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Nathan Falde

Nathan Falde graduated from American Public University in 2010 with a Bachelors Degree in History, and has a long-standing fascination with ancient history, historical mysteries, mythology, astronomy and esoteric topics of all types. He is a full-time freelance writer from Wisconsin in the United States. Nathan is an avid reader with a wide variety of interests, which is reflected in his diverse writing portfolio. In addition to his work as a writer, Nathan has spent time teaching English as a second language in Colombia, where he now lives with his wife and son.


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New research has concluded that it was bees, and not Neanderthals, who left pollen within Shanidar Cave in Iraq. Source: ink drop / Adobe Stock

Bees, Not Neanderthal Florists, Dropped Pollen in Iraq’s Shanidar Cave

At Shanidar Cave in the Zagros Mountains of the Kurdish region of Iraq, excavations in the 1950s unearthed the remains of a Neanderthal who had apparently been placed on a bed of flowers after his...
Ingredients Used to Embalm Egyptian Senetnay Prove Her Elite Status

Ingredients Used to Embalm Egyptian Senetnay Prove Her Elite Status

A team of scientists led by archaeologists from the Max Planck Institute in Germany have just completed a comprehensive analysis of the balm or embalming fluid used in mummification procedures...
Archaeologist excavating the skeletal remains of a priest discovered within the Pacopampa tomb in Peru. Source: Peru’s Ministry of Culture

3,000-Year-Old Pacopampa Tomb Reveals Religious Rites of Ancient Peru

A team of archaeologists from Peru and Japan have discovered a circular grave in northern Peru that is approximately 3,000 years old, and maybe even older. The Pacopampa tomb and burial site...
The recently dated Malaysian rock art. Source: Andrea Jalandoni / CC BY 4.0

Malaysian Rock Art on Borneo Linked to Era of Conflict

A large cave known as Gua Sireh, which is located in the state of Sarawak on the island of Borneo in Malaysia, features one of the most extensive collections of recently drawn cave art found anywhere...
Aerial view of the structure at Tel Shimron supporting the passageway to the corbelled vault. Credit: Eyecon.	Source: Eyecon

Israel's Tel Shimron Excavations Reveal Ancient Architectural Marvel Dating to 1,800 BC

Archaeologists participating in the ongoing Tel Shimron excavations in the Jezreel Valley of northern Israel recently unearthed the first section of an arched, vaulted passageway with steps that they...
The clay brick from the National Museum of Denmark and from which scientists have extracted ancient plant DNA. Source: Arnold Mikkelsen og Jens Lauridsen

Ancient Plant DNA Extracted from 2,900-Year-Old Assyrian Brick

DNA testing in an archaeological context has been improving by leaps and bounds, resulting in many new discoveries relating to ancient human, animal and plant genetics. New ground in DNA analysis of...
Excavations at the Civita Giuliana villa reveal life in Roman slave quarters at time of eruption. Source: Ministero della Cultura

Excavations at Pompeii Villa Unearth Room Used by Roman Slaves

During excavations at the Civita Giuliana villa in a suburb of the doomed ancient city of Pompeii in southern Italy, archaeologists unearthed a small, cramped room that told a story of misery and...
Modified Hirota skull, Japan. Source: Noriko Seguchi/The Kyushu University Museum/PLOS ONE

Japan’s Hirota People Were Reshaping Infants’ Heads 1,500 Years Ago

A team of researchers from Japan and the United States have just published a study proving conclusively that Japan’s Hirota people were using cranial modification techniques to change the shapes of...
 Johnstown Castle, Murrintown, with refection in its lake, Wexford, Ireland. Source: Mike Searle/CC BY-SA 2.0

Secret Room Discovered in Ireland’s Historic Johnstown Castle in Wexford

During restoration and conservation work taking place at historic Johnstown Castle in the city of Wexford, Ireland, a carpenter repairing a window inadvertently broke through a wall behind which was...
Vlad the Impaler cried real tears of blood. Source: Lama9838/CC BY-SA 3.0

Sadistic Vlad the Impaler Cried Real Tears of Blood, Study Reveals

Vlad Dracul, the infamous medieval Romanian ruler known as Vlad the Impaler and the inspiration for the character of Count Dracula , is considered one of the most bloodthirsty rulers in human history...
Archaeologists have discovered the remains of iron window bars at the recently unearthed Roman baths excavated in Mérida, Spain. Source: Consortium of the Monumental City of Mérida

Remarkable Iron Window Bars Found in Mérida Roman Baths

Having unearthed the ruins of a well-preserved public bath house in Mérida, Spain, in July 2023, archaeologists have come across another exciting find. The baths were discovered while excavating...
Ceramic drainage pipe. Source: Yanpeng Cao./Nature

Archaeologists Find 4,000-Year-Old Ceramic Pipe Drainage System in China

A team of archaeologists from China who specialize in the study of ancient water management systems discovered the earliest ceramic pipe drainage system ever found on Chinese soil. This marvel of...
A frigid apocalypse 1.1 million years ago led to an archaic human extinction in Europe. Source: Lazy_Bear / Adobe Stock.

Massive Climate Catastrophe Froze Europe’s Earliest Humans to Death

An interdisciplinary team of archaeologists, anthropologists and earth scientists have found evidence that a severe cooling event in the North Atlantic region approximately 1.1 million years ago...
Artistic representation of the future roundhouse set to be built at St. Bride’s Mound in Glastonbury. Source: Friends of St. Bride's Mound

St. Bride’s Mound: Oldest Monastic Ruins in England Exposed

The village of Glastonbury in Somerset, southwestern England, plans to open a tourism complex at the St. Bride's Mound historical site, discovered to contain the oldest Christian monastic ruins ever...
The vampire child burial included the horrific addition of a “anti-vampiric” padlock attached to the foot of the child, aged between five and seven years old. Source: Institute of Archaeology - Nicholaus Copernicus University, Torun

Grim Vampire Child Burial in Poland Featured “Anti-Vampire” Padlock

Vampire tales are normally associated with Transylvania, a mysterious Romanian locale remembered as the mythical home of Count Dracula. It was also the actual home of the merciless 15th century...
The magic disc was discovered by an Israeli lifeguard near Tel Aviv. Source: Israel Antiquities Authority

Israeli Swimmer Finds 2,500-Year-Old Magic Disc in the Mediterranean Sea

While taking his regular morning swim in the Mediterranean, an Israeli lifeguard named David Shalom spotted something unusual on the sea bottom in shallow waters. After diving down to take a closer...
