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2,000-Year-Old Human Remains Found on Famous Antikythera Shipwreck

2,000-Year-Old Human Remains Found on Famous Antikythera Shipwreck

Underwater archaeologists made an extremely rare discovery at the world-famous Antikythera shipwreck site in Greece – the 2,000-year-old remains of a young male – and now scientists are hopeful they...
Mary Rose: Tudor Painting and Tidal Analysis Offer Clues as to why it sank

Mary Rose: Tudor Painting and Tidal Analysis Offer Clues as to why it sank

Skulls, the ship’s figurehead and other artifacts from the wreck of a 1545 Tudor warship have been made available to peruse online in 3D reconstructions. But why did she sink? The answer is more...
Researchers Surprised by Rich and Rare Roman Plate Set Found Underwater in Turkey

Researchers Surprised by Rich and Rare Roman Plate Set Found Underwater in Turkey

A collection of Byzantine (Eastern Roman Empire) plates bearing beautiful designs has been found underwater near Antayla, Turkey. The find is one of the richest of its kind and exceedingly rare...

French Artifacts and Weapons Discovered in Ship Wreckage off Florida Coast

An assortment of weapons and maritime equipment has been salvaged from shipwreck debris fields of three vessels that researchers believe may have foundered off the coast of Florida around the 16 th...
The 400-year-old dress.

All Dressed Up and Left in the Sea: Retrieving a 400-Year-old Gown of a Double Spy

400 years ago travels across the sea were quite difficult. Bad weather conditions often meant tragedies. One example of a difficult journey comes from February 1642, when a ship was crossing from...
A diver exploring one of the wreck sites.

23 Wrecks Found in Ship Graveyard in Aegean Sea in Just 22 Days

It is the second time in a little over the year that researchers in Greece have announced the discovery of nearly two dozen sunken ships in the Aegean Sea. In the area of Fourni, a group of 13...
Illustration of the Flor de la Mar

The Lost Treasure of Flor de la Mar, Flower of the Sea

The Flor de la Mar or Flor do Mar (meaning Flower of the Sea ) was a Portuguese carrack of 400 tons that sailed the seas during the early 1500s. This ship was carrying a great amount of treasure when...
Antikythera team members Nikolas Giannoulakis, Theotokis Theodoulou, and Brendan Foley inspect small finds from the Shipwreck while decompressing after a dive to 50 m (165 feet).

Famous Antikythera Shipwreck Yields New Remarkable Discoveries

A team of researchers accomplished another impressive discovery during its ongoing excavation of the famous Antikythera Shipwreck. According to Huffington Post , over 60 priceless artifacts were...
Changes in Guerrero

Gonzalo Guerrero: Father of the First Mestizos and Army Captain of the Mayans

Gonzalo Guerrero (known also as Gonzalo Marinero, Gonzalo de Aroca, and Gonzalo de Aroza) was a Spanish soldier who hoped to become a conquistador in the New World. Instead, he was captured by the...
The History of the Incredible Vasa Warship and its Humiliating Shipwreck

The History of the Incredible Vasa Warship and its Humiliating Shipwreck

The Vasa was a Swedish warship that was built during the early part of the 17 th century. The construction of this warship was commissioned by the King of Sweden, Gustav II Adolf, whose aim was to...
An Undersea Mystery: The Accidental Discovery of the Ghost Ship in the Baltic Sea

An Undersea Mystery: The Accidental Discovery of the Ghost Ship in the Baltic Sea

The Ghost Ship is a shipwreck that was discovered in the middle of the Baltic Sea. This ship was found by accident in 2003, and the first full-scale archaeological expedition to study it was launched...
Treasures of the Diamond Shipwreck to be Revealed for First Time

Treasures of the Diamond Shipwreck to be Revealed for First Time

The Bom Jesus, a ship which seemingly vanished without a trace, was unearthed in a surprising location in 2008. The ship, its crew, and its cargo of gold went missing in 1533. Known also as the ‘...
1600-Year-Old Cargo of a Roman Merchant Ship has been Discovered in Caesarea

