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Artist’s representation of the triple burial of Dolni Vestonice

The Prehistoric Triple Burial at Dolni Vestonice - New DNA Evidence Deepens the Mystery

Three decades ago, in the Spring of 1986, archaeologists uncovered the extraordinary burial of three young individuals in a common grave. What they found presented an archaeological mystery – the...
A row of turf houses in Iceland.

Hidden in the Landscape: The Unique Architectural Heritage of Icelandic Turf Houses

Turf houses are a distinctive type of dwelling found in Iceland with origins dating back to the 9 th century AD, which are attributed to the country’s Nordic settlers. The development of turf houses...
Ancient Trail in Arizona State Park

Culturally Priceless Native American Sites and Artifacts Have Been Willfully Destroyed By Arizona State Parks & Trails

Building visitor attractions is big money business in North America, so much so that Arizona State Parks & Trails has willfully destroyed Native American archaeological artifacts and sites, a...
Glacier artifacts. The bones and personal belongings of the "Théodule Pass mercenary”, an unidentified man thought to have fallen into a crevasse above Zermatt in the 17th century.

Global Warming Reveals Amazing Glacier Artifacts from Switzerland’s Ancient Past

In Sion, Switzerland an exhibition is being held which presents glacier artifacts (archaeological finds from glaciers). In recent decades, many discoveries of often perfectly preserved ancient...
A fragment of an ancestral Pueblo jar dating to c. A.D. 1150.

America’s Archaeology Data Keeps Disappearing and That’s Not Legal

By Keith Kintigh / The Conversation Archaeology – the name conjures up images of someone carefully sifting the sands for traces of the past and then meticulously putting those relics in a museum. But...
Amphorae left on the seabed of one of the Mediterranean shipwreck sites.

Shipping Blackspot: Largest Find of Shipwrecks in the Mediterranean Intensifies

In Greece, marine archaeologists have made an unprecedented discovery of shipwrecks in one area of seabed - now numbering 58. It is the largest such find in the history of the Mediterranean. The...
It has been announced that a collection of 5000-year-old priceless artifacts that were looted in the wake of the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003 have been identified in London. Local police seized the objects from an illegal dealer in antiquities.

Looted Iraqi Antiquities Can Finally Return Home After Simple Identification by British Museum

It has been announced that a collection of 5000-year-old priceless artifacts that were looted in the wake of the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003 have been identified in London. Local police seized the...
Representational image – does not depict artifacts recovered in Operation Demetra. Coins stolen by the Nazis, Jewish Museum of Greece (Athens)

Illegal Artifact Smuggling and Forgery Ring Smashed in Europe-Wide Police Swoop

After a hunt lasting several decades, a team of almost 250 top European criminal investigators and highly-trained police officers have busted a 24-man strong, ring of international illegal artifact...
An inuksuk at Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada.

How Global Warming Is Destroying Our Best-Preserved Archaeological Sites

The Arctic is like a time capsule. What dies there can be preserved, like a snapshot of our past, literally frozen in time. Some of the greatest insights we’ve gotten into life, thousands of years...
Crossbow from 2,200 years ago found at Terracotta Warrior site

Excellently preserved, complete crossbow from 2,200 years ago found at Terracotta Warrior site

In an astonishing find, archaeologists in China located a 2,200-year-old crossbow in pristine condition buried with the vast army of terracotta warriors at the excavation pit at Xi’an, Shaanxi...
The Osiris statuette from Saqqara, Egypt.

Restoration Work Uncovers Statuette of Osiris Secreted in Pyramid Wall

Mostafa el-Waziri, the head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities in Egypt has announced an amazing discovery, one which is exciting and intriguing the experts. During routine restoration work on the...
Artifacts from the Anzick site.

