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Oldest Mummies in the World Are Turning into Black Slime

Oldest Mummies in the World Are Turning into Black Slime

The Chinchorro mummies of Chile, which have been preserved for at least 7,000 years, are turning into black slime due to rising humidity levels causing bacterial growth on the skin. More than one...
Was Bolivia-Peru the Sunset Land of the Sumerians?

Was Bolivia-Peru the Sunset Land of the Sumerians?

In an article on the Fuente Magna Bowl , April Holloway highlighted the evidence of Sumerian writing in South America. The Fuente Magna Bowl and Pokotia monument indicate that Sumerians may have...
Dozens of Large, Mysterious Rings and Rock Piles Identified in Peru

Dozens of Large, Mysterious Rings and Rock Piles Identified in Peru

Dozens of circular geoglyphs have been mapped by archaeologists in Peru, near the ancient town and archaeological site of Quilcapampa. The glyphs have been dated to between 1050 and 1400 AD, and are...
Lord of Sipan: First Time Real Face of 2,000-Year-Old Mochican Priest Revealed

Lord of Sipan: First Time Real Face of 2,000-Year-Old Mochican Priest Revealed

The face of a powerful ruler of the ancient Moche civilization of Peru, known as El Señor de Sipán (The Lord of Sipán), has been revealed for the first time following an intensive project to...
One of the dogs that was found buried with a human in what is now the Lima zoo. The zoo has underneath it layers of previous civilizations, as does much of Lima.

Slain Humans Buried with Strangled Dogs Found at Prehistoric Site in Peru

Remains of two humans who died violent deaths about 1,000 years ago and buried with 10 dogs that were likely strangled and two guinea pigs have been unearthed at a site of the ancient Ychsma people...
Think Your Blue Jeans Are Faded? Compare Them to This 6000-Year-Old Textile Found in Peru

Think Your Blue Jeans Are Faded? Compare Them to This 6000-Year-Old Textile Found in Peru

Although denim jeans in their modern form are an invention from the late 1800s, the process of dying cotton with indigo is a technique that dates back thousands of years. Previously acknowledged as...
The famous Ica Stones in the collection of Professor Cabrera.

Library in Stone: The Ica Stones of Professor Cabrera – Part II

I came to the realization that the dismissive attitude of orthodox science annoyed and aggrieved Professor Cabrera. He frequently voiced his outrage at the refusal of mainstream scientists to...
Hundreds and Hundreds of objects in the once-secret collection of Professor Cabrera.

Professor Cabrera’s Cabinet of Horrors: Secret Chambers and Shocking Artifacts with Controversial Origins

In Ica, Peru, I visited the most mysterious museum on our planet. It is the Museo de Piedras Grabadas de Ica , (Museum of the Engraved Stones of Ica). Professor Javier Cabrera Darquea (1924-2001)...
Graves Hinting at Child Sacrifice Found Near Temple Ruins in Peru

Graves Hinting at Child Sacrifice Found Near Temple Ruins in Peru

Archaeologists excavating a Pre-Hispanic site in the northern Lambayeque region of Peru have recently unearthed a group of 17 graves. Both adult and child remains were found, of which some show...
Advanced Hydraulic Engineering made Desertified Peruvian Valleys Livable 1,500 Years Ago

Advanced Hydraulic Engineering made Desertified Peruvian Valleys Livable 1,500 Years Ago

Aqueducts and manmade wells built about 1,500 years ago in Peru by the Nazca people are still in use today and supplying water for daily living and irrigation to people in desert areas near the...
The recently discovered cactus, possibly belonging to the hallucinogenic species San Pedro (Echinopsis pachanoi).

