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Crown Jewels

The heart-breaking theft of some artifacts in history: The Crown Jewels and an illustration of Thomas Blood. The Mona Lisa.  Dublin Police notice of theft of crown jewels. Hans Memling's Last Judgement. Elgin Marbles. Rosetta stele. Solomon's Temple. Source: Historic Royal Palaces, Public Domain, Public Domain, Public Domain, Justin Norris/CC BY 2.0, Trustees of the British Museum/ CC BY NC SA 4.0, Public Domain

Stealing History: 10 of the Most Tragic Artifact Thefts in History

Throughout history, the theft of valuable artifacts has captivated the public's imagination, revealing the audacity and cunning of those who sought to possess pieces of our shared heritage. These...
Left; St Edward’s Crown, Right ; Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom. Source: Left; Public Domain, Right; Public Domain

Coronation of King Charles III Utilized Crown Jewels and Sacred Royal Regalia

Citizens of the United Kingdom will be witness to a rare and special moment on Saturday, May 6, when the former Prince Charles is official crowned as King Charles III. On display and in use at the...
A crown from the Khmer Crown jewel collection that has been returned to Cambodia.	Source: Cambodian Minister of Culture and Fine Arts

Centuries-Old Stolen Khmer Jewel Collection Returned to Cambodia

A huge cache of stolen crown jewels dating back to Cambodia’s legendary Khmer (Angkorian) Empire resurfaced in London last summer, and have now been returned to Cambodia, the BBC has announced . Some...
St. Edward's Crown, the centrepiece of the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom. Credit: The Royal Collection Trust

St. Edward’s Crown to Be Worn Again at King Charles III’s Coronation

The royal coronation of the newly proclaimed King Charles III will take place a few months from now. During this ancient ritual, which dates back nearly 1,000 years, the king will have placed upon...
Detail of the "Three Brothers" jewel from two paintings of Elizabeth I, the "Ermine Portrait" and "Elizabeth I of England holding an olive branch"	Source: CC BY-SA 3.0

What Happened to the Famous Three Brothers Jewelry?

In 1467 AD, the “Three Brothers” jewelry piece was inherited by Charles the Bold from his father Phillip the Good. Charles died in 1477 and was the last Duke of Burgundy. He carried the Three...
The rarest diamonds formed far below the surface. Source: Björn Wylezich / Adobe Stock

Diamond Secrets: Crown Jewels Gem Formed 400 Miles Deep

Discovered at the Premier No.2 mine in Cullinan, South Africa, on January 26, 1905, the famous “Cullinan diamond” is the largest gem-quality diamond ever found. Weighing an incredible 3,106.75 carats...
Main: The Crown Jewels. Credit: Historic Royal Palaces. Inset: An illustration of Thomas Blood. Photo source: Wikimedia.

Thomas Blood: The Man Who Stole the Crown Jewels

Thomas Blood is an infamous Irishman known as the ‘Man Who Stole the Crown Jewels’. The self-styled colonel lived during the 17th century and established his reputation as a rogue and trickster...
Main: The rough Cullinan Diamond (public domain). Inset: One of the nine stones it was cut into (public domain)

Find of a Lifetime: 3,106-Carat Diamond Worth US $2 Billion Takes Its Place in History

Created an unimaginably distant time in the past, diamonds are the most coveted and valued of precious stones. The story of the discovery and destiny of the Cullinan diamond, to this day the largest...