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Roman army

Representation of Roman generals

Late Republican Era Rome's Influential Generals (Video)

The transformation of Rome during the Late Republican era was marked by a series of significant changes, particularly in its military and political landscape. From 133 BC to 27 BC, Rome experienced a...
Representative image of the Roman cavalry. Source: furyon / Adobe Stock  By Aleksa Vučković

Roman Cavalry, the Backbone of Rome’s Great Expansion

In ancient times, no army was truly powerful without a cavalry . The equivalent of modern tanks and special forces, cavalrymen were the terror of the ancient battlefields. A force to be reckoned with...
Ancient ballista weapon. Source: Viacheslav / Adobe Stock.

This Roman Weapon of Mass Destruction is 2000 Years Old (Video)

In the heart of northern Britain, a monumental structure once divided the land into two distinct territories. Emperor Hadrian commissioned its construction in 122 AD, and in just six years, Hadrian's...
Roman manubalista. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

The Manubalista Was Rome’s Secret Weapon in Ancient Britain (Video)

The Manubalista , a formidable weapon from ancient Rome, played a crucial role in the Roman conquest of Britain . In the skilled hands of Roman soldiers, this weapon proved to be a deadly asset. It...
The Sertorian War saw Roman generals and forces clash with the rebel leader Sertorius in a prolonged struggle for control. Source: Hui / Adobe Stock

The Sertorian War: How Rebels Nearly Toppled Rome from Within

Even the greatest of empires and kingdoms can be weakened by internal strife and civil war. The formidable power of Rome was no exception. Throughout its history—from the Republic to the Empire days—...
Julius Caesar. Source: furyon / Adobe Stock

Weapons of Triumph: Caesar's British Invasion (Video)

Julius Caesar's invasion of Britain posed a daunting challenge for the Roman army. Though the precise location remains uncertain, it is believed to have taken place along the Kentish coastline. The...
Roman guards. Source: Martin / Adobe Stock.

Could You Survive as A Roman Soldier On Hadrian’s Wall? (Video)

Hadrian's Wall, a monumental fortification stretching 73 miles across second-century Britain, served as the northern limit of the Roman Empire. Defending the wall were approximately 9,000 auxiliary...
Roman soldier in training. Source: irontrybex / Adobe Stock.

From Citizen to Soldier: Inside the Roman Army’s Basic Training (Video)

The Roman Army was one of the greatest fighting forces the world has ever seen. It was an army defined by the discipline , strength and skill of its soldiers. But how did the Romans whip new recruits...
Top image: Roman Soldiers at rest at a Roman camp.	Source: Андрей Журавлев/Adobe Stock

When Soldiers Play: The Surprising History of Gaming in the Roman Army (Video)

Think gaming is a recent phenomenon? Think again. The ancient Roman Army was also known to indulge in various forms of games and gambling, particularly during their leisure time. But these games were...
The new research revealed that the giant snails were cooked on hot embers by hunter-gatherers in southern Africa thousands of years ago. (Gorodenkoff / Adobe Stock)

Vigilant and Ready: Life as a Roman Frontier Watchman (Video)

The Roman frontier was a dangerous place, and the soldiers who manned the Roman Limes (a network of forts , walls and outposts ) along the Rhine frontier had a crucial role to play in keeping the...
An ancient cooper fish hook used to hunt sharks was found on Israeli coasts. Source: Israel Antiquities Authority

The Final Journey: What Happened When a Roman Soldier Died? (Video)

The Roman Empire was built on the backs of its soldiers , who marched and fought tirelessly to expand its borders and fend off its enemies . But what happened when a Roman soldier died? How did the...
Roman soldier. Source: S... / Adobe Stock/Insert Button Play Video by Dehweh

A Guide to Joining the Roman Army (Video)

The world of ancient Rome was one of great conquests , military might, and glory. Joining the Roman Army was a privilege and an honor that only the most courageous and qualified men could achieve. To...
Naked Warriors: Celtic Mercenaries Went to War in the Buff

Naked Warriors: Celtic Mercenaries Went to War in the Buff

It would take a lot of confidence and courage to face up to a heavily-armored Roman army with neither armor nor clothing. But this is precisely what a band of Celtic mercenaries known as the Gaesatae...
The Roman Army employed whistling stones as an effective terror weapon. Source: James Steidl / Adobe Stock.

Whistling Sling Stones: Psychological Warfare and the Roman Army

1800 years ago, Roman troops carried a very unusual kind of missile weapon for defeating their enemies. Those weapons were “whistling” sling bullets, and new research suggests these were employed as...
Mithras and the bull, fresco from Temple of Mithras, Marino, Italy, dated 2nd century AD.    Source: Public Domain

Mithras, the Persian God Championed by the Roman Army

Mithras the god originated in the east, in Persia (modern day Iran) where he was first worshipped. When soldiers of the Roman Empire came back to the West they brought this cult with them and in time...
The Battle of Carrhae: A crushing defeat of the unstoppable Roman juggernaut by the Parthian Empire

The Battle of Carrhae: A crushing defeat of the unstoppable Roman juggernaut by the Parthian Empire

Ancient Roman invasion forces were considered to be unstoppable juggernauts, but the tables were turned by a formidable Parthian Empire general and devastating tactics. This clash led to one of the...
Ancient Egyptian Letter Deciphered

1,800-year-old ancient Egyptian letter reveals hopes and fears of young soldier

I pray that you are in good health night and day, and I always make obeisance before all the gods on your behalf. I do not cease writing to you, but you do not have me in mind. These are the...