Surprising Offering of a Hallucinogenic Cactus Discovered in Prehispanic Temple in Lima

Chuquitanta or El Paraíso (The Paradise) are the modern names for a monumental archaeological complex located in the Chillon River valley, several kilometers north of downtown Lima and dated to the...
Moche Sacrifice Illustration

By the Cut of a Tumi: An Iconic Ceremonial Artifact of Ancient Peru

The tumi was a ceremonial knife used by several pre-Columbian cultures that inhabited the Peruvian coast, including the Moche, Sicán, Chimu, and Inca cultures, to carry out blood sacrifice and...
Eighth Priestess and Precious Grave Goods Unearthed in Famous San Jose de Moro Tomb

Eighth Priestess and Precious Grave Goods Unearthed in Famous San Jose de Moro Tomb

The remains of a Moche priestess have been unearthed at the famous tomb site of San Jose de Moro in Northwestern Peru. She is the fifth Moche priestess to be found at the site (an additional three...
Photograph of part of the archaeological complex in Vichama, Peru.

New Archaeological Findings Reaffirm the Important Role of Women 4,000 Years Ago in Peru

Peruvian legends speak of a lonely and hungry woman who unleashed her fury against the sun. The star was moved by her situation, and ‘fertilized’ her with its rays. Four days later, the woman gave...
Main: An ancient skull found in Peru with evidence of surgical intervention. Credit: Danielle Kurin. Inset: 4,000-year-old “scalpels”

4,000-Year-Old Stone Scalpels Found in Peru Shed Light on Ancient Medical Practices

A team of archeologists has unearthed a set of slate-stone instruments that are similar to scalpels. The artifacts are 4,000 years old and are believed to have been used by ancient Peruvian healers...
Detail of a mural depicting a Moche priestess. Reconstruction of a Moche priestess.

Performance and Power: Moche Priestesses Uncovered

Despite being an agricultural society of ceremonial performance, bold works of art, and innovative irrigation processes, the Moche (100-800AD) are best remembered as one of many Pre-Columbian...
New Rock Paintings Discovered in Machu Picchu

New Rock Paintings Discovered in Machu Picchu

More than 600 years ago the ancient Incas built a village in the Andes on the rocky outcrop that links the mountains Machu Picchu and Huayna Picchu, at an altitude of 2,490 meters (8169.29 ft.) It is...
This royal tomb, the eighth discovered in 25 years, is believed to have belonged to a Moche priestess buried 1,200 years ago. The great quantity of artifacts and the complexity of the burial reveal the power and influence this woman wielded in life.

Where Women Once Ruled: Excavated Tombs of Moche Priestesses Provide Archaeologists with Troves of Artifacts

When archaeologists unearthed a large chamber tomb in San José de Moro, a ceremonial center of pre-Columbian Moche civilization on the northern coast of Peru, they found the remains of a woman who...
The Mysterious Moche Icon of the Iguana, Companion to the Sky God Wrinkle Face

The Mysterious Moche Icon of the Iguana, Companion to the Sky God Wrinkle Face

The iguana was an important animal in the mythology of the powerful Moche civilization. This creature is often depicted as a companion of a figure known as Wrinkle Face, who is sometimes thought to...
Ritual Chambers of the Andes: Used in Secret, Near Death Simulations

Ritual Chambers of the Andes: Used in Secret, Near Death Simulations

Rather than being burial chambers, the chullpas of Sillustani and Cutimbo were used for a secret, near-death simulation in which candidates returned 'risen'. Conventional history claims the Inka...
Unraveling the Mystery behind the Raimondi Stele

Unraveling the Mystery behind the Raimondi Stele

The Raimondi Stele is an artifact that was made by the Chavín culture, which was a prehistoric civilization that developed between 1500 and 300 BC in Peru. The Raimondi Stele is said to have been...
Ancient Peruvian Queen Mummy and her Sacrifice Victims to Undergo DNA Analysis

Ancient Peruvian Queen Mummy and her Sacrifice Victims to Undergo DNA Analysis

A research delegation from Harvard University is making a visit this week to Peru to take DNA samples from the mummified remains of the famous Señora de Cao (‘Lady of Cao’), a powerful queen of the...
Sechin Bajo, Peru: The Location of the Oldest Man-Made Structure of the New World?

Sechin Bajo, Peru: The Location of the Oldest Man-Made Structure of the New World?

Sechin Bajo is an archaeological site in Peru. This site is situated in the Casma Valley of Ancash, a region on the northwestern coast of that South American country. This site is believed to have...
