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Ancient Traditions

Ancient Origins brings you articles related to Ancient Traditions from all over the world. Find related articles in the sections of history, archaeology, human origins, unexplained, artifacts, ancient places and myths and legends.

Traditional Lenj boat building on Qeshm Island, Iran. Source: Gone For A Drive. / Adobe Stock.

The Dying Craft of Traditional Boat-Building in Iran (Video)

For nearly 400 years, the Guranian people of Iran's Qeshm Island have upheld the extraordinary art of crafting Lenj boats - large, handmade wooden vessels used for transporting passengers and cargo...
Fontanelle Cemetery, Naples. Source: Massimo Santi / Adobe Stock.

Fontanelle Cemetery and Naples’s Cult of the Souls of Purgatory (Video)

The Naples's Cult of the Souls of Purgatory centers around a unique belief system related to the souls in purgatory . The Fontanelle Cemetery, a symbolic location for this cult, evokes an eerie...
Dance platform at a modern but traditional Inti Raymi celebration. Early Andeans created a dance floor to imitate the sound of thunder when danced on. Source: Youenn JACQUIN/Adobe Stock

Ancient Andean Thundering Dance Floor Uncovered in Peru

An open-air “sounding” dance floor in Peru has been discovered, designed to mimic a drum-like sound, perhaps for a thunder god when stomped upon! Built sometime between 1000 and 1400 AD, the site...
Evidence in East England has revealed that there were Roman vineyards in the area. Source: mythja / Adobe Stock

Make Wine Not War: Digs in England Reveal 1st Century Roman Vineyard

Excavations in Cambridgeshire, England, recently produced evidence to suggest that Roman winemakers were active in the region in the first century, possibly as early as 43 AD. This was the time of...
A perpetual stew or hunter’s stew, in a cauldron over an open fire. Source: shaiith/Adobe Stock

What is this Ancient Perpetual Stew Being Served in a Brooklyn Park?

Most folk have experienced the holistic satisfaction that comes after a good old bowl of stew, on a cold winter’s nights. However, this story tips traditional stew conventions on their head, as it’s...
Painting by Louis Le Nain from book cover of Death Control in the West 1500–1800: Sex Ratios at Baptism in Italy, France and England, by Gregory Hanlo.	Source: Taylor & Francis

Parents Murdered Their Children, “Routinely,” Claims New Book

A harrowing new study into the history of infanticide, child murder, in early-modern Europe, has presented a slate of horrific facts. It turns out child murder was so common in Italy, France and...
Ancient helmet. Source: Lukas Juszczak / Adobe Stock.

The Art of Ancient Helmet Making (Video)

Ancient helmet making involved intricate craftsmanship. The Montefortino helmet , a Roman military helmet from the third century BC, consisted of a bowl shape, complemented by cheek pieces with...
Tomb inside Westminster Abbey. Source: Stefano / Adobe Stock.

The Incredible Royal Tombs of Westminster Abbey (Video)

Westminster Abbey houses the incredible royal tombs that chronicle British history. Its tombs , statues, monuments, and effigies serve as a testament to the changing nature of memorialization over...
The Hellfire Club building on Montpelier Hill, Dublin.  Source: © William Alexander

Exploring the Enigma of the Hellfire Club: Dublin's Haunted Secret

Mystical and occult places in the world have always attracted intrigued explorers and lovers of the odd and quirky. Often enough, such places are all around us, nestled in their enigma without us...
Abusir necropolis: Sahura Funerary Temple. Pyramids of Neferirkara-Kakai and Niuserra-Ini in the background.  Source: Public Domain

Who Is Buried at Abusir Necropolis, the Funerary Jewel of Ancient Egypt?

A lot of what we know about the Ancient Egyptian civilization was discovered through their burials. These ancient people paid special attention to the afterlife, and thus their funerary rituals were...
Representational image of man with slingshot. Source: emerald_media / Adobe Stock

Andean Pucara Was a Deadly Slingshot Contest to Ensure Fruitful Harvest

Southern Ecuador was once home to a fascinating indigenous game which was a literal battle for survival. Deeply rooted in the cultural traditions of the provinces of Azuay and Cañar, Pucara , also...
Bodiam Castle, England. Source: veneratio / Adobe Stock.