1600-Year-Old Cargo of a Roman Merchant Ship has been Discovered in Caesarea

An underwater survey in the ancient port of Caesarea has uncovered thousands of coins and bronze statues dating to the 5th century AD. The Greatest Catch Two sports divers likely made their greatest...
Researchers Believe They May Have Located a Famous Ship Once Owned by Captain Cook

Researchers Believe They May Have Located a Famous Ship Once Owned by Captain Cook

A team of researchers in the USA believe that they've located the area of the wreck of Captain James Cook’s ship. The HMS Endeavour is known for being the ship which reached Australia on April 19,...
Three 16th Century English Cannons and the Remains of a Galley Discovered During Cleanup on a Spanish Beach

Three 16th Century English Cannons and the Remains of a Galley Discovered During Cleanup on a Spanish Beach

Three English 16th century cannons and the remains of a galley were discovered during the recent cleanup of a Spanish beach. The find was made in Calpe, a Spanish municipality in Valencia located on...
The underwater archaeologists found dozens of cannonballs at the wreck site.

Wreckage of Lost Ship of Vasco da Gama is Found and Contains Thousands of Artifacts

A ship which was a part of the legendary Vasco da Gama’s Portuguese fleet that reached India has been found close to Al Hallaniyah island, near the coast of Oman. According to the Ministry of...
Underwater archaeologists examine objects found around the wreck.

4,000-year-old Minoan shipwreck discovered in Turkish waters

Turkish researchers from the Marine Science and Technology Institute of Dokuz Eylul University have discovered a 4,000-year-old shipwreck in the Marmaris Hisarönü Gulf, which is believed to be a...
Divers with one of the Nanhai No. I’s artifacts.

More Artifacts from a Song Dynasty Chinese Shipwreck Revealed

A Chinese cargo ship from the Song Dynasty that was salvaged from the depths of the South China Sea in 2007 has revealed more of its rich cargo to archaeologists. Gold, silver, and copper artifacts...
Pirate Bellamy sailing in search of treasure

Samuel Bellamy and the Treasure of Whydah

Samuel Bellamy was one of the most famous pirates of the Caribbean Sea. He was also lucky to finish his life on the sea on the ship which carried the greatest treasure discovered by the pirate...
A diver works another ancient shipwreck off the coast of Italy, in 2012

Divers locate 2,000-year-old Roman wreck with cargo of fermented, salted fish intestines

Underwater Italian archaeologists have located a first or second century AD shipwreck that was carrying 3,000 clay jars filled with Roman fish sauce made by fermentation of salted fish intestines...
Samuel Scott’s painting titled “Action off Cartagena, May 28, 1708,” executed before 1772.

Gold, silver, jewels - Spanish galleon with $1 billion in treasure located off Colombian coast

Underwater explorers in Colombia have found what they believe is the richest shipwreck in the world, The San Jose , a Spanish galleon blown up by the British about 300 years ago, killing most on...
The team found amphoras of a type that have never been found in shipwrecks before. They also found anchors, pottery used by the crew and cooking pots.

22 Shipwrecks spanning Ancient Era to the Renaissance discovered at Aegean archipelago

Archaeologists doing an underwater survey in the Aegean Sea in Greek territorial waters have found an amazing 22 shipwrecks of merchant vessels that sank between 700 BC and the 16th century AD. The...
A diver securing an artifact found on the sea floor

Spectacular new artifacts recovered from 2,050-year-old Antikythera Shipwreck

Underwater archaeologists have returned to the world-famous Antikythera shipwreck in Greece and have discovered more than fifty new artifacts, including the remains of a bone flute, a bronze armrest...
Divers and marine archaeologists used high-resolution sonar systems to survey the ancient sea route and associated features.

Researchers in Turkey identify Bronze Age sea route and ancient shipwrecks

Marine archaeologists working in the eastern Mediterranean Sea are reconstructing the facts around what they call a 5,000-year-old shipping route and shipbuilding center that have been long submerged...