Clovis Burial Site Finally Gets Accurate Dating from Amino Acid Test

Scientists have shown that at the Anzick site in Montana -- the only known Clovis burial site -- the skeletal remains of a young child and the antler and stone artifacts found there were buried at...
Excavations at Bhamala Archaeological Complex in Pakistan

500 ancient artifacts uncovered at the remarkable Bhamala Archaeological Complex in Pakistan

The Bhamala Buddhist Archaeological Complex in Pakistan has revealed a wealth of history and treasure dating back 2,000 years. Excavations have uncovered more than 500 “terracotta artifacts, stucco...
Featured image: Elaborate and colorful fresco revealed at Akrotiri.

The precious remains of Akrotiri, an ancient city obliterated in the great eruption of Thera

The destruction of Pompeii by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in A.D. 79 has been preserved in ancient times by an eye witness account, namely that of Pliny the Younger. The literary evidence and...
The handles of a large cauldron in the tomb are decorated with the Greek river God Achelous

A rich Celtic Iron Age tomb discovered with stunning artifacts

In 2015, archaeologists in France excavated the huge funerary chamber of what they believe was a rich 5th century BC Celtic Prince. The burial held his chariot, a decorated bronze cauldron, a vase...
Archaeological site in Sidon, Lebanon, where a hidden room was recently discovered.

Secret chamber hidden beneath ancient temple in Lebanon surprises archaeologists

Nothing ignites archaeological and historical curiosity more than an unexpected and mysterious discovery. A secret room uncovered by researchers at a Bronze Age temple in Sidon, Lebanon, is such a...
The biblical town of Libnah from the Book of Exodus

Could Iron Age settlement be the biblical town of Libnah from the Book of Exodus?

Excavations at Tel Burna, an Iron Age settlement in the Shephelah region of modern-day south-central Israel, have revealed artifacts and fortifications dating back to the seventh and eighth centuries...
Capture of the Pirate, Blackbeard, 1718

Medical supplies found aboard the wreck of Blackbeard's flagship

Over the last few years, researchers have gained some valuable insight on what life was like aboard Blackbeard’s most famous ship. In January 2015, marine archaeologists recovered medical equipment...
CT scan of Monju Bosatsu statue conducted by Nara National University.

Hoard of Scrolls and Artifacts Discovered in Antique Japanese Statuette

According to the Japanese State Broadcaster NHK, experts have made an astonishing discovery in a Buddhist statuette in Japan. Investigators, from the Nara National University examined the statuette...
Recreated Viking helmet and weapon

Vikings in Ireland: Traces of Warriors Not Just Buried Beneath the Ground, They Are in the DNA

As science progresses and archaeologists are forging new positive relationships with developers around Irish heritage, more secrets from Ireland’s Viking past are coming to light, and they are not...
Some of the artefacts found after disappearing from the National Museum of Iraq. Ceerwan Aziz

Fifteen Years After Looting, Thousands of Artifacts are still Missing from Iraq’s National Museum

Craig Barker / The Conversation On April 10 2003, the first looters broke into the National Museum of Iraq. Staff had vacated two days earlier, ahead of the advance of US forces on Baghdad. The...
Iron Age arrow from Trollsteinhøe used to study the relationship between climate variability and how humans used alpine landscapes in the past.

Thawing Ice Reveals Norwegian Mountains Littered with Iron and Bronze Age Artifacts

A group of researchers have reportedly discovered artifacts of wood, textile, hide and other organic material on Jotunheimen and the surrounding mountain areas of Oppland, which include Norway's...
Some of the ancient artifacts seized from the home of Michael H. Steinhardt.

Billionaire Accused of Illegally Owning Stolen Antique Artworks

New York’s Authorities that go after illegally obtained antique artworks have searched the Manhattan residence and office of notable billionaire Michael Steinhardt, who is suspected of illegally...
Pendant, Aurignacian culture, 31000-24000 BC

Did Prehistoric Middle Eastern Culture Visit Europe, Spawn Artistic Culture, and Leave?

A team of archaeologists investigating a cave in Israel, claims to have found evidence that prehistoric tools and artwork from Western Europe could possibly owe their existence to an earlier culture...
