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Catholic church - Corpus Christi.

Exploring Corpus Christi: Faith, Culture, and Folk Tradition

The Feast of Corpus Christi, or the Dies Sanctissimi Corporis et Sanguinis Domini Iesu Christi, is one of the Catholic Church's most vibrant celebrations, celebrated across the world via an array of...
A limestone panel depicting two Maya Mesoamerican ballgame players. Usumacinta River area, Guatemala.  Source: Ada Turnbull Hertle Fund; Art Institute Chicago/CC BY 3.0

Hallucinogens Found In Ancient Yucatán Ball Courts Betray Maya Offerings

New research has shed light on the rituals surrounding the construction of a ballcourt in the ancient Maya city of Yaxnohcah. A collecting of botanicals, subjected to environmental DNA analysis, has...
Avenue of the dead, Teotihuacan, now thought t have declined due to earthquakes. Source: rafalkubiak/Adobe Stock

New Study Links Decline and Fall of Ancient Teotihuacan to Earthquakes

The reasons for the decline and abandonment of the mighty Mesoamerican city-state of Teotihuacan in the seventh century AD have long remained a mystery. There will always be a degree of speculation...
Indigenous victims (likely smallpox), Florentine Codex (compiled 1540–1585) Source: Public Domain

The Mysterious Disease That Wiped Out the Aztecs (Video)

The Aztecs , a once-flourishing civilization in central Mexico, faced a devastating onslaught in the mid-16th century. While initially attributed to European diseases like smallpox, recent DNA...
The Search for Cibola, the Seven Cities of Gold

The Search for Cibola, the Seven Cities of Gold

In the 15th century, the Age of Discovery began in Europe. The maritime empires of Spain and Portugal led the way by financing naval expeditions across the world’s oceans. Their rediscovery of the...
Inventory of the Tetepilco church.   Source: Photo: ©SC, INAH, BNAH /INAH

Codices of San Andrés Tetepilco Recovered in Mexican Church

With proven authenticity that links them to the transition period between the 16th and 17th centuries, three pictographic documents called the Codices of San Andrés Tetepilco, among which one stands...
Images of the latest tiny alien claim circulating in Colombia.              Source: Social Media/Nazca Mummies

Colombia Joins Mexico Publishing “Tiny-Alien” Nonsense

Only two months after scientists in Peru revealed the public had been hoaxed into believing two “dolls” were in fact alien corpses, headlines are now touting more alien-nonsense. This time, a fetus...
Left, stacked bones of pre-Hispanic burial system; Right, complete skeleton. Source:  Claudia Servín Rosas/INAH

Stacked Skulls and Bones Show Intriguing Pre-Hispanic Funerary System

Investigators have uncovered a burial ground from the pre-Hispanic era in today’s Mexico, which exhibits unique burial practices and how they were carried out in the region. The discovery occurred in...
Landscape of Rancho Quemado, where the Treasure Cave is located with, inset, the atlatl and two wooden darts, found in Treasure Cave, Querétaro, Mexico        Source: Jesús E. Medina V./ INAH

Hunting Instruments Dating Back 1,900 Years Discovered in Mexican Cave

In a small gallery of the Cueva del Tesoro, in Cadereyta de Montes, Querétaro, authorities have recovered one of the few sets of hunting tools from pre-Hispanic times discovered so far in Mexico. It...
Burial from the Palace of Cortés is that of a Tlahuica woman. Source: INAH

Palace of Cortés Display Burial Is A Pre-Hispanic Woman, Not a Spanish Monk!

For 50 years, the public at the Palacio de Cortés, in Cuernavaca, Mexico, was able to glimpse a burial through an archaeological window, located at the entrance. The identity of this individual was...
One of the 48 burials found at Cima de San José, along with an array of votive deposits. Source: INAH Tamaulipas Center

Major Human Burial Discovery Unveiled at Cima de San José, Mexico

In a huge archaeological discovery, authorities in Mexico have announced the recovery of the largest osteological sample of ancient inhabitants from the southwest region of Tamaulipas. The site,...
An artist’s depiction of the chinampas. Source: Archeomaps

The Chinampas: The Ingenious Aztec “Floating” Farms of Mexico

When faced with the seemingly impossible task of feeding a huge population in the ancient city of Tenochtitlan, the Aztecs came up with an ingenious solution about 1,000 years ago. Located in the...
Inside the cave system where the burials have been found at Tulum site.	Source: Promeza research project, Tulum. Jerónimo Aviles Olguin/INAH