The Incredible Evolution Of The British Castle Explained (Video)

The evolution of the British castle is a fascinating tale. Castles were initially fortified places, serving as private residences for individuals rather than defenses for communities. Iron Age...
Medieval couple. Source: Dmytro Sandratskyi / Adobe Stock.

What Was Sex Really Like in the Middle Ages? (Video)

Contrary to popular belief, medieval attitudes towards sex were often far from puritanical. Surviving sources, largely influenced by the Catholic Church, give a skewed impression of the era. In...
Fish strung over a fire – the Viking way of cooking fish. Source: Igor / Adobe Stock.

How Cod Saved the Vikings (Video)

Cod , the mighty fish of the sea, held the Vikings in its firm grasp. These fierce seafarers depended on cod for survival and adventure. With its abundance, the Atlantic cod became their culinary...
An African slave in chains. Source:  colnihko / Adobe Stock.

Tragedy at Sea: The Brutal Reality of Slave Ships (Video)

During the transatlantic slave trade , life aboard a slave ship was a nightmarish ordeal. European merchants built vessels to transport enslaved Africans , subjecting them to horrifying conditions...
Gold inlaid teeth of the Bolinao Skull.  Source: National Museum of the Philippines

Unveiling the Secrets of the Bolinao Skull: A Journey into Ancient Human History

In the world of modern archaeology, the Bolinao Skull stands as an intriguing discovery, shrouded in mystery and absolute uniqueness. This enigmatic human skull, discovered in the idyllic coastal...
Indian fighters with weapons. Source: Zzvet / Adobe Stock.

Cutting Edge: The Top 5 Deadliest Weapons From India (Video)

India has a rich history of impressive weapons that showcase the craftsmanship and martial traditions of the subcontinent. The Chakra is a circular throwing weapon used by warrior Sikhs, known for...
Revolting ingredients for the manufacturing of luxurious ancient perfume. Source: creative_content/Adobe Stock

10 Most Revolting Ingredients Used in Ancient Perfumes

Who doesn’t enjoy a good perfume? Well, at least they are better than enduring some natural human odors! Today, perfumes are a commodity available to millions of people, coming in all sorts of scents...
Medieval hoods. Source: Deivison / Adobe Stock.

Medieval Hoods: Why Everyone from Peasants to Nobles Had to Have Them (Video)

Medieval hoods were commonly worn across social classes, providing warmth and practicality. A distinguishing feature was the addition of a woolen cape , offering extra insulation. When the hood was...
Acanthus leaves on Corinthian columns. Source: Aslan / Adobe Stock.

Acanthus: Why Old Buildings Use the Same Leaf Design (Video)

The leaf design found on old buildings, especially Corinthian columns , holds a fascinating secret. These leaves, known as acanthus leaves, are woven into the architecture, symbolizing the endurance...
Holy couple. Source: Paolo Gallo / Adobe Stock.

The Kama Sutra: It’s Not Just About Sex (Video)

The Kama Sutra , known for its acrobatic sex positions, is often misunderstood. Contrary to popular belief, it lacks explicit pictures and covers more than just sex . Translated from Sanskrit , it...
A samurai warrior with sword. Source: ImagineDesign / Adobe Stock.

Deadly Weapons of the Ancients: Unleashing History's Fury (Video)

Across the sands of time, the echoes of ancient warfare resound, revealing a captivating glimpse into the evolution of human conflict. In the realm of battle, the ingenuity of our ancestors gave...
Medieval man cleaning his hands. Source: AI Generated.

Grimy No More: How Medieval Folk Kept Clean (Video)

In medieval times , hand cleanliness was essential after a day of manual labor. While wiping hands on the ground was a common practice, water was the primary cleansing agent. However, water alone...
17th Century Woman Being Dressed. Source: YouTube Screenshot / CrowsEyeProductions

The Meticulous Dressing Regime of a 17th Century Wealthy Dutch Woman (Video)

In 1665 Delft, the clothing of affluent women followed a meticulous process. It began with a linen or silk chemise , often adorned with lace cuffs. Petticoats were supported by a waist-tied hip pad,...
