkable structures in human history. Built over thousands of years, it is a testament to the ingenuity and perseverance of ancient civilizations. While...
Aerial view of the ancient part of Dujiangyan town and irrigation system. Source: D. Kvasnetskyy / Adobe Stock.

Watch Stunning Water Releasing Festival at 2,000-Year-Old Dujiangyan Dam (Video)

In China's Sichuan province, near the city of Chengdu , lies an engineering marvel that has stood the test of time for over two thousand years. Dujiangyan , meaning "dam on the capital city’s river...
Chinese concubine. Source: TK0920 / Adobe Stock.

Life and Death in the Harem: China's Imperial Concubines (Video)

Imperial China's history is full of tales of rich and powerful men who kept concubines in their lives, with the most famous system of concubinage existing within the Chinese imperial family. From the...
The ruins at Yangshan quarry. Source:  Vmenkov/Author provided

Fathoming the Ruins of Yanmen Shan Mountain and the Biggest Cut Rocks in the World

Along the side of Yanmen Shan mountain, located twenty kilometers to the east of Nanjing, China, the legendary Yangshan quarry can be found. Although it is believed to have been in use from at least...
Sinister Secret of the Shang Dynasty: Its Penchant for Human Sacrifice

Sinister Secret of the Shang Dynasty: Its Penchant for Human Sacrifice

There is no denying the far-reaching and unique history of ancient China. Thousands of years before our time, the ancient dynasties and cultures of China excelled in a variety of arts and...
Japanese Geisha. Source: DivineWorld / Adobe Stock.

How to Get Geisha-Like Skin with Ancient Japanese Rice Water Treatment

Traditional beauty tips and tricks from the Eastern hemisphere, particularly South Asia and Southeast Asia, are all the rage in the Western world. As more knowledge and information is disseminated...
A land purchase document which is a square brick with writing that can be seen on the front, most of which is blurred. From the upper right, only part of the words "Wang Village, Yuanqu County, Jiangzhou, Jiangzhou, South East Road, Dajin Kingdom... Name of Gongcao... Mingchang..." and other parts of the text can be discerned. (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology)

800-year-old Jin Period Tomb in China is a Window into Funeral Customs of the Age

Detailed findings from an extraordinary Jin Dynasty tomb in Shanxi province of central China that was discovered in 2019 have recently been made public - a magnificent ornately carved brick structure...
Confucius among his pupils. (Public Domain)

The Enduring Legacy of Confucius: 10 Insights into the World's Most Influential Thinker

Confucius, the great Chinese philosopher, teacher, and political figure, is one of the most influential thinkers in human history. Born in 551 BC in the state of Lu, Confucius's teachings and ideas...
Ancient Babylon. Source: Rick / Adobe Stock.

15 of History’s Most Advanced Ancient Civilizations (Video)

Over the course of our species' relatively short existence, a myriad of awe-inspiring civilizations have risen to great heights, only to crumble into the annals of history. From the Ancient Egyptians...
Representational image of a Buddhist monastery in Tibet. Source: matiplanas / Adobe Stock

10 Awe-Inspiring Facts about Ancient Tibet

Tibet, a region nestled in the heart of the Himalayas, is a place of incredible beauty, spirituality and cultural heritage. Known for its soaring mountain peaks, vibrant prayer flags and rich...
A representation of an ancient Chinese battle scene. Stunning stone carved architecture. Source: Igor/AdobeStock

Extermination of the Wu Hu and the Merciless Policies of General Ran Min

Great diversity was not uncommon in the history of Ancient China. In such a vast nation, many ethnicities co-existed, and were instrumental in the shaping of its history. However, diversity did not...
Representational image of Chines paper armor. Source: AI generated

Ancient Chinese Paper Armor Was Tougher Than Steel

You’ve probably heard the saying “the pen is mightier than the sword,” but have you heard of paper armor being stronger than metallic protective clothing? It goes against everything we’ve learned...
The Baby Buddha statue found in Shark Bay Australia.	Source: Finn Films

Ming Dynasty Baby Buddha Statue Questions Australian History

Two filmmakers detected a rare Ming Dynasty Buddha in Australia, which could “rewrite history.” Some thought it an elaborate hoax, but experts have now verified the honesty of the finders. Back in...
Portrait of Looty the Pekingese lion dog, commissioned by Queen Victoria and painted by Friedrich Wilhelm Keyl. Source: Public domain

Queen Victoria’s Dog Was Stolen from Chinese Emperor and Mockingly Called ‘Looty’

What at first glance appears to be an unexceptional dog , actually started out its life in the household of the Chinese emperor before being looted by the English during their sacking of the Old...
The 3,500-year-old bone ice skate were discovered in Xinjiang in a high-society tomb. Source: Xinhua/ Global Times

Ancient Animal Bone Ice Skates Found in China’s “Birthplace of Skiing”

During a recent archaeological press conference in Xinjiang, known as the birthplace of skiing, experts announced the discovery of ice skates made of animal bone that are believed to be 3,500 years...