Unprecedented Cave Burials Found At Tulum Open New Avenues of Investigation

A cave containing mortuary deposits of many individuals has been discovered within the walled confines of Tulum Archaeological Zone, the picturesque site of a coastal Maya city in Quintana Roo,...
Depiction of the Purépecha princess Eréndira in a mural entitled “the History of Michoacan” by Juan O'Gorman. Source: Lucy Nieto / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 DEED

Beyond the Aztecs: The Forgotten and Formidable Purépecha Empire

When talking about the major Mesoamerican civilizations, the Aztecs and Maya tend to dominate the conversation. But Mesoamerica refers to the region in the Americas that stretches from central Mexico...
Conical tombs at the newly found site in the Lomas de Chapultepec area to the west of present-day Mexico City.		Source: INAH

Artifact Laden Pre-Hispanic, Pre-Volcanic Tombs Excavated in Mexico

Archaeologists in Mexico were digging at a high-altitude village from the Early and Middle Preclassic periods (2500-400 BC), when they found 12 unique cone-shaped, or conical tombs. Inside, they...
AI Generated image depicting Aztec warrior looking towards the setting sun – (  ivan / Adobe Stock)

Tamoanchan: In Search Of The Origins Of The Aztecs

About 1,800 years ago, a group of people migrating from an unknown northern location began to settle in what is now called the Valley of Mexico. They are called Aztec, a name derived from the word...
The Mixtec tomb has revealed information about funerary rituals 1,500 years ago. Source: INAH

Warrior-Trader Mixtec Tomb Unearthed in Mexican Town Square

Archaeologists have unearthed a rare twin-chambered stone Mixtec tomb in central Mexico. This discovery is only the third of its kind in the region. What sets this tomb apart from the other two is...
The circular structure discovered at El Tigre, Campeche, Mexico.	Source: INAH

Circular Structure Connected to Kukulcán Discovered in El Tigre, Mexico

Overshadowed by more famous Maya sites like Chichen Itza and Palenque, the lesser-explored El Tigre in Campeche State has long held its secrets. But now, ongoing explorations are bearing fruit, as...
Aztec daily life seen in the Mural of the Aztec market of Tlatelolco by Diego Rivera. Palacio Nacional, Mexico City. Source: Diego Rivera/CC BY-SA 3.0

Daily Life of the Aztecs: A Blend of Agriculture, Hierarchy, and Culture

In the history of the Mesoamerican civilizations, the Aztecs occupy a major position. A lot of their history is known to us, mostly because of their contact with the Spanish conquistadors. But we...
Ancient Mayan city of Palenque. Source: adolfousier / Adobe Stock.

Ancient Mayan City of Palenque Was Home to a Legendary King (Video)

Nestled amid lush Mexican forests lies Palenque , a lesser-known Mayan city boasting remarkable architecture, sculptures, and carvings. Palenque's allure extends beyond its aesthetic beauty; it...
Top image:  Moche pottery depicting copulation.  Museo Larco – Lima, Perú

Sexuality and Nudity in Ancient Mesoamerica

The ancient civilizations of Mesoamerica left behind a rich artistic legacy that continues to captivate and intrigue modern scholars and enthusiasts. Among the myriad of themes that Mesoamerican art...
Colorful, stone snake deity head recovered in Mexico City.      Source: LANCIC. UNAM/INAH

Huge, Vibrant Snake Head from the Mexica Era Uncovered in Mexico City

In September 2022, beneath the surface of Mexico City and amidst the tremors of an earthquake, a massive stone-carved snake head emerged, believed to hail from the ancient Tenochtitlan era. Over a...
Teotihuacan, Mexico. Source: fergregory / Adobe Stock.

Bribes, Zoning, and Ancient Pyramids: Walmart's Corporate Greed at Teotihuacan (Video)

In 2012, The New York Times uncovered an elaborate tale of bribery involving one of the world's largest corporations. Walmart, a global powerhouse, faced scrutiny when The Times exposed a cover-up of...
General aerial view of the East Group at Kabal. Source: INAH

Archaeologists Excavate Huge 1,500-Year-Old Palace in Maya City of Kabah

During excavations at the site of the Maya city of Kabah in southeastern Mexico, archaeologists unearthed the ruins of an expansive but previously unknown palace, which was located in a recently...
